
  • 2022-10-29



Unit 1

past n. 过去 adj.过去的

present n.现在,目前

just adv,刚才

used to (用于过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经

since conj.自...以来 prep.自...以来

ever adv. 曾经

northern adj. 北方,北部的

married adj. 已婚的,结婚的

wife n.(pl.wives) 妻子

block n.街区

over prep.在...期间

turn into 把...变成...

pollution n. 污染;污染物

factory n. 工厂

waste n.废料;废品

realize (=realise)vt.& vi.意识到;实现

improve vt.&vi. 改进,改善

situation n. 形势,情况

in some ways 在某种程度上

impossible adj. 不可能的

before adv.以前,过去

lonely adj. 孤独的,寂寞的

from time to time 不时,有时,偶尔

anyway adv. 尽管,即使这样

husband n. 丈夫

interview n. 采访;会见

all one's life 一生

yet adv. 还,仍

recently adv.近来, 最近

environment n. 环境

transport n.交通车辆,运输工具

condition n. 环境,条件,状况

return vi. 返回

last adv.最近,上一次;最后

abroad adv. 到(在)国外

primary adj. 小学教育的;初级的

keep in touch 保持联系

communicate vt. &vi. 交流,交际

exactly adv.(答语)正是,没错

be used to 习惯于,适应于

get used to 习惯于,适应于

narrow adj. 狭窄的

open space n.开阔的空地

8B Unit1 电子课本

028B Unit1 知识梳理


1.in the bowl an hour ago


2.used to do sth.过去常常做某事

be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事

be used to do sth. 被用来做某事

3.do a history project on the changes in Beijing over the years


4.write a report on the changes in your home town


5.know about the different forms of transport


6.talk about transport at different times


7.take turns to do sth.=do sth. by turns


8.go to school by bike = ride a bike to school

rest. Their experiences of the day and their youthfulness easily draw these people together in happy fellowship.滑雪者可以在这里找到食物、取暖和休息。他们的一天的经验和他们的青春很容易吸引这些人在快乐的交通。


9.wait for the next one 等下一辆车

10.go to school by bus= take a bus to school= go to school on the bus 乘公交车去学校

11.interview sb. to get some information 为了得到些信息采访某人

学会了滑雪英语作文 篇1 Looked at many people skate skateboard on the road, I couldnt resist, then, with the help of my father, I began to learn skating.Beginning。

12.know sunshine town very well 对阳光镇很了解

13.be born 出生

14.move house 搬家

15.in the northern part of town


16.get married to sb.= marry sb.= be married to sb.


17.marry sb. to sb. 把某人嫁给某人

18.move two blocks away


19.live in this area 住在这个地区

20.since then 自从那以后

since I was born/ since last Saturday/since three days ago

21.over the years 这些年

over the past century 在过去的几个世纪

22.in the town centre= in the centre of the town 在镇中心

23.turn/change/put sth. into 把某物变成某物

24.a steel factory 一个钢铁厂

25.put the waste into the river 把垃圾倒入河里

put down 记下

put away 收好

put on 穿上

put off 推迟、延期

26.take action to improve the situation


27.in some ways 在某些方面

on the way (to ) 在……的路上

by the way 顺便说

no way 没门

in any way 无论如何

28.most of my old friends


29.move away 搬走/move to(into) another town

30.see each other as often as before


31.play cards and Chinese chess 打牌和下棋

Yesterday, the weather was good, cloudless. My father and I went to the military are playing Ski Resort. We wear gloves, hats, armed to come to the ski slopes. Ski resort built on a hillside。

32.feel a bit lonely 感到有点孤单

33.from time to time = at times = sometimes 有时

34.because of being alone 因为独自一人

35.a group of buildings with streets on all sides


on both sides/ on each side

36.interview sb.= have an interview with sb. 采访某人

37.all his life 整个他的一生

38.in the past 在过去

at present 现在

39.make some notes 做些笔记

40.waste sth. on sth./ sb.


