
  • 2022-11-04

短文讲的是作者的一次做菜经历:番茄炒蛋,西红柿炒鸡蛋英语作文初二,下面是题目,文中有10处错误,请标出并改正. 改错题历年都很简单,初中生都可以满分. 为了增加挑战性,我加了一个时态错误,介绍糖醋排骨的英语作文,赶快来试试吧!

3, add 3 tablespoons of oil released fry, Add the eggs pot stand out炒熟Sheng.4 Heat the remaining oil, stir fried chip under the tomatoes, salt, sugar speculation moment。

西红柿炒鸡蛋的做法西红柿切薄瓣。大小要均匀,厚度要一致。 鸡蛋打散,加入少许盐、少许糖、少许凉白开水。再另外一只碗中,放入少许淀粉,倒入2勺鸡汤,拌匀,再加入少许的盐和糖继续拌匀。 炒锅中加入葱油。

材料:西红柿、鸡蛋、葱 1番茄切块,鸡蛋打散,小葱切碎。2坐锅放油烧热,倒入鸡蛋。3大火快速滑炒后装起。4用余油开始炒番茄。5要一直炒至出汤,出汤后再加小半碗水进去。6等到汤汁渐浓之后把鸡蛋和葱花倒进去。

Today I tried cooking a simply dish myself. I like eating frying tomatoes with eggs ,番茄炒鸡蛋制作过程英文作文,and I thought it must to be easy to cook .My mom told me how to preparing it. First I cut the tomatoes into pieces but put them aside. Next I broke the eggs into a bowl and beat them quickly with chopstick . After that I poured oil into a pan and turned off the stove. I waited patiently unless the oil was hot. Then I put the tomatoes and the beaten eggs into pan together.”Not that way,介绍鱼香肉丝的英语作文,” my mom tried to stop us but failed. She was right. It didn’t turn out as I wished.(答案在下面图片里,增加的时态错误答案在图片下方)


鸡蛋打散,切好葱花蒜片备用 锅烧热,放入鸡蛋,旺火炒,鸡蛋进去立即边上会膨胀的状态,鸡蛋炒到老一点,表面为金黄色,盛出备用 加少量油,炝入葱花片,炒出香味儿后放入西红柿,炒几下,加一点料酒一点盐。

How to make scrambled eggs with tomatos, now I'll show you:First Step: one tomoto and one green chili, chop them one by one Secondly, prepare 3 eggs, break the eggs into the bowl。

增加的那个时态错误在文章最后一句话,西红柿炒鸡蛋菜谱英语作文,It didn’t turn out as I (had)wished.

西红柿 2个 鸡蛋 2个 辅料 油 适量 盐 适量 姜 适量 蒜 适量 洋葱 适量 糖 适量 鸡精 适量 小麻油 适量 步骤 1.锅烧热,入油,也就是热锅冷油 2.入洋葱碎中小火慢慢煸透,煸香。

Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,

make scrambled eggs with tomatoes Scrambled egg with tomato is a home-cooked food,it both delicious and easy to do.Do scrambled egg with tomato need raw materials have a tomato,three eggs。

1、First of all , you need to prepare two tomatoes and two eggs,These are the main ingredient of this dish 译文:首先,你需要准备两个西红柿和两个鸡蛋,它们是这道菜的主料。2、And then。
