
  • 考试
  • 2025-01-15


小升初满分作文300字 篇1 我爱家乡的春天,因为它冰雪融化,万物复苏;我爱家乡的夏天,因为它绿树成荫,生机盎然;我爱家乡的冬天,因为它白雪皑皑,银装素裹;但我更爱家乡的秋天,因为它绚丽多姿,令人流连。

My parents are the best people in the world,they treat me so well and they will never shout at me. I want to do something for them,小升初满分作文精选范文,so I study very hard to get the highest mark in my class. I just want my parents to be proud of me. This is my secret,I will not tell my parents,I want to surprise them.

小升初满分作文600字 篇1 刘老师,运动会前,当您宣布要在班上挑选4名女生参加迎面接力赛时,我只觉得心跳突然加快,一股热血涌到脸上。我睁大眼睛望着您,我的眼神向您请求:给我一次机会吧! 但我担心,您会首先剔除我。


小升初满分作文300字 篇1 玲玲是和我一起长大的好朋友,虽然我俩不在同一所学校上学,但从小在一块玩儿,相处得就像亲姐妹一样。不过,我俩也有闹闹小矛盾的时候。 记得有一次我俩在英语兴趣班学习时,老师在给我们复习单元考试的重点。


小升初满分作文600字 篇1 绿色的小草,蓝色的小溪,黄色的光芒,红色的火焰……五颜六色,组成了一个充满色彩的空间。人们称这个空间为颜色空间。天空是纯净的蓝色,混上纯洁的白色。蔚蓝的天空,笑嘻嘻的。

I have a new pet.It is a dog.It is Ming Ming.It is one year old.It is very cute.It has short fut.It has big eyes and long ears.It's very small.It has a short tail.It likes eating bone.It likes running.Sometimes It likes playing boat.I like my pet very much.


I have a deskmate,小升初一般考什么作文,her name is Xiao Li. We met each other when the semester began. Xiao Li is a nice girl,she helps me with many things. When I meet the difficulty in the homework,she will help me to solve it. When I am not feeling well,she will take care of me. Xiao Li is so kind to me,I am so thankful to her.

小升初满分作文600字 篇1 啊!幸福,在许许多多人的眼中,它似乎与财富划上等号。其实“它”对于每一个人来说,答案不一,众说分坛。然而我是这样诠释幸福的:每天上学、放学乘坐在妈妈的自行车后座位上,其乐融融。随着车轮滚滚。


小升初满分作文600字 篇1 早晨一睁眼,就看见窗外淅淅沥沥的碎雨,欢快的敲击着透明的玻璃。顿时,我的心情也像细雨般明亮了许多。昨晚约好朋友去莲湖公园游玩,我一番洗漱后,早早就同朋友会了面,一起走到了公园。 雨还没有停。


My father made me a little cabin on the tree when I was five years old. I like this cabin so much,it is my little world. I put many toys in it,小升初作文怎么写,I decorate this cabin so well. I can do what I want in this little world,2022小升初押题作文,sometimes I will ask my friends to come. I have a good time in my little world.


小升初满分作文600字 篇1 噢!每天清晨,起床后都会发现生活是这么美妙!这一切幸福快乐都源自有你,感谢有你相伴! 家是我永远的港湾 哗啦啦!天下起了大雨,我知道走出校门总会看到一个熟悉的身影——是妈妈。刚走过去。


小升初满分作文300字 篇1 今天晚上,妈妈带我去剪头发。理由是:到夏天了,天热,加之早上时间太紧张,来不及扎辫子,剪短发省时又省事。我有点儿伤心,因为好不容易留长的头发要被剪掉了。 走进理发店,我一坐上理发专用椅。

Nowadays,if we go on the street,we can find that fast food is everywhere,the reason why the fast food is so popular lies on that it is convenient. People can finish their meal quickly and spend more time to do work. Fast food indeed saves people a lot of time,but it is not good for our health,we should not eat it often.



小升初满分作文300字 篇1 在很久很久以前,动物们都开心地生活在地上。公鸡因为拥有一副优美的歌喉,天上的神仙被感动了,就赏给他一对角,只要戴上这对角,公鸡就能自由地飞到天上。这是多久令大家羡慕的事。

My mother takes care of me all the time,she is around me when I need help. Unlike my father,who is so severe and busy,my mother is very kind,when I make mistakes,she will not angry,she tells me to take care of these mistakes and should not make them next time. I am so thankful to my mother,she sacrifices so many things for me.



小升初满分作文300字 篇1 在很久很久以前,动物们都开心地生活在地上。公鸡因为拥有一副优美的歌喉,天上的神仙被感动了,就赏给他一对角,只要戴上这对角,公鸡就能自由地飞到天上。这是多久令大家羡慕的事。

My favorite music is pop music.I think pop music sounds wonderful. It can make me happy.I listening to pop music ,such as My Heart Will Go On and so on. I can sing some songs this is. I don&39;s sounds bad.

How about you? Can you tell me?


I have moved to my new school since Septmber. It is a modern and nice school which is in Beijing. It has a playground,a library,several labs,小升初必考优秀作文,classrooms with electronic equipment and so on. It&39;s larger,much more modern. This is why I love my new school. If you are free,you are warmly welcomed to come to our school to have a look.
