my room英语作文小学六年级1 I have a small room, I like it very much, I call it small world!My wooden door was yellow, the handle was black。
I have a neat, clean, spacious and bright bedroom. It belongs to my own small world.我有一间既整洁干净又宽敞明亮的卧室,它是属于我自己的一片小天地。The moment you enter the room。
在Prep年级的英语写作课上,第19单元的主题是“家”。本单元的教学重点是形容词和副词的使用。在第一节课上,为了扩充话题相关的词汇,my room英语作文带翻译初一,我们通过观看room tour的视频,引导同学们总结归纳和“房屋”有关的词汇,涉及房屋结构(structure)、建筑材料(building materials),家居装饰(decorations)等,从而全面提升词汇量,为写作部分优先打好词汇基础。
通过讲解形容词和副词的正确用法,同学们开始思考:如何描绘自己的ideal house呢?如何在写作的过程中恰如其分地使用形容词和副词呢?如何在网课这种教学模式下进行英语写作练习呢?在写作课上,我们学习了如何用绘画来作为写作构思的第一笔,从而帮助同学们完成最终的作文。在写作之前,可以先将自己的ideal house画下来,并且巧用电子设备的一些软件或水彩笔填上颜色,在画作完成后,根据图片上的内容来完成作文。在整个练习过程中,师生就创作过程进行热烈交流,my room英语作文初一上册,核心写作词汇得以不断重复,增强了英语写作课的趣味性,并有效帮助同学们整理写作思维,高效完成英语写作技能的培养。
my room英语作文 篇1 My secret base is my room, because there are a lot of things inside. Like a doll, with things before, my work, drawings, etc., are all treasures in my room. During the day。
接下来,my room初一英语作文,让我们先欣赏几幅同学们的优秀的画作吧!
From Prep Lucy
also, most of the things in my room are all pink. As someone enters my room, the first thing that he or she will see is a cream dresser with a stylish design coated on it. In it。
双语范文参考如下:My room My room is simple and warm.There is a small bed, a table, a bookshelf and a wardrobe in my room. It's simple, isn't it? But there are many lovely toys on the bed。
小学英语作文my room篇1 I have a little bedroom, it is warm and comfortable.My little bedroom is about 14 square meters, in the bedroom, there are many friends to accompany me。
From Prep Mercy
英语作文如下:Hello, everybody。My family live in an apartment,There is a kitchen, a living room, two bedrooms and so on。 I like my room。大家好。我家住在公寓里。有一个厨房,一个客厅,两间卧室等等。
From Prep Amber
my room英语作文篇1 Remember when I was four years old, my mother designed a small cabin for me. My room is not big, but I still think there is a lot of room for me to play in。
My room This is my room.It’s a nice room.There is a window in the wall,and a bed next to the window.My desk is between my bookcase and my bed.There are a lot of books in the bookcase。
From Prep Olivia
最后,同学们还以presentation的形式,将自己的Ideal house介绍给大家,再次锻炼了大家的英语语言表达能力,对学习的内容也进行了加强和巩固。
From Prep Renee
From Prep Tom He
My room is not big but very clean.我的房子不大,但很干净。 There is a bed in the room .房间里有一张床。There is also a desk and a chair beside the bed.床边有一张书桌和一张椅子。
Prep Olivia:画画可以帮助写作更加地“丰富多彩”!我相信人脑对画作的想象空间比文字要来得简单,看着画来写作比脑袋里想得更加丰富、更加具体。纯写作会比较枯燥,尤其是一些细节的东西会显得整个文章像是在记流水账,my room英语作文5句话。但是如果先画再去写,可以使文章更具体生动和形象,也会使写作更方便。按照图画写可以按照图的顺序,比如从上到下、从里到外,my room英语作文带翻译,这样就不容易忘记也不会思维跳脱,文章也更有层次。所以,先画图再写作不仅可以使自己的写作过程更加清晰,还可以把物品描写得更好,同时一边写作的时候也会有灵感,更加丰富画的内容,这样等文章写完的同时你也会收获一幅画作。
Prep Amber:在这次的作业中,在写作文之前先画画确实有助于我写作文,它可以帮助我更好地构思,更直观地展示我的想法和点子,my ideal room英语作文,整篇文章都是在画面的基础上构建的,帮助我更轻松地写出文章。就我而言,画面是更直观的表达方式,是直接的视觉效果呈现;而写作,就不那么直观了,它需要每个人在阅读之后,my room英语作文70字,自己用心去感受,进而想象构思。所以,每个人都可能会有不同的想法,不局限于某个固定的画面。并且写作可以运用各种修辞手法来润色文章,从而达到更好的效果。而这次作业结合两者,既有画面上直观的表达,也有文章中表达出的美好幻想与意境,体现出我们对梦想中的房子的憧憬,myroom英语作文6句话带翻译。