41.repair over ten bicycles

= repair more than ten bicycles


42.teach sb. a lot about the history of China


43.talk about a film about the history of Beijing


44.learn more about Beijing’s past and present


45.hear about/of 听说

hear from sb.= receive/ get one’s letter

=receive/get a letter of sb.


46.living conditions 居住条件

47.return sth. to sb. 把某物归还给某人

48.go abroad 去国外

at home or abroad 在国内外

49.at primary school 在小学

50.keep in touch with each other 互相保持联系

51.make communication much easier


Communicate with sb.


52.take place发生(有目的有计划的)、举行


53.green hills all around


54.a river runs through the centre of town


55.get used to the changes of life


56.on one’s own = by oneself = alone 独自

57.throw rubbish 扔垃圾

58.in some large open spaces


59.move into new flats


60.in their free time


61.travel around the town


62.have their own cars= have cars of their own


63.use the new words to talk about my hometown


64.use facts to support my opinions



1.There were always too many people on the bus,and it took a long time to wait for the next one.


2.It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before.


3.Amazing changes have taken place in Sunshine Town.

Sunshine Town 已经发生了惊人的变化。

4.Local people used to live in old houses,but now,most of them have moved into new flats.


5.We mainly communicate by email.The Internet makes communication much easier.


6.It is not easy to get used to the changes of life quickly.


7.My uncle used to live in the city,but now he is used to living in the countryside.


8.I have to spend more time on my homework than before.



牛津英语八年级下册语法 unit1

1 现在完成时




2 现完与过去


3 used

used to do sth 过去常常做某事,(过去某地有某物there used to be )

be used to doing 习惯于做某事

be used to do 被用来做某事

be used for (doing)sth 被用于(做)某事

be used as sth 被作为…用

4 just\just now

just 刚刚,用于现完,三类词后,行为动词前。Just now ,句末,用于过去时。

5 since\for

since +过去时=for +时段

6 乘take\in\on\by

take(V) a \the 工具to 地点

=go to 地点by+工具

=go to 地点 on\in a( the) 工具

in some ways

\in the way

\on the way

\by the way

\in a way

in some ways 在某种程度上;

in the way 挡道;

on the way在去…的路上;

by the way 顺便问一下;

in a way 在某种程度上。

8 however\but

9 marry

marry 动词,marry sb(娶)嫁给某人。

marry sb to sb把某人许嫁给某人;

married adj be married 已婚的(长)。

get married已婚的(短)

be (get) married to sb 与某人结婚(不用with)。

10 ago\before


时段+before 用于现在完成时。

Since+时段+ago 用于现完。

11 a bit \a little

a bit=a little +adj\adv

a little +不可名=a bit of +不可名

not a bit一点儿不;not a liitle 很,非常

12 from…to相关

from day to day日复一日;

from mouth to mouth 广泛流传;

from bad to worth 每况愈下;

My hobby is skiing.It is very beneficial to me.Skiing can not only relax me from the stresses,it also boosts my confidence and my body coordination skills。

from top to bottom从头到尾;

from start to finish 自始自终;

from moning to night从早到晚

13 hear about \of

hear about所听内容更细些

Hear of 听别人说过或提及 多可互换。

14 return\back

return to sp=get back to sp.

Return sth to sb 归还某人某物=give sth back to sb

15 abroad

at home and abroad

study abroad

go abroad

be abroad

from abroad (不能与at in on 连用)

16 独自

on one's own =by oneself

17 spend\pay\ cost\take

sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth./on sth.

sb. pay some money for sth.

sth. cost sb. some money.

It takes sb. some money to do sth.

18 take place \happen

take place 有计划发生

Happen 偶然,多是不好的事

Sth happen to sb /sth take place (都无被动)

19 被动语态


结构为be+pp.(强:一感二听三让四看主动语态不带to ,被动语态还原to.)

