
  • 风景
  • 2022-10-01

第1394天© :英文景色描写

第1394天© 英语超级写作奶爸,3.8年双语日记记录女儿生活

Recently, I visited the Yu Garden in Town God's Temple.最近,我游览了城隍庙的豫园。Before we saw the gate, we saw two big stone lions guarding the gate, a male lion and a female lion。


中英合计:93.6万字 英文37.5万字,写风景的英语作文70字,中文56.1万字


聊城还被人们称之为“北方的威尼斯”,之所以有此美名,是因为它有座漂亮的环城湖——东昌湖。东昌湖历史悠久,风景迷人。It was built around the city during the Ming and Qing Dynasties。

第1394天 (3.8年) 2021年10月7日 (四)

the city government began to gradually restore some temples, to implement the policies of religion, to call back Taoists, to rebuild the sculptures and to return the properties as planned。

n. 风景胜地;风景照片 双语例句:This is an extremely scenic part of America.这是美国风景极其优美的一个地区。2、tourist n. 旅行者,观光客 adj. 旅游的 vt. 在旅行参观 vi. 旅游;观光 adv. 坐旅游车厢。

1. Beautiful homeland A into my village, saw the ground covered with grass, is so tender and beautiful. Scan, like a green brocade. A breeze, grass, like we nodded approvingly at to welcome us。

color there.译文:九寨沟的风景既是一篇篇、一幅幅悠远的童话和画卷,更是一个深邃的自然王国!不错,地球上有九寨沟这样的宝地,是一大奇迹,也是人类的幸运。凡是到过九寨沟的人,没有一人不为那里的神气色彩所感动。

Tocarrygoods:short-sleevedT-shirts,sweaters,jackets,sunscreen,raingear. 泸沽湖位于群山之间,又有湖面调剂气温,气候冬暖夏凉,月平均温度都不到20℃,但是,前往泸沽湖旅游,最好的季节还是春夏季。

A Diary for My Yunduo'er ©

I went back to my hometown for the summer vacation. There is a place called "Qingquan Rock" away from my home. One afternoon, Xiao Gu will take us to climb the mountain。

Once you enter my village, you can see that the ground is covered with beautiful grass, like a green tapestry. A breeze blew, and the grass nodded to us frequently to welcome us。

Day 1394,Oct 7,英语作文写景50字带翻译,2021 (Thu)

The brilliant beautiful sunlight lent itself to a tonic walk on the bank of the artificial river. You whipped the water with a long blade of grass,sending ripples spreading across the surface. Unfortunately that eponymous high tower was closed for retrofit,so we couldn't be whisked up to its top for commanding views of the city shimmering in the sunlight.

Green grasses, blue lakes and beautiful mountains are waiting for you!Welcome to colorful nature pare!翻译:绿色的草,蓝色的湖和美丽的等着你!欢迎来到多彩的自然公园!There is a clean river。


The river fanned out to become a lake whose glinting ripples were caught by the sun. Our duck-shaped motorized boat took us into the blue gem - we specifically rented the &34; to add extra luster to the fun-packed boat ride intended for you. The lake was a hive of activity,自然景观英语作文初三,with boats chugging in all directions and occasionally bumping against each other. What bad skippers! As a skipper,I made our &34; dabble around its cousin - a colossal duck model jutting out in the center of the lake - twice,doing justice to the unseen emotional bond between them. On the way back to the dock,the boat hugged the edge of the lake,affording interesting vistas of reeds,lovely small leaves floating on water and real-life ducks which really knew how to quack.

