
  • 端午节
  • 2025-01-31



端午节作文1 端午节,是一个人人知晓的传统节日,可是它的来历又有多少人知道呢? 端午节,是一个关于屈原的故事,他的主人见他聪明,于是想让他当官,去说服别的国家一起对付邻国,他本来很乐意,因为这是为国而去。


1. 端午节是中国重要的传统节日之一;

写端午节作文1 同学们,你们一定听过这首诗吧? 重五山村好,榴花忽已繁。 粽包分两髻,艾束著危冠。 旧俗方储药,赢躯亦点舟。 日斜吾事毕,一笑向杯盘。 这首诗描写了南宋诗人陆游在端午节这天的生活习惯。作者吃粽子。

2. 端午节的时间是每年的农历五月初五;

3. 人们庆祝端午节是为了纪念中国伟大的诗人屈原;

写端午节作文1 两千多年前,伟大的爱国诗人屈原在泪流江边仰天喊叫一声后,便投入了滚滚激流。两千多年后,五月初五成了传统节日——端午节。大家包粽子,赛龙舟,用各种方式来纪念这位伟大的爱国诗人。“五月五,是端午。

4. 人们在端午节吃粽子、赛龙舟;

那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是我精心整理的端午节作文800字,希望能够帮助到大家。 端午节作文800字1 “小懒虫!快起床,这天就是端午节,妈妈和你一齐包粽子,你怎样还在睡觉?”妈妈兴致勃勃地叫着。难得的假期,我还真想好好地睡一觉呢。

5. 你自己对中华民族传统节日的认识。

Dear Maria。

I'm very happy that you are interested in Chinese culture,especially the festivals.Now let me tell you something about the Dragon Boat Festival.The Dragon Boat Festival,also called the Duanwu Festival ,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.People always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat races to celebrate it.

The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races,especially in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes. It’s very popular.

The rice dumpling is made of glutinous rice,meat and so on. You can eat different kinds of rice dumplings.They are very delicious.

And Dragon Boat Festival is for Qu Yuan. He is an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.

Overall,端午节怎么写作文,the Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting!

Your friendLi Hua

每次包的粽子总是香喷喷的,吊人的胃口,使人馋诞欲滴,不得不吃得很多。我爱吃粽子,爱过端午节,爱享受节日的气氛!具体的范文模板链接:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Fjafb8Mz0dvRKWVDuvp6UQ 。


The Dragon Boat Festival there.


Yin Yaofan (Tang)


端午节作文1 端午节就要到了,每当这个节日来到,插艾蒿,点雄黄、包棕子、戴香包、赛龙舟等各种活动都会把我们的思绪带回到那个令人惋惜的历史事件中,再一次想起楚王国,想起汨罗江。


Young festival times affectionate,old to behold regrets born;


No effect of Fu more custom,but Qi Pu wine shengping.


端午节的作文1 五月初五,端午节赛龙舟,是我国的传统节日,每年的这天,我们都会吃粽子和咸蛋。 粽子是用棕叶包糯米再用绳子系住,一般扎成三角形的。咸蛋吃在口中咸咸的,还会流油。这时候,人们会到河边去看龙舟赛。开始划的时候。

端午节作文 1 “节分端午自谁言,万古传闻为屈原。堪笑楚江空渺渺,不能洗得直臣冤。”这一诗是唐代诗人文秀写的《端午》。 端午节是我们汉族的传统节日,我们学校迎端午的活动就在今天下午举行。下午,我一来到校园。

Temples silk day add white-headed,Liu Jin annual as eyes;

千载贤愚同瞬息,几人湮没几垂名,端午节作文400字 作文。

The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. This festival is to commemorate the death of QU Yuan, an upright and honest poet and statesman who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.

The most important activity of this festival is the Dragon Boat races. It symbolizes people‘s attempts to rescue Qu Yuan. In the current period, these races also demonstrate the virtues of cooperation and teamwork.

Besides, the festival has also been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous rice)。 Zong zi is made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. People who mourned the death of Qu threw Zong zi into the river to feed his ghost every year.

With the changes of the times, the memorial turns to be a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of year. People will hang healthy herbs on the front door to clear the bad luck of the house. Although the significance of the festival might be different with the past, it still gives the observer an opportunity to glimpse a part of the rich Chinese cultural heritage.




The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most popular traditional festivals celebrated in China,which is on the fifth of the fifth lunar month,also known as Duanwu Festival. It’s said that it is to commemorate the death of a Chinese patriotic poet,Qu Yuan,who was snared by corrupt officials in ancient China and finally committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River to protest against them.



The traditions and customs held on this festival differ from place to place,but there are some common in them. First,the most famous and great tradition is holding Dragon Boat races,which are held by fishermen’s attempt to protect Qu Yuan’s body against attacking by fishes and other animals in the river by beating drums and row the dragon shaped boat. Nowadays dragon boat races have been an annual popular sport activity among people. In addition,making and eating Zongzi—a dumpling made of glutinous rice and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves—is also a popular custom during this day. It can be made by many kinds of stuffing. What’s more,hanging herbs on the front door,drinking realgar wine and pasting up picture of Zhongkui—a mythic guardian figure in ancient china—are also popular during the festival,which are mean to protect people from evil and disease.

这个传统习俗不同的地方有不同的庆祝方式,但也有相同的方面。首先,最出名的传统就是举行龙舟比赛,这是由渔民们举行的,通过打鼓和划龙形的船来保护屈原的身体免受鱼类和其他动物的攻击。现在龙舟赛是人们一年一度的流行的体育活动,写端午节的作文300字。此外,做和吃粽子——糯米面团,包着竹叶或芦苇叶,在那一天也是 一个流行的风俗。它可以由不同种类的馅料制成。还有就是,书信格式怎么写?,门上挂着草药,人们喝雄黄酒,在门前张贴中国古代神话人物钟馗的图片在节日期间也是很受欢迎的,书信的格式怎么写图片,做这些的意义是保护人们免受邪恶和疾病。

These customs and traditions have been changed a little in recent years,but they still make contribution to the spread and inheritance of Chinese culture.