His father made him do his homework for three hours.=He was made to do his homework for three ho

Unit 2

travelling n.<英>旅行 =<美>traveling

hey excl.嘿,喂

miss vt.想念,思念

fantastic adj. 极好的,美妙的

indoor adj.(在)室内的

roller coaster n.(游乐场的)过山车,环滑车

speed n. 速度

ride n. 乘坐(游乐设施)

cartoon n.卡通片, 动画片

character n.人物

such det.&pron. 这样的(人或物)

such as 例如

parade n.(庆祝) 游行

magic n. 魔法

pie n.派,馅饼

feel vt.感觉到,意识到

couple n.两人,两件事物;几个人,几件事物

a couple of 一对;几个,几件

at the end of 在...末尾

castle n. 城堡

sand n.沙,沙滩

over adv.结束

marry vi.&vt. 结婚,嫁,娶

dead adj. 死的

beauty n.,美丽;美人

seaside adj. 海边的

theme park n. 主题公园

sailing n.帆船运动,航行

except prep.除了...以外

view n.景色,风景

mountain n.高山

business n. 公事;商业;生意

on business 出差

direct adj.直达的,直接的

flight n.航班;航行

point n.要点

detail n. 细节

delicious adj. 美味的,可口的

seafood n.海鲜

airport n. 机场

relative n.亲戚

8B Unit2 电子课本

028B Unit2 知识梳理


1. beautiful adj. →beauty(n.) 美人,美丽

2. sail v. →sailing(n.) 帆船运动

3. fly v. →flight(n.) 航班

4. die v. →dead (adj.) 死的

5. direct adj. →directly(adv.)

6. indoor adj. →outdoor(反义词)


1. go on a trip to… 到…作一次旅行

2. must be great fun 一定很有趣

3. take …out for a few days 带…出去几天

4. bring sth with sb 把…带在身边

5. come on 快点;加油

6. tourist attractions 旅游景点

7. a symbol of… …的象征

8. go skiing 去滑雪

9. go hiking 去远足

10. see the beautiful view 看美丽的风景

11. take photos 拍照

12. welcome to… 欢迎到…

13. write to sb 写信给…

14. have a fantastic time 玩得很高兴

15. the whole day 整天

16. by underground 乘地铁

17. at the entrance 在入口处

18. move at high speed 高速运行

19. a fast food restaurant 一家快餐店

20. be interested in 对…感兴趣

21. can’t stop taking photos 不停地拍照

22. a parade of Disney characters 迪斯尼人物的游行

23. later in the afternoon 下午晚些时候

24. the best part of the day 一天中最精彩的部分

25. wave to … 向…挥手致意

26. all the way 一路上

27. be like magic 像魔术一样

28. the great ‘Lion King’ show 精彩的狮王表演

29. buy some souvenirs 买一些纪念品

30. at the end of… 在…结束时

31. watch fireworks 观看烟火

32. look shiny and beautiful under the fireworks


33. in all 一共,总计

34. an exciting trip 一次刺激的旅行

35. show sth to sb 把某物给某人看

36. a line of people 一队人

37. wait in line 排队等候

38. a meaningful experience 一次有意义的经历

39. a really delightful holiday 一次真得令人高兴的假日

40. colourful costumes 多姿多彩的服饰

41. a member of… …一名成员

42. travel to Shengzhen 到深圳旅游

43. all year around 全年

44. in the coming holiday 在即将到来的假日

45. take turns to do sth 依次/轮流做某事

46. plan to travel abroad 计划出国旅游

47. hope to do sth 希望做某事

Skiing, or traveling over snow on skis, has a history of almost five millennia. Although modern skiing has evolved from beginnings in Scandinavia。

48. wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事

49. fly to … 飞往某地

50. fresh air 新鲜的空气

51. pleasant weather 宜人的天气

52. places of interest 名胜古迹

53. the day of our trip to Hongkong 我们去香港旅游的日子

54. three and a half hours= three hours and a half 三个半小时

55. have a bird’s-eye view of Hongkong 鸟瞰香港的景色

56. a modern city of tall buildings with lights shining in the evening


57. cultural centre 文化中心


1. I’ve been there many times.


2.Let me take you out for a few days.


