
  • 独立
  • 2022-11-10

Stand on your Own Feet

it is also making it increasingly difficult to think for one’s self. The old fashion way of forming an opinion, by examining the facts and shaping an opinion from them。

Directions: For this part,学会独立的英语作文带翻译,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Stand on Your Own Feet. You’re given the first sentence of each paragraph. You should write at least 120 words (not including the given words).

Stand on Your Own Feet

There is an old saying that “Self-help is the best help”.——————————————


学会经济独立的重要性 做为一个女人,要让自己经济变得独立,男人亦是这样。我们只有成为一个经济独立的人,才能说自己具备独立的人格。学会经济独立,做为一个男人,要具备养家糊口的能力。做为一个女人。


Those who have depended on others all their lives are seldom good for anything in a crisis.———————————————---------------------------------------------------------------------



.In some western countries,it is universally accepted that the prime element in character is the power of self-direction.———————————————————————————

By asking questions, you're using a skill called “critical thinking.”想象有一天一个陌生人接近你,说:“我能使你变得富有,如果你做我说。“你立即遵循他的指示,或开始问问题吗?最有可能的是。




写作思路:可以明确地写出一些建议或者好的方法,比如家长要为孩子制定规律的行程,家长要多多制造机会,让孩子和别人相处,家长要让孩子体验锻炼独立性的游戏等等。正文:Parents should gradually separate from their children。

just as the same implies,self-tought means that you teach yourself without asking help from your classmates or teachers。


Stand on Your Own Feet①

There is an old saying② that “Self-help is the best help”③. The truth of it has been proved by the successful lives of great men and women in history. They depended on their own strength,fought their way to④ triumph over the road of difficulty and through all sorts of obstacles. Some poor people who have been self-educated won for themselves distinguished⑤ positions with the respect and esteem of the whole world.

As we all know,self-tought is becoming more and more important ,just as the same implies,self-tought means that you teach yourself without asking help from your classmates or teachers。

Those who have depended on others all their lives are seldom good for anything in a crisis⑥. When difficulty of misfortune comes,they look around for somebody to rely on⑦. When there is no prop⑧,and their efforts to seek support are in vain⑨,they fail. On the other hand,独立的重要性英语作文结尾,many a person has succeeded simply because he has supported himself. It is true,indeed,如何学会独立的英语作文,that we can lean on neither parents nor others all our lives.

In some western countries,it is universally accepted that the prime element in character is the power of self-direction. The supreme⑩ aim of school discipline and family education is to prepare the young to be self-governing men and women. The young people there don’t want to live in their parents’ shadow and think it shameful to depend on their parents for money. We Chinese should learn from them. Let’s remember the famous saying “God helps those who help themselves”11,and stand on our own feet.


①stand on your own feet:自主,自食其力

父母应该培养孩子的独立性 Parents Should Help Children to Be Independent In our country。

②an old saying:古老的格言;谚语

③self-help is the best help:自助是最好的帮助;天助不如自助

④fight their way to:他们一路冲过去(直到)

which can build up their sound mind and body. On the other hand, being independent also means that they need to be risk to facing more obstacles by themselves.A survey。


⑥in a crisis:面临危机;处在紧要关头

self-tought is becoming more and more important ,just as the same implies,self-tought means that you teach yourself without asking help from your classmates or teachers。

⑦rely on:依赖;依靠


⑨in vain:无益地;徒然的


I have a dream.And this is the goal for me. I want to be a doctor.I think that the doctor can help lots of people .I can help people from illness.What's more, I like helping others。

11God helps those who help themselves:天道酬勤;自助者天助


这是一篇典型的段首句作文。这种题型的作文曾经在四级考试中出现过几次。作者在第一段运用举例说明法对所给的主题句“Self-help is the best help”进行论证,大学生独立的重要性英语作文。在第二段,关于独立自主的英语作文,作者结合本段论点Those who have depended on others all-their lives are seldom good for anything in a crisis用例子(在遭遇不幸和困难时,有的人失败了,而有些人战胜困难取得成功)来证明。在段末再做出小结:We can lean on neither parents nor others all over lives。这句话既强调了主题,又起到了照应段首句的作用。末段对照西方国家的一些观念和经验,进一步阐明了学会自立的重要性。

