
  • 夏令营
  • 2022-11-05

Unit 65 A Special Summer Camp




China guard - emergency escape self-help on the 5th Tactical Training Camp (parenting topics)Activities:Escape training, contingency self-help, military games, military Costa loud, crisis intervention。

中方营员带英方营员游览故宫、颐和园、长城等景地,并介绍近年来北京的变化结识了新朋友,summer camp英语作文,英语口语在实践中有了提高

During the holiday ,I joined in a special summer camp with my classmates .There we made some new friends who

1、This August I went to a two-week long English camp which was held by English Beacon in Yantai city, Shandong Province。

In my imperceptibly, it has been half a month, back to shenzhen, really want to go to a summer camp!8月15日的时候,爸爸和妈妈把我送到机场,我坐上了飞机,开始了我的夏令营,刚开始,我到那里。



Thirdly, we should often read English books. When we come across a new word. We should guess its meaning through the contest first. then look it up in the dictionary to have a check. I thin。

During the holiday ,I joined in ① a special summer camp ②with my classmates .There we made some new friends who were senior school students from Canvey,a town on the Thames ,which is to the east of London.


As hosts③ ,介绍夏令营的英语作文,we showed them around many places of interest④ in Beiging ,such as the Palace Museum,the Great Wall and the Summer Palace and told them about the changes taking place⑤ in Beijing. They said that Beijing is quite different from⑥ what they had heard of and it was as beautiful as Canvey. Meanwhile,举办夏令营的通知英语作文,⑦ they told us about the daily life and study of American students and did their best to help us with our English. With the help of them we improved our spoken English⑧ .I think the summer camp is of great value ⑨


①join in : 参加活动,相当于take part in

②summer camp:夏令营


③host:n 东道主,主人

④places of interest :名胜

⑤take place : 发生


⑥be different from : 不同于

⑦meanwhile:adv 同时

⑧with the help of: 在……的帮助下


夏令营的英语作文1 This July I graduated from primary school. I was enrolled to a good middle school. Therefore I had a happy and leisure summer holiday。

⑨be of great value: 很有价值,夏令营英语作文带翻译60字,等于be very valuable



