
  • 坚持
  • 2022-09-21



坚持不懈的英语作文 1.overcoming obstacle(战胜障碍)I have a plan for overcoming the difficulties.I should transcend myselves before overcoming the difficulties。

I could make much progress on getting wide experience learned from daily life,through work or the relevant knowledge.

This achieves great success in my grown-up from unhappiness to happiness,of which I will be proud. Its fact comes to me that I have worked hard at acquiring knowledge about Math,关于日常生活坚持英语作文,Chinese,English,Physics,Chemistry or professionals,关于坚持的英语作文80词,etc.

These could keep me in bright future by means of disappointment,or doubt or hesitation,as well as of amusement to help have the world view,以坚持为话题的英语作文80词,outlook on life and value. That finds it possible for me to choose the correct path in practice,on which a very wide group of people were,who did something different to.

坚持你的梦想(Hold to Your Dreams)Everyone has his dreams, but not all these dreams can come true. People give up their dreams for this or that reason。

They forced me to pay every effort to advance at all time when troubles ended up,being a huge of source of self-confidence and something difficult to have to do,all,that shaped the life of me being one of new-type people.

This needs to begin with hunting job difficultly,that regarded as stepping into society,enabling me to understand I had to make applying for jobs less painful. On its consideration,I had to deal with the pain-pleasure problem rationally,looking for best one of people whom to find being myself.


and provide us a second chance for success when we are in hardship.“永不放弃”,已被广泛接受一个强大和积极的生活态度,坚持是永久持续可以增强我们的信心,是每个人成功的关键,坚持将加强我们自身。

写作思路:首先阐述一下坚持信念的意义以及重要性,再说一下没有信念的人生是残缺的人生,最后说明坚守信念,我心有主,成就人格的完美。正文:Life without faith is incomplete life。


人要坚持做好每一件事.英语:One must keep doing well everything.