3.I don’t think it’ll be a holiday for me.


4.I couldn’t stop taking photos with them.


5.It must be fun. 那一定很有趣。

6.It’s a famous theme park and includes four different parks.


7.The children clapped and screamed with joy when they saw their favorite characters.


8.The line of people outside Space Mountain was endless.

Space Mountain外面排队的人很多。

9.I can check it for you when I talk with my dad.


10.The weather in Hong Kong was quite different from that in Beijing.


11.It was really wonderful to have a bird’s-eye view of Hong Kong--- a modern city of tall buildings with lights shining in the evening.


12.The castle looked shiny and beautiful under the fireworks.


13.The performers waved to people while they marched across the park,singing and dancing all the way.


14.We were screaming and laughing through the whole ride.


15.My dad bought some stationery for my cousin.


16.They have never been to Hong Kong.


17.Kitty has gone to Hong Kong with her family.


18.My cousin has been in Beijing for a month.


19.Kitty has had her purse for a year.


20.The lamb has been dead for quite some time.


21.My parents got married fifteen years ago.


22. They have been married for more than fifteen years.


23.I have to return it because I have kept it for too long.


24.The best part of the day was when the elephants took bananas from the visitors.



1.speed n. 速度

[点拨] at a speed of… 以……的速度

at top speed 以最高速

Our speed averaged out at 50 km an hour.


He drove at a speed of sixty miles per hour.


[拓展] speed vt.& vi. 急行,加速,超速

speed up 加速slow down 减速

We'd better speed up if we want to get there on time.


2.except,besides和except for


The company is open every day except Sundays.


You may drop in at any time except at noon.



We all passed the exam besides Tom.


(3)except for也表示“除……以外”,表示对整体主要部分的肯定和对局部的否定,起部分修正主要意思的作用。

Your writing is good except for a few grammar mistakes.


3.have/has beento,have/has gone to和have/has been in

(1)have/has been to表示“去过某地(现在已经回来了)”。

They have been to Beijing twice.


(2)have/has gone to表示“去某地了(说话时某人不在当地)”,指可能在去的路上,可能已在某地,也可能在回来的路上。

He has gone to Beijing. He will be back in two months.


(3)have/has been in 表示“在某地”。

He has been in Beijing for three weeks.




My grandpa died two years ago.


The old man died of cancer.



The tree has been dead for ten years.



The memorial hall was built one year after his death.


(4)dying 是die的现在分词形式,用作形容词,三年级英语滑雪日记怎么写,意为“垂死的,即将死去的”。

The poor dog had no food. It was dying.


5.for example和such as

(1)for example表示“例如”,一般只以同类人或事物中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。

Ball games,for example,have spread around the world.


(2)such as也表示“例如”,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。

English is spoken in many countries,such as Australia and Canada.


6.I don&39;ll be a holiday for me. 我认为这对于我来说将不是假期。

[点拨] 句型“I don't think+宾语从句”是含有否定转移的主从复合句,意为“我认为……不……”。该句型的主语必须是第一人称;形式上否定主句,翻译时否定从句。

I don&39;s right to make such a hasty decision.


[拓展] (1)该句型改为反意疑问句时,必须以宾语从句为准进行变化,而且宾语从句要视为否定句,即把主句的don't所表示的否定拉回到宾语从句中来,采取“前否后肯”的规则变化。

I don't think you are right,are you?



I don't suppose they will say sorry to her,will they?


7.I ran after them and couldn't stop taking photos. 我追赶他们,忍不住一直拍照。

[点拨] (1)can&39;t help doing sth,意为“情不自禁地做某事”。

The mothercouldn't stop crying when her son was saved.


(2)take photos 拍照片;take a photo/photos of… 拍……的照片。

Some students are taking photos of the river.




