第五讲 生气、发脾气[发怒][发怒]
*mad“疯癫;怒火”,美式多用mad at;英式多用mad with
·His wife was furious with him. 他老婆对他大发脾气,与朋友闹矛盾英语作文带翻译。
·Are you still mad at/with Richard?你是不是还在生理查德的气啊?
Everyone has a friend. A friend is a person who will help you when you are in difficulty. But sometimes we have something unhappy between we and friends。
here are a few suggestions;t know more how to deal with some problems among their classmates now . Two;If you are patient in one moment of anger,我们想想自己的原因。所以吵架和打架时有发生。
·I wouldn't go in there if I were you. Our chief was steamed when I saw him a few minutes ago. 我要是你现在可不会进去。几分钟前,我看到老板正气得冒烟
·He's like a spoilt child,sulking in the corner. 他像个被宠坏的孩子,在角落里生着闷气。
·My mother nearly had kittens when I said I was going to play two hours more games. 我说我多玩两个小时的游戏,我妈妈就差点发脾气了。
After thinking, I decided to take the initiative to admit my mistake to him, hoping that he would understand me!
other.Stop the argument as soon as possible,and your frendship will become more strong.最后一句友情变得更好,写的有些怪,仅供参考,语法错误希望没有 英语作文主要靠平时积累些好的词段。
you last night.很抱歉昨晚和你争吵.I was too excited, unable to control your emotions.我当时太激动了,不能控制自己的情绪。I'm really sorry, I hope you can forgive me.我真的很抱歉,希望你能原谅我。
·Don&39;ll pay you back,和朋友吵架如何劝英语作文,and I wll. 别生气,我说过会还钱就一定会还的。
·You do know how to get Panst's goat. Just talking with you for five minutes put her in a bad mood. 你知道怎么激怒潘茜。只要和你聊上五分钟,解决朋友闹矛盾的英语作文,就能搞得她心情糟透。
·Justin began to get increasingly irritated by/at all her questions. 贾斯汀越来越觉得她的问题好烦。
Everyone has a friend.A friend is a person who will help you when you are in difficulty.But sometimes we have something unhappy between we and friends。
Trouble with friends, how to solve?老实说,我一般不和朋友闹矛盾,基本一旦问题出现的时候,我会等待回复,没有回复和将问题展开,一般情况下面来说,我会自己将问题说明,然而,没有任何解释的前提条件下。
a mountain out of a molehill
·He has a habit of making a mountain out of a molehill. 他习惯于小题大做。
hate somebody's guts
·Stay away from Mike,you know he hates your guts. 离麦克远点,你知道他很讨厌你。
Everyone has a friend.A friend is a person who will help you when you are in difficulty.But sometimes we have something unhappy between we and friends。
a low boiling point
·OK,OK,吵架了提建议的英语作文,I didn't know you had such a low boiling point. 得得得,我不知道你这么容易生气。
tick off,worked up
·You're really going to tick off Joe if you ues his computer. 如果你用乔的电脑,她会发怒的。
·These are Dad's books. He always got so worked up if I touched any of his stuff. 这些是爸爸的书,我碰一下他都会发脾气,和朋友争吵给建议作文英语。
flip off 惹怒
首先要找到原因,你为什么和你的朋友吵架,是不是错在你!如果是你错了,你应该登门道歉,既然是朋友,低个头请求原谅就可以了,我想你的朋友也会通情达理原谅 你的!
flip someone off 竖中指
·I can't believe you were stupid enough to flip off principal!我没想到你蠢到连校长都敢惹怒!
not in mood,和朋友争吵英文短文。
take it out on。
get on one's nerves
·Do you mind not saying that again? I'm not in mood. 你可不可以不要再说了?我没心情听。
·You don't have to take it out on me. 你不要把气发在我身上。
up yours
screw/fuck you
shove/stick it up one's ass
put two fingers up at somebody
read between the lines
*read between the lines 本作“言外之意”,但如果某人向你举起中间三只手指(手背)并同时讲read between the lines,便等于向你“举中指”了。
·She hadn't phoned for aweek and I was getting quite miffed/miffy. 她已经一个星期没给我打电话了,我真的很生气
·Nothing gets me more peeved than being lied to. 没有什么比被骗更让我恼火的了。
I Had an Argument With My Good Friend.我跟好友吵架了 I had a big argument with my good friend yesterday because of the baseball teams.During the break time。
pissed off
·I'd probably leave soon before I go pissed off and... 我最好先走一步,如果我生气了...
·I'm not pissed off on you. 为不是生你的气,与朋友吵架的英语作文80词。
《吵架英语》by 董德伟