
  • 初三作文
  • 2022-09-30




1.﹣Excuse me,do you know ?

﹣On foot.( )

A.what Alice came to doB.where Alice came from

C.how Alice came hereD.who Alice came with

2.Yesterday,Mr.Green went to his hometown and visited the old house ____ he was born in.( )


3.You can ask the policeman for help ________ you know the way.( )


4.﹣Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the Summer Palace?

﹣___________.You can ask the policeman over there.( )

A.Have a good timeB.No,thanks

C.Sorry,I'm new hereD.Yes,of course

5.﹣Could you tell me ?

﹣Talking about Picasso's Works Show.( )

A.when they are playingB.what they are doing

C.where they are going

6.一Are you going camping this afternoon?

﹣A typhoon is coming I'm not sure _______the road to the mountains will be closed.( )


7.We should learn to look after ourselves.Don't _______our parents too much.( )

A.work onB.try onC.pass onD.depend on

8.Could you please ________ us Mary's telephone number?( )

A.to giveB.giveC.givingD.to giving

9.﹣Do you like swimming in winter?

﹣Of course.The water a bit cold at first,初三英语上册第三单元作文,but then I am warm and full of energy.( )


10.Traveling around big cities by taxi can cost a lot of money,but it's usually to take the underground train to most places.( )


11.﹣Sam,can you tell me ?

﹣Try Music.World on Huangyuan Street.( )

A.why to buy a CDB.where to get a CD

C.how to choose a CDD.when to record a CD

12.﹣Excuse me.Could you tell me ______ get to the nearest post office?

﹣Sorry,I am new here.( )

A.how can IB.how I couldC.how toD.what I can

13.It's very convenient us to buy train tickets now because we can buy them either from the station or on the internet.( )


14.﹣Would you please show me the way _________ the bank?

﹣Yes,go straight ahead.It's opposite a school.( )


15.You don't know ______ I want to see you again.It's a year since I last saw you.( )

A.how soonB.how longC.how oftenD.how much




A:Excuse me,I wonder if there is a post office near here.

B:Yes,there is.What do you want to mail?


on the night of february 17,1981 i was studying for an organic chemistry test at the library with sharon,my girlfriend of three years。

B:When is your sister's birthday?

A:It is next Sunday.(27)

B:Sure.Go east along South Street and turn left when you see a bank.(28)

A:Is it next to the bank?


A:Do I have to take a bus?

B:No,you don't.(30)

A:Thank you.

B:You're welcome.



It was a cold winter day.Bob and two of his friends went into the mountains.They first put up their tents under the trees and then rode(16) to a forest to see how the trees were growing.

In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometers away from their camp,it started to(17) .Soon they could not even see their hands clearly before their faces.They could not find the(18) .Bob knew there were two roads.One road led to their camp,and the other led to his house.(19) everything was the same white as snow.(20) could he take his friends back to the camp?

Bob had an idea.The horses!Bob thought,"Let the horses take(21) back!But what would happen if the horses took the road(22) my house?That would be a trip of thirty﹣five kilometers in such cold weather!We'd better(23) our tents."

It was getting late.They rode on and on.At last the horses(24) .Where were they?None of them could tell.Bob looked around and found a small white"hill"under a tree.How(25) !They found one of their tents!


18.People in different countries have different ways of doing things.Something that is polite in one country may be quite impolite in another.In Britain,you mustn't lift your bowl to your mouth when you are having some liquid(液体) food.But it's different in China.And in Japan you even needn't worry about making noises when you have it.It shows that you are enjoying it.But it is regarded as bad manners in Britain.If you are a visitor in Mongolia,what manners do they wish you to have?They wish you to give a loud"burp"(打嗝) after you finish eating.Burping shows that you like the food.

In Britain,you should try not to put your hands on the table when you're having a meal.In Mexico,however,guests are expected to keep their hands on the table during a meal.But in Arab countries you must be very careful with your hands.You mustn't eat with your left hand.Arabs consider it very bad manners eating with left hands.So,what should you do if you are on a visit in another country?Well,just do in Rome as the Romans do.You can ask the native(本土的) people to help you or just watch carefully and follow them.

