
  • 学习
  • 2022-11-02


English?is?very?important?today,we?have English?classes?in?school?every?day.?How?do?I?study?English??In?the?morningbefore?I?go?to?school I?will?listen?to?the?English?text?recording,follow,therecording。

读完D篇雕塑家的故事,结合自己经历或见闻,以Everyone can bespecial 为题,写一篇不少于60个字的短文。

Some people stand out because of their adorable appearance. while others impress

people with their amazing talents. However,without any shining spots,I used to

怎么学好英语的英语作文篇1 Nowadays,the English is becoming more and more important . There are many different ways to learn English well. For example, these are my ways to study English. First。

believe that I was too ordinary to be noticed.

&39;t be silly,vou have no idea how unique vou are. " Lilv,my best friend said firmly

我如何学习英语优秀范文(带翻译): There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this。

to me. My individual tag,according to her,is my sense of humor. The truth is. I'm


always a good listener when people around me have something to complain about,and

when they finish their stories,I could always make them laugh with my own

the moring and evening is the best time to learn.首先,兴趣和毅力。学习英语是一个长期的、费力的过程。所以只有兴趣能使你坚持学习。对于初学者,至少半个小时的学习是必须的,早上和晚上是最好的学习时间。Secondly。

perception of their experience.

&34; Lily added.

如何学好英语的英语作文80词篇1 How to learn English well?It’s true that to learn English well is every English learner’s dream. How to learn English well。

Not until then did I realize how good I am to get along with people,and now I believe

that I'm a special one to all of my friends.

Everyone is born to be one of a kind,as long as we take a closer look at ourselves.



Recently I have done the survey about whether students like to watch movies at home or in the cinema. 64% of the students like to watch movies at home for one thing they can spend less money for another they will have more choices of what to watch.However,others prefer going to the cinema. From their point of view,they will have the chance to enjoy huge screen and feel excellent sound in the cinema,which can always give them a wonderful watching experience.For me,it's a better idea to watch movies at home,I can be free to do what I want while watching movies like eating or talking about the characters with my family.

学好英语作文:Many students think learn English well is diffcult and obvious.If you had worked hard ,you would have found learning english well is easy and interesting.To help you。



如何学好英语英语作文1 With the development of the society, China has stepped on the road of internationalizaion. And as all sides of reasons, English has become the international language. Thus。

so I’m sure you should be interested in English at the beginning. Of course, It’s very important also for each English learner to explore learning skills and efficient ways。


满分作文As we all know,&34;Summer holiday is coming,I’ll do some service in my community to make it better. First,I&39;m going to hand out the leaflets on COVID-19 at our community hospital or other places. Next,I’ also planning to pick up and sort rubbish with my fiends in our community park. What’ more,I help the kids with their lessons and look after them as well.I&39;ll have a meaningful holiday this summer.



