
  • 自己
  • 2025-01-29



Dear FutureMe,亲爱的未来的我,I hope you are more excited about your 33rd birthday than you were about your 32nd birthday. 33 is your lucky number so if things have not started to look up。


I feel extremely positive of stepping forward bravely in the beginning,that becomes crucial for the success of a plan to be implemented in coming days. This fact comes to that I would achieve only one ambition in a career that proves difficultly successful.

用英语写给未来的自己一封信篇一 Dear Sherri 亲爱的Sherri By the time you read this you will be 30. At the age of 18 I had so many hopes and dreams about where you’d be。



By means of this,I get to know about great effort I should pay on working towards my goal with self-confidence. Combining with this,I would take special measures,写给自己未来的英语信及翻译,in an attempt by me to make a workable action plan to see promising future in my career.

That brings me to get motivated in the possible business kept a rise in potentially-financial profit,enabling my employees to live happily. This arises from the positively-developmental psychology to take the newly-beginning step towards my realistically- ambitious goal as reached of mine. This,I was only to learn later.




步骤㈠说出主题,提示观点句:I feel extremely positive of stepping forward bravely in the beginning,that becomes crucial for the success of a plan to be implemented in coming days.

soiwilltreasuremytime,enjoymylifeandtrymybesttodoeverythingwell.我的梦想 我有一个梦想就是我永远年轻,然后我就会有足够的精力去做我想做的事情,而且,我就不会因年老无法照顾自己而忧虑。我深知我的梦想不会实现。

英语作文写给未来的自己篇1 Future me:Hello,I am so glad to write a letter to you.Can you tell me what I am like in the future.I am so want to know it.Do you know。

步骤㈡主题产生的原因:I would achieve only one ambition in a career that proves difficultly successful.

步骤㈢主题产生的结果: to pay great effort on working towards my goal with self-confidence.



This helps me take special measures,in an attempt by me to make a three-point action plan to see promising future in my career.

给未来的自己写信英文篇一 When you look back on yourself in the past – 10, 20, 30 or more years ago – it’s surprising to see how much you have changed over time. Your experiences, your friends。


Dear FutureMe, 亲爱的未来的我,I hope you are more excited about your 33rd birthday than you were about your 32nd birthday。

未来的我: 我很开心可以写一封信给你. 可以告诉我你现在过得怎么样吗?我很想知道.你知道吗?我从小就有个梦想,那就是做一个流浪人,可以游遍全世界.我实现他了吗?我很害羞,我不敢和陌生人说话,所以,我不擅长社交。

That brings me to get motivated in the possible business kept a rise in potentially-financial profit,enabling my employees to live happily. This arises from the positively-developmental psychology to take the newly-beginning step towards my realistically- ambitious goal,in my belief,写给四年后的自己英语作文,as reached of mine.


I feel extremely positive of stepping forward bravely in the beginning,that becomes crucial for the success of a plan to be implemented in coming days. This fact comes to that I would achieve only one ambition in a career that proves difficultly successful.

By means of this,I get to know about great effort I should pay on working towards my goal with self-confidence. Combining with this,写给未来自己的信英语格式,I would take special measures,in an attempt by me to make a workable action plan to see promising future in my career.

That brings me to get motivated in the possible business kept a rise in potentially-financial profit,enabling my employees to live happily. This arises from the positively-developmental psychology to take the newly-beginning step towards my realistically- ambitious goal as reached of mine. This,大一新生致三年后的自己作文,I was only to learn later.


