
  • 读书
  • 2022-11-05

Hi,Bob the Canadian here. Welcome to part one of what will become a series of English lessons that I'm going to call the "Why Series" .This particular episode is called "Why Read?"

嗨,这里是加拿大人鲍勃。欢迎来到 "为什么系列"英语课。 这段特别的课程叫做 "为什么阅读"?

Because in this episode,I want to talk about why reading is an important thing to do when you are learning the English language.


I know most of you realize that reading is important。



but I thought I should just think about reading from a language teacher's perspective


and maybe just talk about things about reading that are cool,things that I think are important about reading and give you some tips on how you can read better as you continue to learn the English language. (upbeat playful music)

也许只是谈论一些我认为关于阅读很酷的和很重要的事情, 给你一些小贴士, 当你继续学习英语时,让你如何能读得更好。(乐观俏皮的音乐)

One of the most obvious things that makes reading cool is the fact that you can control the speed.


You can read as quickly,or as slowly as you want to. If you are reading something that is difficult。


you can slow down. If you are reading something that is easy to understand。

企业回刻意练习最重要的是选择合适难度的练习材料,阅词致力于打造贴身教练般的学习体验 正在全力开发,敬请期待.深圳阅词科技有限公司,专注于AI人工智能自然语言处理产品赋能英语教育,为用户打造全新的英语学习体验


you can speed up. This is different than something



like an English conversation. You really don't have very much control


over how fast the other person speaks. You can ask them to slow down。


but they don't always listen. But certainly one of the cool things about reading


is you are in complete control over the speed at which you read.


The second thing that's really cool about reading,and this is also a technique you should use


when you are reading,is the fact that you can read things more than once.


I can sit and read it for several hours. Books show me a new world. I can learn a lot from books. I always think that reading a good book is like talking with a wise friend. Thanks to books。

If you read a sentence in English and you don't understand it。


you can reread it to try and gain an understanding. If you did this in an English conversation。

你可以重读它, 试图获得理解。如果你在英语对话中这样做。

the person might get annoyed with you after a while if you constantly ask them to repeat themselves.

如果你经常要求他们重复自己, 这个人可能会在一段时间后惹恼你。

But when you're reading,you can very easily go back and reread a sentence


or reread a paragraph. You can even stretch this out.


If you read a book last year in English,try reading the book again this year again in English。


because it will simply reinforce everything that you learned the last time you read it.


Let me give you number three and four all at the same time.


The third and fourth things that make reading cool are you can do it almost anywhere.


You can read on the subway. You can read on the train.


You can read on a park bench. You can read in the morning or at night.


You can read on the couch. If you are stuck waiting for your child to be done


dance class,you can read a book. So you can do it almost anywhere


and you don't need a partner. The only thing you need to be able to read

Everyone of us has his spare time,and his favourite activities.My spare time is full of interesting activities.I read all kinds of books in the reading-room whenever I have time。


is you need a book or your smartphone or an e-reader. So number three and four,you can do it anywhere you want,i like reading英语作文。


and you don't need a partner to read. The fifth thing that's really cool about reading


when you are learning the English language is that you have time.


I know I already said you can read quickly,you can read slowly,but you also have time

I like reading best ,and I believe more people will enjoy reading books like me.(第一次写,错了请见谅)我的爱好是阅读,我喜欢读书,因为我认为通过读书我们可以学到很多知识并且开拓我们的视野。


when you are reading to figure things out. If someone in a conversation says something really quickly。


you don't always have time to figure out what they said,but if you see a word in a sentence

你并不总是有时间弄清楚他们说了什么, 但如果你在句子里看到一个字

and it looks like another word you already know,or maybe if you're lucky。

它看起来像另一个词, 你已经知道, 或者如果你幸运的话。

it looks like a word from your own native language,you have time when you are reading

它看起来像一个词从你自己的母语, 你有时间当你阅读

to stop and to figure out what it means. Speaking of your native language。


one of the other cool things about reading is that you can sometimes find books


that are in your native language and also in English. If there are any books that you have already read

My hobby is reading,I like reading books because I think we can learn a lot of knowledge and open our eyesight by reading books.I will read books if I have free time 。


in your native language,I highly recommend that you find the English version


of that book and read it again. This is not something you can duplicate

那本书, 再读一遍。这不是你可以复制的东西

with an English conversation. You're not going to find someone


willing to have a conversation in your own language and then have the same conversation in English.

