
  • 高考作文
  • 2025-01-21



英语应用文写作之留学申请信怎么写 Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position。

分 析【感谢信三要素】

1. 提出感谢

2. 感谢原因(别人做了什么事让你感谢)

3. 如何回报(好好学习,继续努力等)


1. I am writing to express my gratitude to you because …

2. It is your help that enables me to obtain this great opportunity of further education.

3. For the following two years I will study hard to repay your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades.


高考英语的10种类型 高考作文分为实用文和应用文。实用文包括:1.提纲作文;2.图表作文;3.图画作文;4.开放作文;应用文包括:5.书信;6.通知;7简历;8.日记;9.便条;10.电子邮件。

分 析【道歉信四要素】

1. 开篇点题,就事道歉

2. 道歉原因

3. 补救方式(你会怎么做来弥补这次道歉)

初二英语作文 篇1 My mother was a woman sticking to traditions.She was too conservative to keep up with the times.But she was the person I loved best in thisworld。

4. 希望再次得到原谅


1. I am terribly sorry to tell you…

英语作文 篇1 真爱,零期待 I once had a friend who grew to be very close to me. Once when we were sitting at the edge of a swimming pool。

2. I really regret that I cannot go … personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself with all our old friends.


分 析【申请信四要素】

1. 开篇提出申请。

2. 介绍个人学术背景、个人能力、兴趣爱好、性格特点等。

3. 工作经验,高考英语作文应用文模板。

4. 发出期待,希望回复。

初二英语作文 篇1 Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers 。


1. I learned from the newspaper that your company needs / is in need of/is recruiting…

2. I’m really interested in this position so I am writing to apply for it.

初二英语作文 篇1 Do your teachers still use traditional techniques to teach you nowadays? A revol- ution in teaching techniques is required now. In the past。

3. I’m an excellent student,among the top 5 in my class of 50 students.

4. I hope I may have an interview,英语应用文作文范文10篇,when I can explain my qualifications more fully.


分 析


1. 开篇点题,说明邀请参加什么活动,英语作文应用文类型。

2. 详细介绍活动时间、地点、参加人员、活动内容。

英语写作应用文万能句 篇1 一、 邀请信 【篇首句】介绍自己,简要说明活动,并邀请对方。 1. i'm wang ming from yuwen school,the president of the student union. 我是来自育文学校的王明,学生会主席。 2。

3. 注意事项(有的作文可能没有)

4. 再次发出邀请,英语应用文写作万能模板范文。

高考英语书面表达中的应用文主要包括书信、通知、留言条、启事、请柬、申请书和说明书等。命题形式以文字提示为主。具体的范文模板链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1xJkoB6_pPciAf_ZaKsVJ7g ?pwd=pfhe 提取码。


1. Good afternoon,everyone. May I have your attention,英语应用文范文80,please?

2. During the party,英语应用文写作,not only can you sing a Chinese song,高考英语作文应用文类型,but you will also compete with each other to see how skilled you are at using chopsticks.

3. Please make sure you won’t miss it. Thank you for your attention.

【篇一:保护天使 To Protect Angels】Panda is familiar by more and more people as the development of Internet. Now people can see the live show from the Internet。


分 析【邀请信四要素】

1. 开篇点题,发出邀请,13种英语应用文模板。

英语作文 篇1 I like to watch fictional movies and novels, because I am always attracted by the unpredictable plots, which opens my vision. In the fiction movies。

2. 介绍邀请参加的活动(内容、地点、时间、注意事项)

3. 夸赞对方。

4. 再次发出邀请。


1. I’m writing to tell you that we intend to... and I sincerely invite you to go with us on behalf of our class.

2. You may equip yourself with a camera to record the beautiful scenery and an umbrella or a raincoat is also necessary in case you are caught in a rain.

3. Your participation can surely add color to our trip and we are all looking forward to your involvement.
