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  • 初中作文
  • 2022-11-03

【CET-6段首句作文】Old People's Problem

My Summer time work at an Old Folks' Home Since summer I have volunteered at an old folk’s home because I saw how lonely some of the residents were. I volunteered two days a week during the summer。

Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled Old People's Problem in 3 paragraphs. You are given the first sentence of each paragraph and are required to develop its idea in completing the paragraph. Write no less than 160 words,敬老院志愿者初中英语作文,not including the given words in each paragraph.

以“假如你是李伟,计划和同学去敬老院陪老人们过重阳节”写一篇英语作文:Dear Lucy,How are you ? I am Liwei, a 17-year-old teenager currently studying in your school. Recently。

1.Nowadays,old people's problem has become more and more prominent.

2.Even so,去养老院当志愿者作文英语带翻译,old people's problem is not given due stress.

3.How can we solve old people's problem,then?


This summer, I was very happy. Although I didn't go out to travel. But my friends and me to a nursing home to help old people. In a nursing home, we introduce myself。

Old People's Problem

Nowadays,old people's problem has become more and more prominent①. With the emergence② of the nuclear family③,敬老院活动英语作文四级,old men no longer live with their sons or daughters under the same roof. Instead,most of the old couples live by themselves. Thus the happiness of several generations living together has been lost and old men due to their limited social circle,inevitably④ become lonely. If something unfortunate happens to them,nobody is close by to offer help. Another problem is that old men,despite their pensions⑤,去敬老院看望老人的英语作文,can hardly support themselves sufficiently. They need financial help⑥ from their grown-up sons or daughters in order to live comfortably.

The school is holding an event to allow students to go to visit homes for the aged grandfather, grandma had. The teacher said, this is the week where Grandpa。

Even so,去养老院的英语作文初二,we haven’t put due emphasis on old people's problem. Although they face such serious problems,they do not receive wide attention either from their families or from society. The middle-aged people care more about their careers,their children and their living conditions than about their parents. Society also seems to have a lot of other important welfares to pay attention to. So old people become a forgotten group.

How can we solve old people&39;t be treated as a burden of family or society. They have wisdom and precious experience. They can give young people valuable advice. So young people should take up the duty of taking care of them and respect them,which is always a good quality of Chinese people. They should employ part of their spare time to be with their parents. As for those old men without sons or daughters,such institutions⑦ as Old People's Home should be set up to give the old men good care.

大体意思是 ,我和同学去敬老院探望老人,过程就不说了.解释一下最后一段,我们很累可是很开心,乘坐地铁返回学校.在回学校的途中,我开始懂得要关心我们的祖父母,他们需要我们去陪伴他们.尊重这一点我没有扣题。

On September 9, the Double Ninth Festival arrived. Our class 4 and 7 organized to visit those lonely old people in the nursing home.九月九日重阳节到了,我们四七班组织去敬老院看望那些孤单老人。


敬老院当志愿者的英语作文 孟子说:老吾老以及人之老。这就要求我们不仅要尊敬自己的老人,还要尊敬社会上所有的老人。古往今来,我们有许许多多敬老爱老的故事。

Looking forward to your reply.Yours Li Hua 作文翻译 亲爱的露西,我想邀请你下周六,和我们一起去附近的疗养院过重阳节。在我们的文化中,这是属于老年人的日子。我们会和那里的老人们一起包饺子和蛋糕。

①prominent: 显著的,突出的

②emergence: 出现

③nuclear family: 核心家庭

④inevitably: 不可避免地

⑤pension: 养老金,退休金

⑥financial help: 资助

⑦institution: 公共机构

we helped the old clean their clothes and sweep the floor.We talked things happened in our young life,




