
  • 2022-11-03


Early one morning,just at the crack of dawn,Confucius (孔天于)was about to leave his house,holding a walking stick and carrying a simple lunch. One of his disciples asked him: &34;Confucius replied,cheerfully: &39;m going to climb Mount Tai. "

Taishan Mountain is located in the middle of ShanDong Province and it ranks the first of the five great mountains in China.No matter who acted as the emperor of the past dynasties。

His disciple was puzzled: &39;t you climb a small mountain? "

Confucius replied gravely: &39;m not going to Mount Tai for pleasure. Mount Tai is regarded as the holiest of the Five Sacred Mountains; I&34;

The disciple then said,&39;s go together. "

Taishan Mountain, a typical representative of the Chinese famous traditional mountains, is a mountain with a long history and a special historic status. In 1982。



They approached Mount Tai from the eastern road. Passing the One Heaven Gate,暑假爬泰山英语作文,they turned north. The path grew progressively more rugged,and Confucius&34;Master,let me help you. &34;There is no need. I can keep going. ”

His disciple then suggested,&39;t have to go right to the top. ”


Last summer a good friend and together climb Mount Tai is really fresh in the memory We ride the bus。

During the National Day this year, our whole family went to climb a Taishan, it is an unforgettable experience. We eat breakfast, the car came to the Taishan back -- tianzhufeng scenic area。

Confucius looked back down at the way they had come,and said in an earnest tone:"This path is like the road of life-full of thorns and briars. I have visited a number of states,and everywhere met with rebuffs. But I never thought of abandoning my quest or surrendering. We must go right to the top! "

The disciple raised no more objections,and the pair eventually reached the summit.

During the summer holiday,I had a good time to the Mount Tai with my friend,Tom.With a happy mind on the bus, we sang a lot of songs along the way.After getting there。


Standing on the topmost peak and gazing down at the grandiose scenery amid the swirling&34;with crag after crag stretching into the distance,Confucius said with deep emotion: &34;


His disciple said,&34;



Confucius nodded in satisfaction.

On their way back down,Confucius and his disciple met the hermit Rong Qiqi. This man wore a dress of deerskin and had a piece of rope for a belt. He was sitting crosslegged on a rock,playing a zither and singing,in complete contentment. Confucius asked him: &34;

my teacher organized a climbing for us. There is a beautiful mountain in my city and it's target this time. We took bus there and arrived there at 9 p.m.. After we took off the bus。

"Many things make me happy,泰山之旅英语作文,&34;I am happy to be a person,I am happy to be a man. Life is short. I am over ninety years old,so I am happy to have lived so long. "


Confucius then asked,&39;t you,with all your talents,regret having adopted the life of a hermit secluded on this mountain? "

The old man replied,&34;

Confucius said,with a sigh: "This man really is contented with his lot,and therefore happy. He is a man of truly deep understanding. ”

英语作文,描写泰山:《Climb mount tai》Today we come to mount tai, the most famous of the five great mountains. And our mission here is to climb mount tai。


As Confucius revered Mount Tai,his disciples looked up to Confucius as their Mount Tai;both were held in profound awe by later generations for their respective importance.



The greatness of Mount Tai lies not only in its size and scenery,but also in the fact that it is a symbol of reverence and authority. Likewise,Confucius is respected not only for his learning but also for his breadth of vision and self-cultivation. The literary signinlcance of Confucius'paean upon ascending Mount Tai has been handed down from generation to generation as a metaphor for soaring determination.
