
  • 六年级作文
  • 2022-09-27

You must pay attention to the traffic lights.

You must stop and wait at a red light.

my holiday plan This holidy I am going to the zoo with my parents.My father made the promise last week.We will go there by bus.I can not wait to see those lovely animals。

6年级上册英语作文篇1 The Good Book I go to bookstore today, I want to find some interesting books to read. After walking around for a while, I stop in the travel books zone. I open the books。

You must go at a green light.

it causes my passion to learn English.我现在在上初中,从周一到周五我有很多的课,我最喜欢的科目是英语。上周,我的英语老师给我们布置了一个任务,她要求我们做一个展示,展示我们最喜欢的英语国家的名人。

六年级英语作文1 “唉!真是的!煮熟的鸭子都飞了!”一想到昨天的英语单词对抗赛,我就懊悔不已,痛心疾首。昨天到底发生了什么事呢?所有的男同胞都准备接受“噩耗”吧!呜呜…… 昨天英语课上,学完单词后, s.刘突然问了一句。

You must slow down and stop at a yellow light.

Being the only child in my family, I really live a happy life. My parents provide me with all the things that I need. I can enjoy all the best things at home.But I also have some problems。

I am going to have a busy weekend.On Saturday,I am going to do my homework in the morning.On Saturday afternoon,I am going to read a magezine.I am going to see a film on Sunday morning。

The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful。

Don't run on the ferry.

六年级英语作文小学篇1 Exercise Exercise is something common but significant. Although nearly everyone knows its importance, I still want to emphasize today.锻炼是一件很普通却又很重要的事情。

This is my happy and busy weekend. Do you like this weekend?翻译:周末来临了。我的周末会过得很快乐。星期六早上,我要做作业,然后出去玩,我要去书店看书,到了晚上,我和我的父母去外边吃饭,星期日早上。

如下:A:How do you go to school?B:I usually go to school by car.Sometimes I go to school on foot.A:Oh,me too!Let us go to school!B:OK!Let us go!翻译 你怎么去上学?我通常开车去上学。

Don't climb trees.

Don't go at a red light.