66.According to the passage,making noises when you have liquid food isn't bad manners in .





67. is bad manners in Britain.

A.Eating food without making noises

B.Putting liquid food in the bowl

C.Having soup directly with a bowl

D.Keeping hands off the table

68.From the passage,we can infer(推断) that .

A.Mongolian people burp when they are eating

B.Japanese people all make noises when drinking


C.Chinese people never make noises at table

D.few Arabs eat with left hands

69."Do in Rome as the Romans do"means .

A.Do as the native people do

B.Do as you do at home

C.Ask the native people to do it

D.Watch the native people doing it

70.The passage mainly(主要) tells us .

A.some table manners in Britain

B.some different table manners

C.different ways of having liquid food

D.to have good manners.


19.假如你叫刘雯,最近你在网上看到了一则广告,9月份英国伦敦的一所中学将开办英语培训班,为期6周.你打算报名参加来提高英语水平,但去之前你还想询问负责人一些情况.请你根据下面的要点提示用英语给该校的Miss Millis写一封电子邮件,向她询问相关事宜.








Dear Miss Millis。

I am looking forward to your reply.


Liu Wen.


if I can not use computer in my social work, I must ask myself to learn it well so as to improve my work.Finally, the social activity is also a kind of rest for us after study。


1.﹣Excuse me,do you know ?

﹣On foot.( )

A.what Alice came to doB.where Alice came from

C.how Alice came hereD.who Alice came with




根据Do you know可知,本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句中一般为陈述语序;再根据On foot,可知这里表示的是出行方式,所以宾语从句的引导词是how,时态应该用一般过去时.故选C.


2.Yesterday,Mr.Green went to his hometown and visited the old house ____ he was born in.( )


Chinese examination system sometimes is full of controversy. When it comes to the CET-6, some people think it is necessary, while some people do not think so. Both of them have their reasons。



分析句子可知空格处引导定语从句作the old house的定语,which和where可以引导定语从句,what和it不可以,排除C和D.从句中缺in的宾语,所以要用which来引导,九年级3单元英语作文,where在从句中作状语,与此句不符合,九年级英语第三单元作文加翻译,所以选A.

【点评】此题首先要分析句子,判断出句子的属性为定语从句,再结合定语从句的知识 来分析句子,选择正确的答案.

3.You can ask the policeman for help ________ you know the way.( )




本题考查的是从属连词的辨析.根据语境推测句意是"如果你不知道路的话,你可以向警察求助."从句意来看,这里需要一个表假设的连词,说明后句是表假设的条件状语从句,结合选项,unless可以引导一个表假设的条件状语从句,意为"除非",相当于if not.故选C.


4.﹣Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the Summer Palace?

﹣___________.You can ask the policeman over there.( )

A.Have a good timeB.No,thanks

C.Sorry,I'm new hereD.Yes,of course





5.﹣Could you tell me ?

﹣Talking about Picasso's Works Show.( )

A.when they are playingB.what they are doing

C.where they are going




根据Could you tell me,可知本句考查了宾语从句的用法.在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序.再根据Talking about Picasso's Works Show,可知这里表示的是正在讨论毕加索作品展,提问的话应该用what they are doing.故选B.


6.一Are you going camping this afternoon?

﹣A typhoon is coming I'm not sure _______the road to the mountains will be closed.( )





根据语境以及上下文,本题考查的是连词的用法. 根据语境I'm not sure _______the road to the mountains will be closed,可知说话人不确定通往大山的道路是否会关闭,所以应该用whether"是否",故选C.


7.We should learn to look after ourselves.Don't _______our parents too much.( )

A.work onB.try onC.pass onD.depend on




8.Could you please ________ us Mary's telephone number?( )

A.to giveB.giveC.givingD.to giving


【解答】答案:B 本题考查实义动词的用法.Could you please为固定句型,表示请求,九年级上册第三单作文英语,please后加动词原形,故答案为B.


9.﹣Do you like swimming in winter?

