
  • 我的故事
  • 2025-01-31

“叶公子高好龙,叶公好龙是中华成语故事吗,钩以写龙,凿以写龙,屋室雕文以写龙。于是夫龙闻而下之,窥头于牖,施尾于堂。叶公见之,弃而还走,失其魂魄,五色无主。是叶公非好龙也,好夫似龙而非龙者也,叶公好龙小古文。[2]”(出自 汉·刘向《新序·杂事五》)

In the east of China, there is a small town---Haimen. I was born there. Today, I am telling you about my hometown. Haimen is not far from Shanghai. It’s at the mouth of the Changjiang River。

There is a young man, Lord Ye. He likes dragons vey much. He draws many dragons in his house. The house becomes a world of dragon.有个年轻人,姓叶,非常喜欢龙.他在屋里里面了许多许多龙。


There is a young man, Lord Ye. He likes dragons vey much. He draws many dragons in his house. The house becomes a world of dragon.有个年轻人,姓叶,非常喜欢龙。他在屋里面画了许多许多龙。

Long long ago there lived a man named Yegong who had a strong taste in dragons,so he dressed himself with dragon pattens on the clothes,also he had his desks,chairs,pillars and walls painted with them。

1.叶公好龙: 来历:“叶公好龙”,出自汉儒刘向的《新序》中。孔子生前周游列国,游说诸候,均不被重用。他死后直到汉武帝“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”,儒家学说,才受到了极度的尊重。对于孔子生前不被诸候重视。

“Hi,Mr.Ye!Nice to meet you,” the real dragon comes to visit.Mr.Ye runs away as fast he can.“Oh,my God!Help!Help!” he runs and shouts.”叶公好龙 有个年轻人,姓叶,非常喜欢龙。

, Burning one's own way to retreat and being determined to fight to the end (破釜沉舟), The proverbial Lord Ye who claimed to be fond of dragons was in fact mortally afraid of them (叶公好龙)。

1.叶公好龙 Professed love of what one really fears Long ago, there was a person named Chu Zhuliang who addressed himself as "Lord Ye." It was said that this Lord Ye was very fond of dragons。

苍老的,皮肤已经打皱了,似乎在诉说主人一生的饱经风霜。但那双手依然有力,青绿色的血管 ,让人感受到生命的张力。无数次,我多么想握住这双手,可那都是在梦中。 又是一个细雨朦朦的深秋。

关于叶公好龙英语故事版本1 Lord Ye's Love of the Dragon There is a young man, Lord Ye. He likes dragons vey much. He draws many dragons in his house. The house becomes a world of dragon。



