
  • 文化作文
  • 2025-01-29

My home in Yunnan, the United States and picturesque landscape of Yunnan.我的家乡在云南,云南山水美如画 Xiongqi spectacular deep canyon, Pentium river flow, waves Green Wave dense forest。

我的家乡在云南,云南山水美如画 Xiongqi spectacular deep canyon,Pentium river flow,waves Green Wave dense forest,bright red hills of Yamahana burning.幽深的峡谷雄奇壮丽,奔腾的江河川流不息,茂密的森林绿波荡漾。


我的云南之旅英语作文 篇1 Last summer holiday, I took a trip to Yunnan. It is in the southern part of our country .It is really a very beautiful place grand mountains, clean rivers and kind people。

You are just back from a tour and have some complaints to make about the tourist company. Write a to the of the company which includes the following points: (1) the purposes of writing the letter; (2) the services you were not satisfactory with: (3) the hope that they can give you some compensation.

你刚结束旅行回来,对旅游公司有一些抱怨。向公司董事会提交一份包括以下几点的信函:(1)写信的目的;(2) 你不满意的服务:(3)希望他们能给你一些补偿。

abundant marine resources, but also a Yili scenery scenic area. 洱海古代文献中曾称为叶榆泽、昆弥川、西洱河、西二河等,位于云南大理郊区,为云南省第二大淡水湖,洱海北起洱源,长约42.58公里,东西最大宽度9。

Torch Festival - Yunnan national tourism festival, is the Torch Festival in Yunnan to the Yi, Bai mainly of the oldest traditional festival。

Write your letter using no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter,use " Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)

the Torch Festival of Yunnan in the annual Lunar New Year is usually June 24 or 25.Torch Festival on the origins of Yunnan Province,Yunnan has a variety of folk legends。

My Hometown__by Zogcee(绝对自己写的,原创)I live in Kunming which is a part of Yunnan.I am proud of my hometown,because of the food,the special local product,the sight and the people.As for the food。

My home in Yunnan, the United States and picturesque landscape of Yunnan.我的家乡在云南,云南山水美如画 Xiongqi spectacular deep canyon, Pentium river flow, waves Green Wave dense forest。



曲靖位于云南省,是云南第二大城市,也是云南重要的工业城市。曲靖风光秀丽,有悠久的历史文化和浓郁的民族风情. 其少数名族众多: 1.彝族、2.回族、3.壮族、4.布依族、5.苗族、6.瑶族等。曲靖作为彝族文明的发源地。

Dear Sir,用英语介绍云南的景点。

I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction with one of your tours that I took over the National Day hohday. I participated in the 7-day tour of Yunnan (tour code YN10 ).

000 square kilometers. And it is land of natural beauty and mystery. Today people think of it as a “frontier province”,


There were two things that I was particularly disappointed with. First,the hotel accommodation did not in any way resemble the pictures we were shown prior to the tour. The rooms were unclean and dark. Second,the guide did no accompany us throughout the whole tour,as advertised. Frequently,we had to fend for ourselves.


Given the above,I feel entitled to a partial refund of the tour fee,to compensate for the lower quality and partial absence of a tour guide.

