
  • 自己
  • 2022-10-01


Online shopping has become something very common for young people,however,it's not easy for the old people to buy things on the internet. Therefore,offline Daigou stores,or buy-for-you stores,are becoming popular among the old.

Last Sunday, my mother and I went shopping。I found a blue blouse, I liked it very much。 We asked the clerk how much it is。She told us 30 dollars。I tried it on, but it was a little small。


My shopping trip concluded with a strawberry shortcake from the bakery section, some delicious stuff I got to say.翻译 我今天去超市购物了。那里有很多人在买食品杂货。今天的主要目的是为明天找午餐。

[重点词汇]:oneline shopping: 网上购物;online: 线上的;offline:线下的;on the Internet: 在网上;

Buy the most cost-effective once, family unit hair quality goods LouHuaNong with extremely low get up terrorist taobao sell good play 那段时间我没事做,天天呆家上网,就死一个劲地翻化妆品区的宝贝。

64-year-old man Li Hui&34;It&39;t use the internet.

Yogurt,you can tell me,who among you is the quality of the best?I was thinking,you pick it out,finally picked up a bottle of drink I like the "light" brand of strawberry yogurt。

初中优秀英语作文篇1:How to keep healthy 如何保持健康 What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health.You can take away our money, house, car。


After I happened to find this buy-for-you shop,I decided to try,as I wanted to buy an opera CD. Finally I got one I&34;

我的购物经历 My Shopping Experience 初中 Once I was in Beijing, I went shopping in the Front Gate Walking Street, for I wanted to buy some souvenirs for my friends.有一次我在北京,我去步行街购物。


[重点词汇]:search for: 搜索,寻找;convenient: 方便的;it is convenient to do sth: 做某事很方便;happen to do sth: 碰巧做某事;Finally: 最终,最后;become/be crazy about: 对…痴迷/发狂;

The store owner Liu Min says in order to meet the need of people who want to buy things online but can't use the internet,一次难忘的购物经历英语作文,she started the business of offline buy-for-you. In only about ten days since the start of the business,she has received more than 20 orders from customers.


[重点词汇] in order to : 为了;meet: 满足,meet the need of : 满足…的需求;order: 订单;customer:顾客

Yesterday was a sunny day. My mother and I were going to the supermarket to buy some food. I bought some bread,some cola and so on。

The most happy shopping.A shopping in the most happy is my memory and my mom, because my mom finally open. That's why.Everyone will wear new clothes for the new year, and my family will be the same。

Liu Min is not the only one who finds the large need of offline buy-for-you business in the market. In Dalian city,northeast China,more than 300 such stores opened their doors only in April.


In order to attract more customers,they have opened their shops in residential communities. And they charge a suitable service fee. For example,when buying things that cost less than 200 yuan for customers,一次购物经历英语作文60字,they usually charge 5 yuan as service fee.

Every time I draw a few hundred Yuan from bank, it is always used up within several days. Who could explain this phenomenon? Thereby, I would rather not buy new clothes if not for something particular.


Once, I went to the stationery store and bought a reading note.When I got to the stationery store, I saw everything in the stationery store, such as school supplies, small toys, gifts and notebooks。

[重点词汇] attract:吸引;residential:住宅的,居民的;community: 居民区;社区;charge:收费,要价;suitable: 合适的,适当的;fee:服务费,小费;

Though the offline buy-for-you service makes it easier for certain people to shop online,what if there is any problem with the ordered thing,let's say,like a quality problem? The shop owners say they will deal with any quality problems that may happen when using their Daigou service.


[重点词汇]what if: 如果…怎么办?quality: 质量;deal with: 处理;