愿意用你自己的语言交谈, 然后用英语进行同样的谈话。

This is very unique to reading,and it's a very powerful method


for using reading to learn the English language. Another cool thing about reading


is that you can stop to look up words. Now,you can do this with an actual dictionary。



but what I prefer to do when I'm reading in French,because I am someone who is constantly

但是当我用法语阅读时, 我更喜欢做什么, 因为我是一个经常的人

learning the French language,I like to read on an e-reader


because if there's a word I don't know,I can stop reading and I can just touch the word

因为如果有一个词我不知道, 我可以停止阅读, 我可以触摸这个词

and the definition of the word pops up on my screen. This is really hard to do if you're listening to a song


or having an English conversation. But when you are reading,it's very,very easy


to stop and look up a word that you don't know. Reading also connects really well


to all of the other things you are probably doing as you study the English language.

在学习英语时, 你可能正在做所有其他的事情。

When you read a book,you can also listen to the audio book. When you read a book,you can write parts of the book out


to practice your writing. When you're reading a book。


you can read the book out loud to practice your speaking. And you're definitely learning new grammar。


or at least seeing new grammar,and you are learning new vocabulary.

或者至少看到新的语法, 你正在学习新的词汇。

So of all of the different things you should be doing to study a language。


for me,I think reading is one of the best ones because it connects to all of the other things so well.


I also like the fact that reading can be really cheap. You don't have to buy all your books


in order to read in English. You could go to the library.


You can read things that you find on the internet. There are so many ways that you can read in English

我最喜欢的一本书 我非常喜爱阅读。我读了许多本书,但是我最爱的书是《哈利·波特》。哈利·波特在魔法界是一个著名的男孩,但是他并不知道。他很幸运。伏地魔从他出生开始就想杀了他。


where you do not need to spend any money. I think this might be my favorite one.


I'm a pretty cheap person. I don't like spending money.

I like reading,so I love many different kinds of books very much,because they not only broaden my horizons(视野)but also give me inspiration(灵感).我喜欢阅读,所以我很喜欢各种类型的书。


So I think this is gonna be the one that I say is the coolest.


One of the coolest things about reading is you can do it for almost no money or no money at all.


Another cool thing about reading in English is that you can choose to read about things


that you already know about. If you already have a lot of knowledge


in a certain area in life,I would start to read things in English about that.


Jen,for instance,really likes flowers. If Jen was learning a new language,我喜欢在家看书英语作文。

例如,珍真的很喜欢花。如果 Jen 正在学习一门新语言。

I would suggest to her that she reads things in that language about flowers。


books,magazines,newspaper articles,anything that she could find。


because she would then be connecting her current knowledge with what she is reading in English.


This isn't always easy to do in a conversation. Sometimes people talk about things


and you don't know what they're talking about because even in your own language or in your own life。

你不知道他们在说什么, 因为即使在你自己的语言或自己的生活中。

you don't have a lot of knowledge in that area. So another cool thing about reading。


you can read about things that you already know about. One of the things that I do think


is really cool about reading is that you will learn new vocabulary。

阅读真的很酷, 你会学到新的词汇。

but you will learn it in context. What that means is that you aren't just learning


the word for cat. You are seeing a sentence with the word cat in it.


You are not just learning new vocabulary using flashcards. You are seeing that vocabulary


in an actual English sentence. So another really cool thing about reading


and why it is important is because you will not only learn new vocabulary。


but you will see that vocabulary used in a perfect English sentence.


Okay,don't do this last one if the book you are reading is from the library or if it is a book you do not own.


But another cool thing about reading is that you can write in the book.


So you can't do this when you're listening to a song,you can't do this


when you're having an English conversation,but when you are reading a book,you can underline words.


You can make notes in the margin. You can do a whole lot of things


that help you remember the words that you are learning. Well,hey,thank you for watching this little English lesson


where I kinda talked about why reading is cool,why some things that you can do in reading will be helpful。


and why I think reading is important when you are learning the English language.


I'm Bob the Canadian. Thanks again so much for watching.

My hobby is reading book,i have many books,and every day i read book two hours,for example ,magazine,i think it is very interting.literature,i think it can help me with my daily life.我的爱好是读书。


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