
  • 学习
  • 2025-01-22

Unit 56 On the Internet

在日常生活中,因特网起越来越重要的作用。请根据下表所给提示为英文报写一篇题为“On the Internet”的征文稿。

现在疫情当前,为了学生安全,不集聚在一起,我们不能到学校上课,历史上放得最长的一次寒假。为了我们学习,老师在网上直播辅导我们学习。At present, for the sake of the safety of students。



cheap and saving time. With these, I believe online study will become more popular in the future.网上学习是一种新的学习知识的方法,网上课程灵活,便宜,省时.有了这些优势,我相信网上学习在将来会更受欢迎.




The Advantages of Online-learningAs the fast development of the technology, people use computer every day, it has become part of their life. With computer, people can do a lot of things。


There is a wide spread concern over the issue that should we learn English on Internet.The opinion concerning this hot topic is varies from person to person 。

On the Internet

因为疫情上网课的英语作文篇1 最近这几天我们也延迟开学了,但是老师可没有让我们闲着,全国的学生都实施了网上教学,刚开始觉得挺没意思的,每天有每天的课程,就像上学一样,不过后来我就发现比上学有趣多了。


The internet is playing a more and more important role① in our daily life. On the net,we can learn news at home and from abroad② and all kinds of ③other information as well④. We can also send messages by e-mail,make phone calls⑤,go to net school,read various kinds of books and learn foreign languages by ourselves⑥. Besides⑦,we can enjoy music,watch sports competitions and play cards or chess⑧. On the net,we can even do shopping,have a chat with⑨ others and make friends with⑩ them. In a word,the Internet has made our life more colorful.


①play an important role:起着重要作用

②news at home and from abroad: 国内外新闻

③all kinds of: 各种各样的

First, before classes, I need to make sure the Internet is fast enough, otherwise I may not catch the class; second, I need to pay more attention during online classes。

④as well: 也

⑤make phone calls: 打电话

they like.在线课程让他们永远不会忙着当他们喜欢学习。But the students cannot contact teachers, but interpersonal relations are important to their study.但学生不能接触老师,人际关系对他们的研究很重要。

⑥by oneself: 独自地,单独地


⑦besides: 除此以外,另外

⑧play cards or chess: 打牌或下棋

My parents bought me a computer as the birthday present last week。I tried getting online by myself。First I turned the computer,connect the line。

⑨have a chat with somebody ::与某人聊天

⑩make friends with sb.: 和某人交朋友



根据内容提示,围绕“On the Internet”这个中心,作者在文章首句就直接切题,指出“The internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily life”,然后,作者分别从获取信息、通讯联系、学习、娱乐及生活等方面具体说明因特网的用途。

在文中,作者运用了一些过渡词语,如also,besides,even,in a word等,这些过渡词语的使用使文章层次分明,条理清晰。另外,大量运用平行结构是本文的一大特色,这种结构的运用使文章内容清晰,朗朗上口,如行云流水。最后一句用in a word开头得出结论,首尾呼应,使全文结构完整紧凑,形成了一个有机的整体。
