
  • 学习
  • 2022-10-26


【热点时事1 三孩政策】



1. 观点突出,语法正确,条理清晰;

报班跟外教学英语课程也是不错的方法,系统化体系化学习更有效果,分享跟外教免费学英语链接:【点击领取欧美外教免费试听课礼包】学习英语的重要性的英语作文范文如下:Nowadays,with the prevalence of learning English。

2. 词数:不少于90。

keep sb company 作伴

“如何学习英语”的优秀英语范文参考如下:I think the best way of learning English is speaking as much as possible.here is some advice for you.First, We should try to listen to the teacher carefully 。

responsibility 责任

Different people have different opinions about the three-child policy. Since I'm the only child in my family,I quite welcome it.

If my parents are to have another child,I will support them. I&39;s more,I can always share my happiness and sorrow with him or her. Having a sister or brother can also help me become more independent and learn to care for others.

【热点时事2 建党100周年】

一百年来,一代又一代的中国共产党人,为实现国家富强和人民幸福艰苦奋斗、无私奉献, 留下了许多感人的故事。那么,你有没有印象深刻的党员呢?他或她的哪些事迹感动了你?请你用英语写一篇短文讲讲他或她的故事向某英文杂志社投稿。


1. 要点明确,语法正确,条理 清晰;

2. 词数:不少于90。

关于学习的英语范文:English is more important now. But it is difficult for many students to study it. Now I make some suggestion, maybe can help you. First。

It is in difficult times that heroes are born. They step up and bring people hope and confidence.

Zhong Nanshan is such a hero. In 2003,when SARS hit China,he volunteered to treat patients. When the novel coronavirus hit Wuhan in 2020,he again went to the front line. He was already 84,but he still went there to deal with the dangerous virus. He was also the first expert to tell the public that the virus can go from person to person. Soon he came up with a treatment plan that saved many lives.

学好英语作文:Many students think learn English well is diffcult and obvious.If you had worked hard ,you would have found learning english well is easy and interesting.To help you。

Zhong once said,"The hospitals are our battlefield. When we are needed,we should charge forward. He has given Chinese people confidence in winning this fight.

【时事热点3 清朗行动】



1. “饭圈”乱象是否存在于你身边?

2. 你认为“饭圈”乱象产生的原因是什么?

如何学习英语的英语作文:English is important and useful to us。How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions。First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs。

3. 你如何看待“清朗行动”?


1. 包含以上要点,可适当发挥;

2. 词数100左右。

&34; culture happens around me. One of my best friends is a good example. I don&34;Clear and Bright" campaign can help her give up this idol obsession.

【热点时事4 双减政策】


policy 政策 assignment 作业

我如何学习英语优秀范文(带翻译): There are four key points to study English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this。

carry out 执行 benefit 好处

Since the &34; policy was carried out,our school and our students lives have been changed significantly. Obviously,we have less homework than before. Meanwhile,we are required to finish it all at school,which means there are no more school assignments at home. The most exciting thing is that I don&34;double reduction" policy.




1. 涵盖以上问题,可适当发挥。

2. 逻辑清晰,语言通顺有条理。

3. 100词左右。

Doctor,scientist,athlete,teacher — I've been wondering what I will be in the future for a long time. Now I know I want to be a musician — a pianist,in fact.

It is because I don&39;s what I want be to in the future. I want to influence the whole world's arts with unique compositions or with my own style. I want to show the qualities of a true artist — who seeks neither fame nor fortune,but a boundary that has not been reached by other artists.

That is what I want to do in the future.

【时事阅读6 十九届六中全会】

English?is?very?important?today,we?have English?classes?in?school?every?day.?How?do?I?study?English??In?the?morningbefore?I?go?to?school I?will?listen?to?the?English?text?recording,follow,therecording。



1. 涵盖以上要点,可适当发挥。

2. 逻辑清晰,语言通顺有条理。

3. 100 词左右。

Waking up in the morning,I feel fresh and relaxed. A robot comes into my room. It serves me breakfast.

Then,I jump up and turn on my computer. I have an email. It says,"The first group of volunteers has assembled Brilliant! The plan to move people to the moon can officially start. The first step is to teach them how to control robots on the moon. This way,they can build houses.

After enjoying my breakfast,I fly my car to the building where I work. This is just another work day in 2035. What a fun life!

英语作文《学习英语的重要性》范文:English is widely used throughout the world. so many people speak it as a second language. ()n line, you'll find lots of information in english。

【时事热点7 团圆】



1. 亲生父母为寻找自己付岀很多心血;

2. 真正的血缘至亲;

3. 对陌生环境感到不安;


1. 抚养之恩;

我是怎样学习英语的英语作文:As English is one of the main subjects that the Chinese students have to take up, learning English becomes prevalence. More and more students find it hard to learn English。

2. 已经产生感情;

3. 对生活环境更熟悉;


1. 100词左右,文章开头已给岀, 不计入总词数。

2. 文中不得岀现真实姓名、校名。

February 26,2022

I recently found out that my parents did not give birth to me. It was such a shock.

I was moved to know that my birth parents had been trying so hard to look for me. They must love me very much. Although we have not been in touch for many years,we are still related by blood,and nothing can change that. But I still feel a little bit uneasy about moving to another city to live with them because I&39;s more,I've developed a deep relationship with my current family. They actually have done a lot to raise me,so I should be thankful to them.

Although it&39;t allow the abduction of children. Because of this,I will go to live with my birth family.

【时事热点8 家庭教育法】



1. 家长应多与孩子一起参加活动;

2. 家长应积极和孩子交流;

3. 家长应以身作则,不能沉迷电子产品;


It’s true that to learn English well is every English learner’s dream. How to learn English well? You know “interest” is the key to study lessons well。

1. 词数90左右;

2. 文中须包括所有要点,每个要点可适当发挥,使文章连贯、通顺。

be addicted to 沉迷于

Hello everyone。

It&39; thoughts here. As we all know,students&39; own efforts,parents' efforts are also important.

First of all,we hope parents can spend more time with us,such as taking part in some activities with us. Then,we hope parents can communicate with us more. That&39;s more,we want parents to set an example. If parents ask us not to be addicted to electronic products,parents should do the same. Finally,we hope that parents can respect our privacy and trust us.

I hope we can work together to understand and respect each other so that we can make progress.
