
  • 文化作文
  • 2025-01-20

How do Chinese teas go global

文 《雅安日报》高富华


说实话百度复制来的咱么这本事 Tea in China is as important as coffee in the western countries. Most chinese enjoy drinking tea. It do good to peaple healthy. As we all know tea has a spacial taste。

“Shennong (Divine Farmer) was the first one to use tea as a drink.” China has a long history of tea drinking and tea culture. According to literature available,tea,as a tribute or a sacrifice,dates from the time when King Wu of Zhou sent a punitive expedition against King Zhou of Shang,while it traces back to the Western Han Dynasty as a commodity.


From the perspective of tea history,the fact that tea became a commodity in the Western Han Dynasty indicates that tea drinking was quite popular back then. Well,when were Chinese teas spread to the West?

茶的英语作文 篇1 China is the home of tea,is the birthplace of tea culture.The discovery and utilization of tea in China,has a history of four thousand or five thousand years。

丝绸之路和茶马古道是我们现今发现的中国茶叶传入西方最早、最著名的两条国际通道。丝绸之路和茶马古道的雏形,大约也是在西汉时期形成。随着张骞出使西域,丝绸、茶就到了西方。但让人纳闷的是,在西方并没有关于中国茶的记载。The Silk Road and the Ancient Tea -Horse Road are the earliest and most famous international channels we have discovered so far for the introduction of Chinese teas into the West. The two ancient roads took shape almost in the Western Han Dynasty. Silk and tea were brought by Zhang Qian’s mission to the West. However,it is puzzling that there is no early record of Chinese teas in the West.欧洲最早出现茶是在1559年,威尼斯商人拉莫修在其出版的《航海记》中首次提到了茶叶,这与中国西汉王褒的《僮约》相差了1500多年。在这1500多年的时间里,在西方的文献中找不到一个茶字,更说不上茶叶的交易和消费了。更让人不解的是,在著名的《马可·波罗游记》中,我们也看不到他对茶叶只言片语的介绍。Tea appeared in Europe for the first time in 1559,as the Venice merchant Giovanni Battista Ramusio described in his publish book Navigationi et Viaggi (“Navigations and Travels”),which is more than 1,介绍茶文化的英语作文简短,500 years later than Tong Yue by Wang Bao in Western Han Dynasty. In the more than 1,500 years,no word about tea can be found throughout Western literature,let alone tea trade and consumption. Even the famous book The Travels of Marco Polo does not contain a single word about tea,either.

晒茶制茶(图 东方IC)

Tea can be heat-clearing and detoxifying, has great benefits to the intestinal tract, can help digestion, more than a cup of tea can be refreshing, not sleepy during the day。


In 1606,the Dutch first imported Chinese teas to Europe. In the next over 90 years,however,tea did not become a major commodity imported to Europe. In 1704,the British merchant ship “Ghent” purchased 470 piculs of tea in Guangzhou,valued at 14,000 taels of silver,accounting for only 11% of the value of the cargo on board. In contrast,the silk aboard was worth 80,000 taels of silver,several times the value of the tea.



Longjing tea from Hangzhou, oolong tea from Fujian, Lu'an Guapian from Lu'an, etc.汉族对茶的配制是多种多样的。

In 1716,tea became an important commodity in Sino-British trade. Two British merchant ships brought back 3,000 piculs of tea from Guangzhou,worth 35,简短茶文化的英语介绍,085 pounds,accounting for 80% of the total cargo value. After the 1720s,tea consumption in Europe grew rapidly,and tea trade became the most important and most profitable business for oriental trading companies in Europe.


In the history of tea drinking,Tsarist Russia was much luckier than the rest of Europe. In 1638,a Tsarist Russian envoy named Stratkov was sent to Mongol Empire to pay respects to Khan and bring precious marten as a tribute. Khan accepted the gift and repaid 200 bags of Chinese tea. The envoy brought the tea back to St. Petersburg. The Tsar ordered his servants to make tea and invited his courtiers to taste it. Everyone was amazed at it wonderful fragrance. From then on,Russians began a long history of tea drinking.

Tea in China is as important as coffee in the western countries. Most chinese enjoy drinking tea. It do good to peaple healthy. As we all know tea has a spacial taste。 It can clear the bowels。



茶文化英语作文高一1 China is the home of tea, is the birthplace of tea culture. The discovery and utilization of tea in China, has a history of four thousand or five thousand years。

In fact,tea was suspected as “toxic” by Westerners in the following more than three centuries from the 16th century when Westerners came into contact with tea. In 1664,after British East India Company paid tribute to the King of Britain with tea,fashionable aristocratic women flooded to drink tea as the royal family did. But they worried that tea was toxic,so they drank brandy for “detoxification” after they drank tea.


How was tea produced? Europeans were always puzzled by it. This mysterious plant from an ancient oriental state aroused great curiosity of Westerners. Into 1560,the Portuguese Jesuitic missionary Cruz dressed himself up and mingled with the men of a caravan. He traveled between China’s trade ports and mainland and found out the origin of tea in more than four years. After returning to his country,he described what he had seen and heard in his Book of Chinese Teas,the first European monograph on Chinese teas.



In 1848,the Scottish “plant hunter” Robert Fortune arrived in China. He really unraveled the European misunderstanding of tea. Westerners had long believed that tea trees were divided into green tea trees and black tea trees. Fortune told them that the difference between green tea and black tea was only caused by the tea making process. His view was initially questioned by the public and experts,so he asked tea experts to make tea in front of the British public. Then,his statement was accepted.


Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis, an evergreen shrub native to Asia.After water。

Around 1867,an Englishman named Tang Cooper came to China. His planned route was Chengdu-Ya’an-Kangding-Batang-India. In fact,he only reached Batang and then returned along the route. Tang Cooper’s route was exactly the ancient Sichuan-Tibet Tea Road (now known as “Sichuan-Tibet Ancient Tea-Horse Road”). Biancha (a kind of tea in Sichuan) from Ya’an,Qionglai et al was transported through this road to Tibet,Qinghai and other places.


Tea in my hometown My hometown is in Nanjing, Nanjing is a famous Chinese one of four big ancient capitals and historical and cultural city. Sun Zhongshan is a very famous in China people。

In face of the magical “green gold”,the British business community was desperate to open the door to southwest China. After Tang Cooper,Westerners came to Ya’an successively to understand Sichuan tea planting and biancha trade.


By virtue of the fragments in history,we have narrowly restored the picture of Chinese teas going global,opening a unique window for us to “know ourselves”,被动语态介绍茶的作文,and enabling us to explore the significance of tea-related Chinese cultural symbols from history.





关于茶文化的英语作文1 Chinese Tea History of Tea According to Lu Yu, writer of the book Tea Classics during the Tang Dynasty, Chinese tea has enjoyed a history of more than 4000 years。

国内统一连续出版物号:CN 51-1788/F

国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 2096-2886



