
  • 运动
  • 2022-09-16

My Favorite Sport

My favorite sport is swimming. Swimming is fun and good for our health.我最喜欢的运动是游泳。游泳很有趣,对我们的健康很有好处。Michael Phelps is my swimming idol. He's really cool。


My favorite sport is swimming.


写作思路:开头点名喜欢的运动是篮球,再写出打篮球的好处。My favorite sport is basketball. It looks so cool TV. I have been crazy about those basketball stars, especially Yao Ming, ever since I was a child。

I used to swim in the pool of the wild when I was a kid.

我最喜欢的运动是打网球,网球给我的生活带来了很多的乐趣,我可以一边和朋友愉快地聊天,一边看网球比赛。做运动可以改善我的健康状况,让我与时俱进。When I was small,one day。


When I was swimming,I was very happy.


我最喜欢的运动英语作文 篇1 Everybody like many kinds.Do you know which sport do I like? Let me tell you. My favourite sport is football. Because I think play football can make me healthy and strong。

I looked like a funny little fish in the pool.


But our teacher taught us that swimming in the wild is dangerous.


And some breaking news often reported that some children were drowned in the rivers and pools.

我喜欢的运动英语作文 篇1 There are many kinds of interesting sports, such as basketball, football, swimming and running, but the most I like is swimming. When I was a little child。

1、篇一:我最喜欢的运动 I like sports very much. Football, basketball, running and swimming are my favorites. But I like playing basketball most。


So I never went swimming in the pool in the wild again after that.


But I like swimming very much.


And now I go swimming in the indoor pool for year-round use.

我最喜欢的运动英语作文1 Some people love to play badminton, some love to play football, others love swimming, but my favorite sport is basketball. It is very popular in China because of Yao Ming. Because of him。


I enjoy swimming,because it can make me strong,healthy and in shape.


Of course,it can also bring me lots of happiness.

如下:My favourite sport is basketball.我最喜欢的运动是篮球。I love playing basketball with my friends during my free time because it is really fun.我喜欢打篮球和我的朋友在我的空闲时间,因为它很有趣。


I like watch this sport on TV.


we have common interests.Besides, I can build my body by playing basketball.我最喜欢的运动英语作文。足球,篮球,跑步和游泳是我的爱好。但是,我最喜欢的是篮球,因为我觉得打篮球很酷也很有意思。

I hope I can be an athlete of swimming in the future,描述喜欢的运动的英语作文,and win glory for our country!

