
  • 海洋
  • 2025-01-16

向海洋中抛弃垃圾,污染海水。我们应该保护海洋。如果人类不停止对海洋的伤害和破坏,那么我们将受到海洋的报复,人类将面临巨大的灾难。● 希望我的回答能对你有所帮助。小猪我只是抛砖引玉,希望多多指正。







关于保护海洋生态的作文1 一望无际的大海给我们快乐,给我们温暖的母爱。在我心目中,大海是我的妈妈。在小鱼的生命中,大海是它们的家园。大海妈妈孕育着许多自由自在的生命。大海是那么的迷人,那么的神秘啊! 可是如今。

如何保护海洋的英语作文初中篇1 Good environment can make people feel happy and fit . To improve the environment means to improve our life.We should plant more trees and flowers around us 。


保护海洋英语作文篇1 Sea pollution Between 75 and 80% of marine pollution is caused by land, particularly agriculture. 30% of this is from the atmosphere. Around 12% of the pollution is caused by maritime transport。

保护海洋作文 篇1 现在是2998年,一个高科技发展的时代。我,是一名海洋研究、改造员,处理各种因为环境污染而发生的事故。其实,早在许多年前,人类就意识到了破坏环境的可怕,但他们还是不注意保护,造成了现在的环境。 现在。

保护海洋的作文四篇1 一望无垠的大海给人期盼,给人美感,给人温暖的母爱。大海像一首诗,灵动跳跃;像一幅画,意蕴丰富;又像一支交响乐,浩瀚澎湃。它时而平静,犹如一面明镜;时而暴怒,涌起万丈狂澜。


提示词:liver oil肝油;whale鲸鱼;cruel残忍的

People kill whales and other sea animals every year.As everyone knows,海洋环境保护作文500字,sea animals are our friends.But people kill them to make money.For example,people kill whales for liver oil.It is reported that the number of whales is getting smaller and smaller.They are in danger now.

保护海洋作文 篇1 我的家乡潮连岛是一个很美丽的地方,我经常去沙滩上玩,我最喜欢的就是和哥哥、姐姐一起在沙滩上捡贝壳。爷爷说以前贝壳很多,但是我们一年年、一代代不断地大量捕捞海贝,现在海贝已经越来越少了。

We should take steps to protect whales and other sea animals now.On one hand,we should take care of the sea environment.We should not pollute the sea any more.On the other hand,we should stop killing sea animals from now on.

When we see whales and other sea animals live happily in the sea,we are proud of them because they make the sea beautiful and peaceful.If we kill them cruelly,保护海洋小知识50字,we will be punished by nature.I hope everyone should love our big family and share happiness with each other.

When the buying stops,关于保护海洋的一段话,the killing can too.
