介绍自己家庭的英语作文,my family小短文

  • 自己
  • 2022-11-03


1.clean up清洁

2.flea market 跳蚤市场

3.a touch of pride 一丝自豪

4.household chores 家务劳动

介绍我的家庭成员英语作文 篇1 There are three people in my family, father, mother and I, our family is very warm. You see, mom and dad's humor is tough, deserve to go up again my naughty。

5.house/household cleaning 大扫除

6.help with trash picking 帮忙捡垃圾

介绍我的家庭英语范文分享:I love my family very much. My father is very busy. My mother is a housewife. My younger brother is very good. And I’m in Grade Five. I love studying too。

7.join our neighbors 和我们的邻居一起

正文:I have a happy and warm family. There are: hardworking mother, able father, smart sister, and lovely me.我有一个幸福、温馨的家庭。有:勤劳的妈妈、能干的爸爸、聪明的姐姐,还有可爱的我。

8.take on a new look 焕然一新

9.take on responsibility 承担起责任

10.relieve their workload 减轻他们的工作量

11.make your own decisions 做出自己的决定

12.in my neighbourhood/community在我的小区


13.a lot of fitness equipment 许多健身器材

14.tidy,comfortable and harmonious干净、舒适、和谐

15.avoid quarrels with your parents避免和你的父母争吵

16.spend time with your parents 花时间陪父母

17.the only access to the village通往村子的唯一道路

family的意思是“家庭”,指“家庭全体成员”时,为集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。作为“家庭整体”看待时,谓语动词要用单数形式。谓语动词无论是单数形式还是复数形式, family都应该用复数代词指代。

18.take part in the competition 参加比赛

19.take the burden to earn money担起挣钱的责任

20. show respect to our parents 向父母表示尊敬

介绍家庭的英语作文一 In the east of China, there is a small city---Haimen. I was born there. Today, I am telling you about my hometown. Haimen is not far from Shanghai。

they are always there.翻译参考:我有一个很棒的家庭,而我很幸运能够成为其中的一员。让我来给你介绍一下吧。我的家庭姓氏是李。我们家族的历史悠久而光辉。现在家庭成员有五个人,我的父母很爱我。

Ⅱ. 佳句背诵

1.As for me,I respect and love my parents. 至于我,我尊重和爱我的父母。

2.Everyone wants to live in a harmonious family.人人都想生活在一个和谐的家庭里。

关于介绍自己家庭的初一英语作文三篇篇1 Home is a warm noun, because it means a place full filled with love and support. Home is not just a place where we live in。

3.Each of the family members gets on well with each other. 家庭的每个成员都相处得很好。

4.I think everyone should take responsibility to create a harmonious family.


5.Many people do have a great influence on me,but I think no one can be compared with my mother.


6.There is a big garden,which grows many lovely flowers and tall trees.

那里有一个大花园,里面长着许多美丽的花朵和高大的树木,my family小短文。

7.The air is very fresh,making me feel really nice.空气很清新,让我感觉真的很好。

8.The people in the neighborhood are all friendly,and we often help each others.


初一英语作文介绍自己的家庭50字带翻译 介绍自己的家庭作文: Everyone in the world has his own family. Whenever the word "family" is mentioned, it will bring me a feeling of tenderness, peace and happiness。

9.Sometimes,we will organize some interesting activities to make our life more colorful.


10.We all really love our neighborhood.I'm proud that I can live in it.


Ⅲ. 语段背诵

I love Shanghai,英语作文家庭介绍50字,first and foremost,because of its people. People in Shanghai are known for their passion,friendliness and open-mindedness.I love Shanghai because it is beautiful. There are many famous landmarks. Have you ever been to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower? The view from the top of it is breathtaking, especially at night. I also love Shanghai because it is full of “magic. &34; Shanghai was only a small fishing village at first,but the city has seen rapid development,especially over the past few decades. Now,Shanghai is one of the largest economic and trade centers in the world. Efforts are still being made to make the city even better. I love Shanghai and I want to help make it even more attractive.

介绍自己家庭的英语作文1 Holle,my name is Zhang Hui.There are three people in my famly.My father, my mothr and I.I haven't any sister or birther.My father is a worker.He is thirty-seven years old。


你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请你以“我家的家风”( My Family Tradition)为题,写一篇短文参赛,家庭英语作文4~5句。内容包括:

1.介绍你家的家风; 2.对你的影响。

注意: 1.词数80左右; 2.题目已为你写好。

My Family Tradition

Different families have different traditions,which are passed down from generation to generation. In my family,the tradition is attaching great importance to education. My grandparents did what they could to send my parents to have good education. Although my parents seldom buy me expensive items,they’re always ready to offer me the best education.

My family tradition makes me aware that it is important to receive good education.Consequently,I cherish every second to learn. In short,I’ll continue to observe my family tradition and make it stay alive.