﹣Of course.The water a bit cold at first,but then I am warm and full of energy.( )




【解答】答案:A 根据The water a bit cold可知,此句为主系表结构的句子.感官动词后接形容词作表语.feel"摸起来,感觉";taste"尝起来";smell"闻起来";look"看起来";由词义辨析可知,"感觉水凉".故选A.


10.Traveling around big cities by taxi can cost a lot of money,but it's usually to take the underground train to most places.( )



【解答】答案:C;amazing令人惊异的; expensive昂贵的;convenient方便的; exciting令人兴奋的.根据句中信息take the underground train to most places推知"很方便";故选C.


11.﹣Sam,can you tell me ?

﹣Try Music.World on Huangyuan Street.( )

A.why to buy a CDB.where to get a CD

C.how to choose a CDD.when to record a CD



【解答】答案:B 根据选项内容和Can you tell me可知,动词后面可以跟宾语从句或特殊疑问词+不定式做宾语;又因为答句是:on Huangyuan Street,表示地点,所以问句应该用特殊疑问词where,故选B.


12.﹣Excuse me.Could you tell me ______ get to the nearest post office?

﹣Sorry,I am new here.( )

A.how can IB.how I couldC.how toD.what I can



【解答】答案:C 根据Could you tell me可知,它后面可以宾语从句或特殊疑问词+不定式做宾语,宾语从句中一般为陈述语序,九年级英语第三单元作文人教版,选项A是疑问语序;又因为Sorry,I am new here可知,问句应该是"如何到达某处,而不是能做什么"排除D;又因为句子不是叙述过去的动作,所以又排除B;故选C.


13.It's very convenient us to buy train tickets now because we can buy them either from the station or on the internet.( )



【解答】答案:D.此题考查句型It's+形容词 for sb to do sth对于某人来说做某事是怎样的.故选D.

【点评】本题是介词考查题,在读懂全句的基础上,理解It's+形容词 for sb to do sth句型是关键.

14.﹣Would you please show me the way _________ the bank?


﹣Yes,go straight ahead.It's opposite a school.( )





结合设空处前面的the way可以推断问句表达的意思是"你能给我指一指去银行的路吗?",所以设空处的介词短语表达的意思是"去…的路",应该用 the way to,故选D



15.You don't know ______ I want to see you again.It's a year since I last saw you.( )

A.how soonB.how longC.how oftenD.how much

【分析】你不知道我是多么的想再次见到你. 自从我上次见到你已经一年了.

【解答】答案:D how soon 多久﹣﹣提问时间,how long﹣﹣多长时间﹣﹣提问时间段,how often﹣多久一次﹣提问频率,how much﹣﹣多少、多么﹣提问价格、数量、程度,根据You don't know ______ I want to see you again﹣﹣我是多么想念 你,应该用表示程度的,故选D




A:Excuse me,I wonder if there is a post office near here.

B:Yes,there is.What do you want to mail?


B:When is your sister's birthday?

A:It is next Sunday.(27)E

B:Sure.Go east along South Street and turn left when you see a bank.(28)B

A:Is it next to the bank?


A:Do I have to take a bus?

B:No,you don't.(30)D

A:Thank you.

B:You're welcome.













【解答】26.G.根据上文"What do you want to mail"可知,乙某问甲某要邮寄什么东西.根据下文"When is your sister's birthday"可知,乙某询问甲某的妹妹的生日是什么时候,故知甲某要给妹妹邮寄生日礼物,故选G.

27.E.根据下文"Sure"及"Go east along South Street and turn left when you see a bank"可知,乙某表示同意,并说了去邮局的方法,故知这里说的是,甲某请求对方告知自己怎样去邮局.故选E.


28.B.根据上文"Go east along South Street and turn left when you see a bank"可知,乙某说明了去邮局的道路.故知此处最后说明邮局的具体位置.故选B.

29.A.根据上文"Is it next to the bank"可知,甲某想知道它是否挨着银行.故知此处乙某要做肯定或否定回答,故选A.

30.D.根据上文"No,you don't"可知,九上第三单元英语作文人教版,乙某告诉甲某,九年级unit3英文作文,不用乘公交车.故知它很近.故选D.




