
  • 创新
  • 2022-09-29


1. 活动目的

2. 活动项目: 模型制作比赛

3. 活动亮点:学生发明的服务于校园的机器人:外表、功能

4. 学生感受


1. 科技节 science festival 2. 实验 experiment

创造改变生活五年级作文1 在这世界上,我们有温暖的衣物、坚固的房屋、方便的电子产品、美味的饼干糖果……等身边事物及整个人类文明都要感谢各个发明者的发明。而在人类文明发展至今的众多发明当中,我认为。


Shenzhen is well-known as a city of technology and innovation. Last week,our school held a science festival,which aims to develop students’ interest in science and technology and broaden their horizons.

At the festival,some students took an active part in the model-making competition. Many of their robots,which were the highlight of the festival,drew people’s attention. These robots were in the shape of lovely animals,such as rabbits,创新作文开头和结尾素材,monkeys and dogs. They were doing some simple tasks like sweeping the floor and throwing away rubbish. Besides,some other students carried out science experiments. The students who were present at the festival were all surprised at the exhibits and gave them a big around of applause.

“苟日新,日日新,又日新”,《礼记·大学》的这句关于追求创新的 名言 ,形象地映衬了古代中国人民对创新生活的向往与追求。我们生活在不断变革的时代,特别是从中国改革开放到现在,社会一直在不断创新,创新带来改变。

Our school hopes that more and more students can learn science and technology better to serve our country.



提示词语:technology,High-speed Train,shared bikes,convenient,develop


·What new invention do you use in your daily life?

·What do you think of it?

·How does it affect your life?


Technology plays an important role in our daily life. We benefit from them a lot and they are changing our lives greatly. Of hundreds of technological inventions,I like the high-speed train best.

In the past,it took me about 20 hours from Shenzhen to Shanghai . But now it only takes me about 4 hours to get to Shanghai. This saves me a lot of time. Moreover,it’s comfortable to take the high-speed train because it moves smoothly,and I can do some reading and watch movies without any problem. I can not only enjoy the view out of the windows but also have a relaxing time on the train. Many people choose to take the high-speed train because of the lower price than the plane. And it is very convenient. What a great creative invention!

我们不仅要在历史中寻找素材,更要立足于生活,从实践中学会创新。只有那样,才能与外来动漫有底气竞争。如果没有创新,我们的动漫产业必然会在世界的浪潮中被淘汰,跟不上前进的步伐。所以,学会创新,是竞争的必备条件。 在产业中。









The Internet has influenced my life

Many inventions have changed our life. As far as I am concerned,the Internet is a useful invention and it influences my life most.

Every day I surf the Internet and get information from it. I can keep in touch with my friends and family. Besides,I can buy goods from all over the world. More importantly,I can know more through the Internet,and it opens up my eyes. It can not only help me with my study,but also help me relax.


All in all,thanks to the Internet,my life becomes more convenient than ever.

5. 随着科技的进步,获得知识的途径日益增多。有的人推崇师从电脑,有的人则支持师从教师的传统学习模式。请你结合自己的学习经历,创新改变生活议论文800字,选择其中一个观点进行阐述。

learn from computerslearn from teachers
• don’t need to go to school

• take free courses

• more educational resources

• …

• ask for help in time

• teachers help develop interest

• necessary supervision

• …

创新的 话题作文 范文篇1 人因发现与创新而不断充实,生活因发现与创新而不断完善,民族因发现与创新而走向繁荣。 道尔顿发现自己的色觉异常,通过不断的研究,填补了医学理论上的色盲症空白:安腾百福从拉面中获得灵感,创新出方便面。




短文首句:With the development of science,there are more and more ways to get knowledge.


With the development of science,there are more and more ways to get knowledge. Some people believe that learning from computers is good while others support the traditional learning mode. For me,I prefer to learn from computers.

First,if we learn from computers,there is no need for us to go to school. We can save much time traveling to and from schools. Second,it is very convenient to listen to online courses and stop at any time we want. Third,it’s economical to take free courses on the Internet. Lastly,there are more educational resources on the Internet. We can download useful information and talk with foreigners all over the world.

Generally speaking,I think that learning from computers is a wise choice.

6.十九大以来,一系列的“新”成为大家关注的热词,新时代、新起点、新方略……,不断走上新台阶的中国,学校教育也将翻开新的篇章,未来的学校会是什么样呢?请你畅想一下你理想的未来学校的样子,以“My Dream School”为题,根据思维导图提示写一篇英语短文。


1. 包含思维导图的所有信息;

2. 重点谈谈你喜欢这样学校的原因;

3. 文章不少于80词;

4. 不得出现真实的个人信息。


My Dream School

Everyone has a dream school in his heart. So do I. Today let me share something about my dream school with you.

My dream school will be big and beautiful. Everyone will have a computer in the classroom,什么改变了我的生活作文,so we can get information from the Internet. The teachers won’t use chalk to write. There will be special pens for them. And the teachers will be very kind and friendly. Guess what! They will even play with us. In class,we will be able to choose our favourite subjects. After class,we will have less homework so we’ll have more free time. Everyone is friendly and we can easily get on well with each other. The school is beautiful. There are all kinds of flowers and trees around the teaching buildings.