①主语+have/ has been+for短语

②Itis+一段时间+ since从句

例如:He has been in the League for three years.或It is three years since he joined the League. 他入团已三年了。




终止性动词也称非延续性动词、瞬间动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。如:open,close,finish,begin,come,go,arrive,reach,get to,leave,move,borrow,buy等。


1.延续性动词可以用于现在完成时,其完成时态可与表示&34;的状语连用,滑雪英语简单小短文。表示&34;的短语有:fortwo years,during the past three years,since last year,how long等。如:

I have learned English since I came here.


2.延续性动词不能与表示短暂时间的&34;状语连用。如:Itraind at eight yesterday morning.(误)rain为延续性动词,而at eight表示&34;,前后显然矛盾。如果用延续性动词表示一瞬间的动作,可以借助come,begin,get等终止性动词来表示。上句可改为:It began to rainat eight yesterday morning.(正)又如:

-When did you get to know Jack?

-Twoyears ago.

-Then you've known each other for more than two years.




The train has arrived.火车到了。

Have you joined the computer group?你加入电脑小组了吗?


(1)他死了三年了。 误:He has died for three years.

正:He has been dead for three years.

正:He died three years ago.

正:It is three years since he died.

正:Three years has passed since he died.


误:Hehas come here for five days.

正:Hehas been here for five days.

正:Hecame here five days ago.

正:Itis five days since he came here.

正:Fivedays has passed since he came here.


(1)将句中终止性动词转换为相应的延续性动词,如上面两例中的第一种正确表达方式。下面列举几例:leave→beaway,borrow→keep,buy→have,begin/start→be on,die→be dead,move to→live in,finish→be over,join→be in/be a member of,open sth.→keep sth. open,fallill→be ill,get up→be up,catch a cold→have a cold。





He hasn&39;t heard from my father for two weeks.


You can't leave here until I arrive.


I will not go to bed until I finish drawing the picture tonight.



When we reached London,it was twelve o'clock. (reach为终止性动词)

Please look after my daughter while/when we are away. (be away为延续性动词短语)

6.终止性动词完成时不可与how long连用(只限于肯定式)。如:

误:How long have you come here?

正:How long have you been here?

正:When did you come here?

Unit 3

online adj.联网的,在线的

programme n.<英> 节目;计划,方案 =<美>program

remote control n. 遥控器

ah excl.(表示惊奇,高兴等)啊

channel n. 频道

keyboard n. 键盘

unit n. 机件;单位

mouse n. (pl.mice或mouses)鼠标

screen n.显示屏,屏幕

word processing n.文字处理

receive vt. 收到,接到

guide n. 导游,向导

icon n.图标

click vi.&vt.点击

Asia n. 亚洲

Africa n. 非洲

Europe n. 欧洲

America n.美洲

world-famous adj. 世界著名的,举世闻名的

trade n. 贸易

southern adj.南方的,南部的

international adj. 国际的

gather vi.&vt.聚集,集合

huge adj. 巨大的

darkness n. 黑暗

island n.岛屿

several det.&pron.几个,数个

lawn n.草坪

relax vi. 放松,休息

hard adj. 辛苦的;艰难的

musical n.音乐剧

bottom n. 底,底部

pick vt.挑选

My Virgin Skiing Experience !!I went skiing with my friends on Sunday. It was my very first time to try this super interesting sport. I really enjoyed skiing A LOT, and I think that I have potential!!!

play n.剧本,剧本

website n. 网站

dream vi.&vt. 做梦,梦想

dream of 梦想;想象

dream about 梦想;想象

passport n. 护照

coast n. 海岸

sail n. 帆

Australian adj. 澳大利亚(人)的

opposite n.对立的人(或物)

mind vt.&vi.介意

print vi.&vt.打印;印刷

pleasure n. 高兴,乐意

book vt.&vi.预订,订(房间、车票等)

queen n. 女王

We pulled the tow fiber going up. The second time, I found a little feeling, you can just go skate, but there are a lot of people slide into the following, then I think "not afraid to fall。

