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  • 高中作文
  • 2022-11-04


【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】Summer Holiday Part-time Job[1] During the summer holiday of 2005,I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home and watching TV。


Some people feel like they are always busy doing something all day long,but they still have a lot of things to do. It seems that the time is never enough. How can we spend our time effectively? Well,会考常考的英语作文,in my humble opinion,there are several tips that we can use.

【李阳疯狂英语经典范文】Summer Holiday Part-time Job[1] During the summer holiday of 2005, I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home and watching TV。


Dear editor,With the development of economy, our city has changed a lot.. But at the same time, there comes many problems, for example, rubbish is thrown by people everywhere.As we can see。


First of all,we should make a list about the things we need to do today. The chef thing to remember is to do the things which are extremely critical first. Second,be concentrated. For the people,they may lack of self-control,they are easily got distracted by other things,高中会考英语作文万能句子,thus it’s important for them to do the things according to the list. Don’t do other things unless you have finish your job. Last but not least,wake up earlier in the morning. You’ll find you have more time to do the things you want.


Dear Li Ming,Glad to receive your email.Here are a few etiquette suggestions for that family dinner you were invited to. First, you should bring a gift for your hosts。

高中会考英语作文万能句子推荐 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。2。

ignorance of the past, I always Jalan you angry, but now I grow up, self-reliance, and I feel that I should not be so naive, and her mother,

In a word,we should have a plan about the things we are going to do. Only in this way we can use time effectively.


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志愿者 In recent years, the volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people, especially among youngsters. According to a survey, in 2008, there were about 1,700。