My dream school is so good and I’m sure my dream will come true.







Hello,everyone! Here,I’d like to introduce TmallGenie that my mother bought for me as a present. It is so small that it is convenient to carry wherever we go. Also,both its colours and pictures are beautiful.

It can provide different kinds of service for us. Whenever we have problems with our life or study,just speak to it and it will offer us the help that we need. In addition,the music it plays can make us relaxed after a hard day’s work or study. Meanwhile,the children are easy to fall asleep by listening to the story that it tells. Also,it can remind you of important dates so that we can’t forget the important things we have to do. Every time we want to know what is happening,it will tell us some up-to-date information at home and abroad immediately.

In general,I have found my life more enjoyable and colourful since it came into my life. It is always with me like my closest friend. It can almost do whatever it is asked to. That is why I like it so much.






科技改变生活征文 (一) 生活,在最开始的时候,只是存活,而当人类一次次地打破自然界的规律创造科学的奇迹时,我们的存活变成了生活,这其中多出来的,是一份享受。直到今天,我们的城市生活还在逐渐地改进着,作为首都北京的中学生,我认为。


文化在传承中,传承到了我们的心中,我们的生活之中,得以创新,在现在改变着未来。 如今我们爱国,却不再忠君,我们守礼,却不再封建,我们相信天理循环,却不再崇拜鬼神。大江东去,浪淘尽多少风流人物,他们的思想随着文化的传承得以改革。






As we all know,with the development of technology,there are more and more Apps of ordering food online in our daily life. More and more people are using these Apps to order food online because it saves time and is quite convenient for people. Also,our way of eating is changing rapidly.

Ordering food online does good to us. First of all,we can enjoy delicious food without leaving home. Secondly,there are so many kinds of food for us to choose online. However,every coin has two sides. Ordering food online also brings us a lot of problems. For example,the look of the food is not so good as that in the restaurants. What’s more,we may eat unclean or unhealthy food without knowing.

I hope our government can make some laws and pay more attention to the food safety problem and the use of such Apps. Only in this way can we make good use of this technology.

10.假设你是张明。你的好朋友李磊上周给你写了一封信,信中和你分享了他上周科学课后对于人工智能AI ( artificial intelligence) 的一些观点,并表述了他对于人工智能即将代替人类的担忧。请以此为背景,根据写作提示写一封回信。



可以代替人类进行单调重复的工作,从而从繁重工作中解放 (free v.) 自己,有时间去做一些感兴趣的事情








Dear Li Lei

I’m glad to receive your letter and get a chance to discuss artificial intelligence with you. I don’t think you need to be too worried about it. AI will never completely take the place of human beings. Instead,it has more advantages than disadvantages. The following is my point of view regarding AI.

First of all,AI can be used to do dangerous jobs and keep workers safe. If people don’t want to repeat the same boring and tiring work day after day,they can use AI to help them as well. As a result,people can free themselves from over-work and spend more time on what they are interested in. AI can also help a lot in scientific development. AI plays an important role in the fields of science and technology in China. That’s why the government is paying more attention to it.

In my opinion,AI is a double-edged sword. Instead of worrying about its negative effects,you should learn more about how to use it properly. Do you agree? I’m looking forward to you reply.

科技的创新,着实让生活更美好了。 “科技是第一生产力。”是啊,因为我们中国科技发展的快速迅猛,使我们中国人民的生活方便了许多。我相信,越来越先进的科技一定会让生活更美好! 科技让生活更美好话题作文2 生活中有许多事情,但是。

Yours sincerely。

Zhang Ming


11.科技改变生活方式,给人们带来了极大的便利,如支付宝(Ali-pay)、高铁(High Speed Rail)、微信(WeChat)等。

请以“Chinese Way of Life with High-Tech”为题,举例描述科技如何改变我们的生活方式,让外国友人了解生活在中国的便利和舒适。





Chinese Way of Life with High-Tech

With the rapid development of our economy,high technology brings convenience to our life.

Firstly,there are some shared-bikes around us. They’re very helpful and convenient for us to travel to places not too far away from our home. Secondly,you can see High Speed Rail everywhere in China. Taking high-speed train is not only comfortable,but also saves time. As for payment,we have many choices. We don’t have to carry cash. Electronic payment called WeChat pay or Ali-pay is widely used in daily life,making payment much safer and more convenient. In addition,we communicate a lot in ways like WeChat and QQ,which are quicker and more efficient.

All in all,our life will become more comfortable and convenient.


题目:I Prefer Online Learning /I Prefer Studying at School


1. 你喜欢哪种学习方式;




1. 短文须包含全部要点内容,并适当发挥;




I Prefer Online Learning

Online learning has become more and more popular nowadays. I prefer online learning because of the following reasons.

First of all,I don’t have to go to school,so I can save time on the way. Second,I can choose some excellent teachers whoever I like best. Their classes bring me different feelings. Third,online learning is more interesting because the teachers always use some pictures and videos in their lessons.

In my opinion,online learning is both convenient and interesting.