ruler n. 统治者;管理者

pound n.英镑

be made up of 由...组成

European adj. 欧洲的

dollar n. 美元

my pleasure 不客气,很可以效劳

so much for (表示就某事讲完了)关于…就讲这么多,…到此为止

England n.(英国)英格兰

8B Unit3 电子课本

028B Unit3 知识梳理


1. Online tours 网上旅行

2. change the channel 换频道

3. the remote control 遥控器

4. learn about places of interest around the world


5. with the help of the Internet or libraries


6. use sth… to do/ use sth. for sth. 用……做……

7. do word processing 做文字处理

8. search for the information 搜索信息

9. send and receive emails 发送和接收电子邮件

10. watch videos 看录

11. be fast and easy 快捷

12. a website called “Around the World in Eight Hours”


13. a tour guide 导游

14 at the top of … 在……顶部

15. click on …点击……

16. the world-famous trade centre


17. at the southern end of Manhattan Island


18. international banks 国际银行

19. further on 再向前

20. Don’t miss Broadway. 不要错过百老汇。

21. be famous for its theatres 以它的剧院著名

22.since the early twentieth century


23. hear of 听说

24.so much for… 到此为止

25.at the bottom of… 在……的底部

26.tickets to different places 去不同地方的票

Could have been playing for 4 hours, but only play for more than an hour, we were exhausted, and thenslipped not move. Although very tired, but I am very happy.翻译 上周末我们和姐姐一家人到滑雪场去玩。

27. fall from the sky 从天上掉下来

28.start a new online tour


29.another great place to visit


30.gather there to welcome the new year


31.on Manhattan Island 在曼哈顿岛

32.write an email to sb. 给某人写电子邮件

33.dream of/about 梦想,想象

dream of / about doing sth. 梦见做某事

34. Have you ever dreamt of travelling the world without a passport?


35.realize your dream 实现你的梦想

36.take an online tour 进行网上旅行

37.show me an online tour of the USA


38.the other day 前几天

39.further down 继续向下

40.on the north-east coast of Australia


41.on the website 在网站上

42.look like a ship with many sails


43. Australian seasons are the opposite of ours.


44. an online course 网上课程

45. book tickets and hotels 预定票和旅馆

46. daily English 日常英语

4.7 order meals 点菜,订餐

48. use English in daily communication


冬天到了,我一直就很想滑雪。我的这个愿望终于在寒假里实现了!去滑雪那天,阳光明媚。我和妈妈来到了朝阳公园的滑雪场,我们先到了雪具店 ,租了个滑雪板,我们租了一个小时的。

49. an island country 一个岛国

50. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


51. be made up of 由……组成

52. the capital city 首都城市

53. in this old European country


54. Among them is the British Museum. (倒装句)



1. What do you usually use your computer for?


2. Have you noticed the “Tour” icon at the top of the page?


3. Every year,thousands of people gather here on New Year’s Eve.


滑雪的英文介绍 篇1 The skiing originated the much colder snow district at the earliest stage.In order to adapt the environment and beg to living to avoid the insurance。

4. It’s exciting to see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness!


5. In the centre of the island is Central Park. (倒装句)


6. With several lakes,hills and a large green lawn,it’s a good place to relax after a hard day’s work.


7. To learn about a city,just find it in the menu at the top of the page and click on it.


8. Would/do you mind doing …?


9. ---Would you mind showing me how to start this online tour?

---Of course not.



10. --Thanks for your help.

-- My pleasure./ It’s my/ a pleasure.

— 感谢你的帮助。






e.g. I went to Beijing last month 我上个月去北京

Tom was in China in 2008 2008年Tom在中国


e.g. I have bought a new mobile phone 我买了一部新手机。(言下之意:我有新手机用了)

I have been to London many times 我去过伦敦很多次(言下之意:我对伦敦很熟悉)


如:yesterday,last week,…ago,in1980,in October,just,now等。


如:already,since,for + 一段时间,so far 到目前为止,up to now 直到现在,until/till now 直到现在 in past years在过去的几年中,等。
