
  • 目标
  • 2022-11-09

Unit 74 Talking about the Plans

God did not give us wings. He gave us a flying heart and a dream brain, so that we have a pair of "invisible wings".上帝没有赐予我们翅膀,他赐予了我们会飞的心和梦想的大脑。

It’s Friday. Class is over. Two students,Tina (T) and Jane (J),are talking about their plans for the coming week.



T: Jane,what are you writing?

Goal is like the compass, I lost it in the forest. My life would have lost in that forest!我曾信心满满的写下我的目标,要如何如何。不知何年何月,我明白是我太天真了,今天也是,我只是星星之火。

J: I’m making a plan for① the coming week.

T: What plan?

我的目标是成为一名优秀的英语教师。在我还很小的时候,我的叔叔就教我一些简单的英语口语,比如你好吗? 我很喜欢等待。我开始上学的时候,他教的更多了我也学得更认真了。从那时起我就立志在成为一名优秀的英语教师。

J: A plan for next week’s studies. I should decide② when to study English,maths and so on.

英语作文:My new college life is going to start, so I cannot help feeling excited. How many times I have dreamed my beautiful and meaningful university life!When my new life begins。

T: Do you think it useful③?

J: Of course④. I can make full use of⑤ my time and get more things done if I have a plan.

T: I agree. But do you always carry out⑥ your plans? Suppose a friend asks you to see a film or asks you to do some other things?

J: Well,sometimes I leave room for such things. On the whole⑦,我的目标英语作文80字,my plan works out⑧ all right.

T: I see. From now on⑨,I’ll begin to make plans as you do.


1. make a plan for: 制定……的计划

my goal is to be a good english teacher. when i was very young, my uncle taught some simple oral english. such as how are you? i like it very much and so on. when i began to study at school。



2. decide: 决定

3. useful: 有用的

4. of course: 当然

5. make(full)use of: (充分)利用

我很快乐。虽然,成为一名科学家目标还很远,毕竟我还是在不断向前迈进。 我的理想高中英语作文带翻译篇二 Ideal is good, is happy, is the ideal starting point for success. I think, every student has a beautiful ideal。

6. carry out: 执行,我的目标英语作文高二,实施

My ambition is to become a basketball player.As we all know, basketball player is a high paid job and not only playing basketball can stronger my body but also improve my basketball skills。


7. on the whole: 大体上;基本上;总的看来

8. work out: 产生好结果,带来好处

9. from now on: 从现在开始



情景对话要求根据所给的提示,根据对话发生的情景、谈话人的身份以及谈话的内容, 将语言知识置于一个特定的情景中,增加语境化的因素,突出语言的交际功能,我的目标小学生英语作文。因而,我的目标英语作文带翻译大学生,大家平时要熟记学过的、各种场合下的习惯用语和句型,my goal英语作文高中,根据具体情况灵活运用。