It was a cold winter day.Bob and two of his friends went into the mountains.They first put up their tents under the trees and then rode(16)Bto a forest to see how the trees were growing.

In the afternoon when they were about ten kilometers away from their camp,it started to(17)C.Soon they could not even see their hands clearly before their faces.They could not find the(18)D.Bob knew there were two roads.One road led to their camp,and the other led to his house.(19)Aeverything was the same white as snow.(20)Dcould he take his friends back to the camp?

Bob had an idea.The horses!Bob thought,"Let the horses take(21)Bback!But what would happen if the horses took the road(22)Bmy house?That would be a trip of thirty﹣five kilometers in such cold weather!We'd better(23)Cour tents."

It was getting late.They rode on and on.At last the horses(24)D.Where were they?None of them could tell.Bob looked around and found a small white"hill"under a tree.How(25)A!They found one of their tents!


【解答】16﹣20 BCDAD 21﹣25 BBCDA

16题答案:B 考查名词辨析.A汽车;B马;C自行车;D公交车;根据前面rode骑,和下文 to a forest to see how the trees were growing去森林里,第三段The horses!马,可知这里是骑马,故答案是B

17题答案:C 考查动词辨析.A下雨;B落下;C下雪;D摇;根据下文everything was the same white as snow像雪一样白,可知是下雪了,故答案是C

18题答案:D 考查名词辨析.A房子;B树;C森林;D路;根据下文Bob knew there were two roads.鲍勃知道有两条路,应该是找不到路了,故答案是D

19题答案:A 考查连词辨析.A但是;B所以;C虽然;D如果;根据下文everything was the same white as snow所有像雪一样白,后面带他朋友帐篷,可知是转折关系,故答案是A

20题答案:D 考查连词辨析.A为什么;B哪儿;C谁;D如何;根据上文everything was the same white as snow所有像雪一样白,后面带他朋友帐篷,应该是如何,故答案是D

21题答案:B 考查代词辨析.A他们;B我们;C他;D她;根据Let the horses take(21)back!这里是直接引语,可知应该是让马带我们回去,故答案是B

22题答案:B 考查介词辨析.A在…上;B到…C通过;D离开;根据But what would happen if the horses took the road(22)my house?应该带着找到回家的路,故答案是B

23题答案:C 考查动词辨析.A修理;B改变;C找到;D核对;根据That would be a trip of thirty﹣five kilometers in such cold weather在这样寒冷的天气里,行程可达三十五公里.后面应该是找到帐篷,故答案是C

24题答案:D 考查动词辨析.A离开;B隐藏;C移动;D停止;根据后面Where were they?None of them could tell.Bob looked around and found a small white"hill"under a tree.他们在哪儿?谁也说不清.鲍伯环顾四周,发现树下有一座白色的小山.结合前面开始走,可知这里是停下来,故答案是D

25题答案:A 考查形容词辨析.A好极了;B奇怪的;C有趣的;D平静的;根据后面They found one of their tents他们发现了一个帐篷,这里应该是惊喜,太棒了,故答案是A


爱心拍卖”将自己拍新专辑封面时穿的一件衣服作为拍品,以一元起拍,拍了出去.这时 ,光良唱起了大学生最喜欢听的一首《童话》.大家又再一次为大学生捐款,现场十分感人.我也留着泪 ,给节目组发短信。


18.People in different countries have different ways of doing things.Something that is polite in one country may be quite impolite in another.In Britain,you mustn't lift your bowl to your mouth when you are having some liquid(液体) food.But it's different in China.And in Japan you even needn't worry about making noises when you have it.It shows that you are enjoying it.But it is regarded as bad manners in Britain.If you are a visitor in Mongolia,what manners do they wish you to have?They wish you to give a loud"burp"(打嗝) after you finish eating.Burping shows that you like the food.

In Britain,you should try not to put your hands on the table when you're having a meal.In Mexico,however,guests are expected to keep their hands on the table during a meal.But in Arab countries you must be very careful with your hands.You mustn't eat with your left hand.Arabs consider it very bad manners eating with left hands.So,what should you do if you are on a visit in another country?Well,just do in Rome as the Romans do.You can ask the native(本土的) people to help you or just watch carefully and follow them.

66.According to the passage,making noises when you have liquid food isn't bad manners inB.





67.C is bad manners in Britain.

A.Eating food without making noises

I am sorry that I can not help you .But I have done it several months ago.加油吧,祝你好运。

B.Putting liquid food in the bowl

C.Having soup directly with a bowl

D.Keeping hands off the table

68.From the passage,we can infer(推断) thatD.

A.Mongolian people burp when they are eating

B.Japanese people all make noises when drinking

C.Chinese people never make noises at table

D.few Arabs eat with left hands

69."Do in Rome as the Romans do"meansA.

A.Do as the native people do

B.Do as you do at home

C.Ask the native people to do it

D.Watch the native people doing it

70.The passage mainly(主要) tells usB.

A.some table manners in Britain

B.some different table manners

C.different ways of having liquid food

D.to have good manners.


【解答】答案:66.B 细节理解题.根据第一段第二行句子in Japan you even needn't worry about making noises when you have it.可知在日本,当你喝东西时,可以出声音.故选B.

67.C 细节理解题.根据第一段第一行句子In Britain,you mustn't lift your bowl to your mouth when you are having some liquid (液体) food."在英国,当你喝东西时,你一定不要将碗放到嘴边喝."可知结合选项,用碗直接喝汤.是不礼貌的.故选C.

68.D 细节理解题.根据第二段第二行句子But in Arab countries you must be very careful with your hands.You mustn't eat with your left hand.Arabs consider it very bad manners eating with left hands.但是在阿拉伯国家,你的手必须非常小心,不能用左手吃饭.阿拉伯人认为用左手吃饭这是非常不礼貌的.可知很少有阿拉伯人用左手吃饭.故选D.

69.A 句意推理题.根据下文just do in Rome as the Romans do.You can ask the native(本土的) people to help you or just watch carefully and follow them.入乡随俗,你可以请当地人帮助你,或者只是仔细观察并跟随他们.可知结合选项,应说像当地人一样做,入乡随俗.故选A.

70.B 主旨归纳题.根据整篇文章内容及其第一段第一句People in different countries have different ways of doing things.不同国家的人有不同的做事方式.可知本文主要讲述了不同国家的餐桌礼仪.所以本题选B.



19.假如你叫刘雯,最近你在网上看到了一则广告,9月份英国伦敦的一所中学将开办英语培训班,为期6周.你打算报名参加来提高英语水平,但去之前你还想询问负责人一些情况.请你根据下面的要点提示用英语给该校的Miss Millis写一封电子邮件,向她询问相关事宜.





Every body knows that study is one of the most important things for the young people,and a lot of people think that youngmen should study everyday to get a good score。




Dear Miss Millis。

I am a middle school student in Beijing,China.I like English very much.I'm thinking about going to your school to improve my English.I've read your ad,and I'd like to know something more about your school.Would you mind answering a few of my questions?First,could you please tell me how many hours students spend in class each week?Second,how many students are there in a class?Third,I'd like to know where I'll live.Will there be a host family?Thank you very much for helping me.

I am looking forward to your reply.


Liu Wen.


I'm thinking about going to your school to improve my English.我在考虑到你们学校来提高我的英语水平.think about思考; improve my English 提高我的英语水平.


could you please tell me how many hours students spend in class each week?你能告诉我学生每周在课堂上花多少时间吗?这是一个宾语从句,could you please tell me 是主句,后面的是宾语从句.

【解答】Dear Miss Millis。

I am a middle school student in Beijing,China.I like English very much.I'm thinking about going to your school to improve my English【高分句型一,注意固定词组的使用】.【要点一,做简要的自我介绍】I've read your ad,and I'd like to know something more about your school.Would you mind answering a few of my questions?First,could you please tell me how many hours students spend in class each week【高分句型二,注意宾语从句的使用】?Second,how many students are there in a class?Third,I'd like to know where I'll live.Will there be a host family?【要点二,礼貌地询问一些信息】Thank you very much for helping me.【要点三,感谢她帮助你】

I am looking forward to your reply.


Liu Wen

