
  • 我的故事
  • 2025-01-22

花木兰是我国历史上杰出的女英雄,她机智勇敢,战功显赫,可是年纪轻轻的她为什么会选择从军呢? 花木兰小时候是一个聪明伶俐、孝敬父母、勤劳的女孩子。她从小失去了母亲,爹爹含辛茹苦地养大了她和弟弟。木兰的爹爹年纪大了,花木兰故事英文概括80词,她勇敢地承担起照顾弟弟的责任,花木兰英语作文80字初二上册,做饭、洗衣服、织布,把家里打理得井井有条(形容条理分明,整齐有序),介绍花木兰的英语作文60词。木兰的爹爹很是欣慰,常常为自己有这样一个好女儿而自豪。 有天晚上,木兰做完饭,照顾爹爹和弟弟吃了饭后就去前堂织布。忽然一个军官骑着马来到她家门前,木兰停下手中的活,迎上去问军官有什么事情,军官递给她一份公文,说:“敌人来犯,边疆已经开战,士兵牺牲了不少,皇帝命令征兵,花木兰从军英语作文,及时补充兵力,花木兰的观后感英语60字。你们家有个壮丁名额在公文上,必须有一个人去边关打仗。”木兰心下一沉,连忙打开看,爹爹的名字果真在名册上。木兰心情沉重,晚上躺在床上辗转反侧,心想:爹爹上年纪了,出去征战怕有什么闪失,但是弟弟还小,怎样才能为国出力呀?木兰一晚上都没睡好,对着窗口发呆的时候灵机一动,想出一个好主意——女扮男装。 第二天一大早,木兰就独自上街买了一匹枣红马,又去订做了一身战袍,对着镜子剪掉自己留了多年的长发,装扮成一个小伙子,告别爹爹和弟弟,随着大军到边疆参加战斗,保家卫国。 木兰在边疆随军征战十二年,因为机智勇敢,战功显赫(显著),被提拔为大将军。胜利归来后,花木兰影评英文80词,皇帝希望木兰能留在朝廷为国效力,承诺封给她大官做,还给了木兰许多赏赐,关于花木兰的英语作文加翻译。但木兰想念家人,什么也不要,只求皇帝让自己返回家乡。皇帝见木兰心意已决,无可奈何(没有办法;没有办法可想)地让她回家。木兰收拾完东西就和几个一起打仗的好伙伴回家了。木兰回到家后,悄悄地进门梳妆打扮。换上以前的好看衣服,花木兰英语作文初三,从抽屉里找出珠花头饰戴上。等到木兰再出门的时候,和她一起打过仗的伙伴们都惊呆了。谁也没有想到,和自己相处了十二年的木兰原来是个美丽的姑娘! 阅读鉴赏 朝廷招兵,花木兰不忍让年迈的父亲和年幼的弟弟去战场打仗,便女扮男装随大军到边疆战斗,保卫国家。她勤劳善良又坚毅勇敢,是我们学习的榜样。

Hua Mulan is a heroine who joined the army for her father, according to what is described in a famous Chinese ancient poetry The Ballad of Mulan.花木兰是中国有名古诗《木兰辞》中描绘的一位替父从军的英雄。

It is said that Mulan is the Northern Wei, northern people like martial arts.Mulan's father is a former soldier, was Mulan when the boy to cultivate. Mulan as a teenager。

Once upon a time, therewas a girl called Hua Mulan. Since Mulan has no brothers, she has no choice but to join the army instead of her father.

Mulan is a 1998 American animated film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation,and released by Walt Disney Pictures on June 19, 1998.The thirty-sixth animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics。

and a part of the Disney Renaissance, the film is based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan。

Who would not like to be like a Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods?To a certain extent,buying products to emulate the persons shown in the advertisements can make a person feel better about him or herself。

and a part of the Disney Renaissance, the film is based on the Chinese legend of Hua Mulan。


Opening the cabinet door under the sink, he saw no dripping water. He went to the closet and got a flashlight. When he shined the light into the cabinet under the sink。

Hua Mulan, an ancient Chinese heroine, is loyal, filial and righteous.花木兰,中国古代巾帼英雄,忠孝节义。The story of his father's defeat of an invading nation has been passed down through the ages。
