
  • 家务
  • 2025-01-21

下面是我收集整理的写做家务的作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 写做家务的作文1 “三八”妇女节,我想要给妈妈一个世上最好的礼物。 早上,我就把作业做完了。我象猫一样地走到妈妈房间的门前,看见妈妈正在看书,我走进去,对妈妈说。


After dinner,my first job was to get the dirty dishes to the kitchen. Then I began to wash them. I turned on the tap and water covered all the dishes in the sink. Then I added some detergent to the water. Maybe I put too much,so it was full of bubbles in the sink. It was just like a bubble bath for dishes and bowls. I caught a bowl to wash. It was slippery. &34; The bowl slipped from my fingers. It dropped into the sink and broke another bowl and a dish. It was terrible! There was only one dish left.In the end,my mother cleared the pieces and helped me clean the dishes. I think I'll do a better job next time.



Is it good for students to do some housework.

Some people think studengts need not do any housework. They think the only thing students need do is to study well. I don't think so. It is good for students to do some housework for three reason.

我学会了做家务200字作文1 上个星期天,我把红领巾洗得干干净净的,妈妈为此表扬了我。当时,我正好写完作业,闲着没什么事干。忽然,我想起了我的红领巾换下还在洗手盆里没洗呢!于是,我便拿起红领巾。

Firstly,to do some housework can make you independent. You can't depend on others all your life. So,you should learn to do some housework now.

篇一:写我做家务活的作文 星期天,妈妈有事出去了,我做完作业,闲着没事干,就帮妈妈打扫起了家务。 我先用一块湿毛巾擦窗户,我左擦,右擦,上擦,下擦,可还是擦不干净,我灵机一动,用洗衣粉不就行了吗。

Secondly,to do some housework can keep you healthy and strong ,some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise.

【篇一:关于学做家务的作文】 好几天没擦地板了,看上去蒙蒙的很不舒服,于是,我就那来拖把,决定擦地板。 大块的地方好脏,可是床底下怎么擦呢?想来想去没办法,要干净就要像老妈那样做,我一咬东西,就钻进了床底下,哎哟。

Finally,to do some housework can share your parents' work. They must be happy if you say” Have a rest,and I will do the housework”

So I think it is good for students to do some housework.


做家务作文一: “我会洗毛巾了!母亲终于不再小看我了!”这份喜悦还得从二年级时说起。母亲总是说我是一个小不点,怎么也长不大。我特别不服气,总想找个机会证明自己。机会终于来了,星期六父亲母亲加班不在家。





做家务作文1 远方的垃圾车音乐已经响起了,“宇绮!吃完饭不要看电视了!快点去到垃圾!”我把妈妈的话当成耳边风,“怎么还没来?”“等一下垃圾车跑掉。


以下是我帮大家整理的做家务的作文500字,希望能够帮助到大家。 做家务的作文500字1 有句话说得好“镜子不擦起灰尘,人不劳动变废人。”正好学校举办了质朴少年学做家务活动。嘿嘿,这可是我大显身手的好时候。


篇一:我会做家务作文300字 寒假的一个早上,我做完作业觉得很无聊。我跑到阳台,看到脸盆里有一堆脏衣服,想:妈妈既要擦地板,又要做早饭,真累呀!闲着也是闲着,不如帮妈妈洗洗衣服吧!我撩起袖子。

Every family has lots of housework. Everyone should learn to do some of it. I often help my parents do housework such as washing clothes,cleaning the room and watering flowers.

I think I‘ve learned how to take good care of myself and my family by doing housework. Sometimes cleaning all the windows is an enjoyable experience. I really felt proud of myself. And doing housework is also a kind of exercise.

The summer holiday is coming. I'm going to learn how to cook some dishes. My parents will be happy to enjoy them.


Nowadays,we can see some boys and girls who live in a small world of their own. They bury themselves among books and are proud of themselves. They think that it will make them lose their face if they do housework for they often think themselves very noble.

These young people are wrong. In my opinion every student should have a knowledge of housework. After all,they will have a family of their own,我学会了做家务400字作文,and they should do their part in keeping a good home. Boys should also learn to do housework,for what will they do if they remain single? Though not all boys remain single,yet they will be very helpful in the family if they know some housework. Anyhow they will not lose anything,but,on the contrary,they will gain something useful.


For what I said above,we can find some examples of our fellow-students studying abroad. All young men do housework as girls do. Someone would argue that we can employ servants. This is true. However,what shall we do if the servant leaves us and all things are left to ourselves? We just cannot leave our clothes as they are and let worms and ants eat them up. And what can we do it we go and study in a foreign country where servants are out our means to employ?

We must work for ourselves. Why not start to learn to do housework now or else it will be too late?Everyone should learn to do housework. What do you think about my idea,boys and girls?


做家务的作文范文八篇1 星期六的早晨,我被一声烦杂声吵醒了,天还是黑沉沉的,还伴有朦胧的夜色。我想:这么早,是谁发出的声音呢? 大约六点半左右,天渐渐亮了,光线从窗帘间透射进来,我匆匆的起床了,走出房间一看,妈妈正忙着做家务。

Some people think studengts need not do any housework.They think the only thing students need do is to study well. I don’t think so. It is good for students to do some housework for three reason.

Firstly,to do some housework can make you independent.You can’t depend on others all your life.So,you should learn to do some housework now.

Secondly,to do some housework can keep you healthy and strong ,some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise.

Finally,to do some housework can share your parents’ work .They must be happy if you say” Have a rest ,and I will do the housework”

So I think it is good for students to do some housework


Mother is always the greatest person in the family,because she takes care of everything,she does all the housework,though she is a housewife,what she is so heavy and great.


I nearly help my mother to do the housework,我会做家务的一篇作文,when I go home after school,I always go out to play with my friend and then until the dinner,I will come back.


Now as I grow up,I start to realize that I need to help my mother,I should share some housework,so that I can reduce her burden.


Since I help my mother with the housework,she looks so happy,she will praise me in front of her friends.


I feel proud of myself.

