
  • 快乐
  • 2022-11-12

What's your daily routine like?


What do you do every day?


When we discuss everyday activities in English,phrasal verbs are very common.


Now,快乐的一天英语作文5句话,a phrasal verb is a verb with a particle.


day It was on October 10th,the weather was fine.Our class had a basketball match with Class.Our classmates all played well,but the Class Two's students played better than our's.At last 。

A particle always comes after the verb and can completely change the meaning of that verb.


For example,I get up at 6:00 in the morning.

例如:I get up at 6:00 in the morning(我早上六点起床。).

Now,if the phrasal verb is not in its base form,its simplest form,then it's the verb itself that changes never the particle.


For example,she gets up at 7:00.

例如:she gets up at 7(她早上七点起床。).

I got up early this morning.

范文:Some days are unforgettable in our life. I had a pleasant day last month. In the morning, I got up late and then began to do my homework.It took me about two hours to finish it. Next。

I got up early this morning(我今天早上很早起床。).

I did actually.

Happy time finally arrived.My mother and I took a look at our start.Walk into the supermarket,today's supermarket can be noisy!Each machine before the cash register line up the long dragon。


I am getting up now.

I am getting up now(我现在起床。).

City North,the Quartet,Licang,Laoshan,Shenyang City,Huangdao seven areas and Jimo,Jiaozhou,Jiaonan,roughness,Lacey five county-level cities.Mild climate,a temperate monsoon climate,annual average temperature of 12.

I will get up in a minute.

I will get up in a minute(我一分钟后起床。).

Do you see how the particle completely changes the meaning of the verb?


The definition of to &34; is to receive something.

Get 的定义是收到某物。

Of course I have sleep!These are what I do in this day.It is a very fun day, isn't it?I can't forget this day!翻译:我愉快的一天是非常令人兴奋和有趣的。那天我看电视,玩电脑,听音乐,逛街。

But to &34; is to rise from sitting or lying down,to &34;,for example.

但是“get up”是指从坐着或躺着的状态中站起来,例如 get out of bed(离开床)。

So,&34; means I got out of bed this morning at 7:00. Now,I'm going to tell you a story and you should count how many common phrasal verbs you hear.


例如,I got up this morning at 7:00 的意思是今天早上我七点起床,愉快的一天英语作文过去式。现在,愉快的一天英语作文80字,我要给你们讲一个故事,你们要数一数你们听到了多少常用的动词词组。

Let's go.


Last week,I was working out at the gym when my phone started lighting up.


It was a phone call from my mother who was calling to tell me that the family cat had run away.


She was very upset and she was breaking down and asking for help.


So,I told her to chill out and wait for me to arrive.


So,we could go and look out for the cat together.


I sent a message to my friend to say that I could no longer meet up that afternoon.

我给我的朋友发了一条短信,以A happy day 写一篇作文,说那天下午我不能再见面了。

And I drove over to my mother's house.


We searched for the cat for hours until it got dark but we could not find him anywhere.


中英文作文:愉快的一天 Chinese and English composition:nice day 4月10日 星期五 晴 On April 10,sunny Friday 今天是一个晴朗的好天气。我的心情非常的愉快!想起昨天晚上妈妈说带我去超市,我笑开了花。

Then,快乐的一天英语作文80字日常,we called around to ask if anybody else might have seen him but we had no luck.


Chinese and English composition: nice day 4月10日 星期五 晴 On April 10, sunny Friday 今天是一个晴朗的好天气。我的心情非常的愉快!想起昨天晚上妈妈说带我去超市,我笑开了花,因为我可以买到自己想要的书了。

The next morning,I woke up at 4 o'clock because I could hear meowing from somewhere downstairs.


I got up quickly and ran down to follow the sound.


It was coming from the locked study.


So,我快乐的一天英语作文60词,I used a hairpin to break in and there he was.


He had somehow ended up in the study and being locked in.


I called up to my mother to tell her it was all figured out.


The cat had been found.


She was so relieved.

Last week was a busy week for me.On Monday,I was on duty.After shcool,I cleaned the classroom with some of my classmates.On Tuesday,we had a basketball match with the students in Class Two。



It cheered her up until we entered the study to see that the cats had messed up the room completely.


There were papers thrown around and scratches on the furniture.


We cleaned up what we could and then we gave up.


I&39;clock in the morning.


How many phrasal verbs did you hear?


Leave your score in the comment section now.


And just so you know,the correct answer is 23. So,if you missed some,then go back and see if you can find them.

正确答案是 23 个,美好的一天英语作文100字。如果你漏了几个,那就回头看看你是否能找到它们。

If you need any help with your phrasal verbs,then why not take a look at this phrasal verb playlist?


Otherwise,I hope to see you in the next lesson. Take care. Bye.

