
  • 变化
  • 2022-11-03


我的变化作文500字1 每个人小的时候都会有一些调皮和胆小,但是在同学和老师的帮助下我改变了下面我就给大家介绍一下吧! 我从小就是一个爱撒娇胆子很小的孩子,总是因为胆子太小被别人嘲笑以前我晚上想上厕所,就要把妈妈叫醒。


篇一:乡村之变 The Changes in Countryside

变化500字作文1 我们家后面有一条小河,小河弯弯曲曲的,中间是清澈的河水,两边是细软的沙滩。 春天来了,天气很暖,百花盛开,小河边长满了颜色不同的野花,成了花河。早上,奶奶、阿姨、姐姐们来到小河边散步。小河顿时热闹起来了。

以变化为话题的作文1 以前,家中住的房子是租来的,爸爸开的车是两个轮子的,我的零花钱都是向哥哥讨的,少得可怜。爸爸那时又瘦又黑,可是他每天晚上都会开着他那辆摩托车带我去玩,去广场上捞金鱼、玩碰碰车、滑轮。

Nowadays,thanks to the reform and opening-up policy,great changes have taken place in countryside. Now let me introduce some changes in details.


In the past,farmers used to live in the huts which were in poor quality. They would be destroyed easily in the heavy storm. But nowadays,most farmers have their own houses and flats. Some houses are even bigger and more marvelous than the ones in the city.


第1篇:我变了作文 钟表在不停的转着;树木的年轮在不停地增加着;成长的音乐盒也依旧转动着,我发觉,我也渐渐变了。翻开记忆的画卷,小时候的点点滴滴在脑海中亦然浮现。那时候,我是家中的小公主。

变化作文500字1 记得有人说过:生活之所以美好,是因为我们抓住了变化的尾巴。死死地抓住! 当人从出生到死亡,都在悄悄地、不知不觉地变化着。每一个人都是在变化中从幼稚步向成熟的。如果人没有改变,那人就不懂得创新,社会就不会进步。

In the past,farmers usually starved to death in disasters,because they had nothing to eat. But nowadays,farmers can plant many corps to live with or sell them. No wonder that most of them are wealthy.

家乡的变化 近几年来家乡的面貌发生了巨大改变。不信,你瞧:昔日尘土飞扬的泥土路变成了平整的石砖大道,街道上不再是冷冷清清的了,而是车水马龙,店铺一家接一家,小摊一个连一个,商品琳琅满目,任人选择。


In the past,farmers were hardly to see the outside world,since they had to tramp over the mountains if they wanted to go out. But nowadays,many high ways and tunnels have been built,so it’s convenient for them to go out. Moreover,most farmers also have their private cars. Therefore,they can go anywhere they like.


In the past,farmers always suffered from the diseases,because there was no doctor at all. But nowadays,many hospitals have come into being in countryside,so they can be cured in time.

变化焕然一新,让人赞叹不已.看!那条无数汽车飞驰而过、既宽阔又平坦的大道,这就是南宁著 名的民族大道.是南宁最宽、最长的一条路,也是南宁历史最悠久的一 条大道.早上时路旁百花盛开、绿树成阴,晚上时灯光五彩缤纷。


In the past,it was difficult for children to study in countryside. But nowadays,as there are so many schools in countryside,more and more children can get a better education.


What a wonderful life in countryside. Maybe countryside will be more thriving than the city in the near future.

改变作文500字1 清晨,阳光射入我的书房,我在一本书上看到了一幅漫画。看完这幅漫画后,让我感触颇深。 这幅漫画主要讲:有一个非常丑陋的人,他并没有在意自己的相貌,一点也没有自卑,对着镜子开心地笑了起来。


篇二:Changing Ourselves 改变自己

这一重大的改变给我们的生活无穷的乐趣! 中国的变化无处不在,从封闭的国家变成开放的国家;从普通相机变成数码相机……我为能成为中国的一员而感到自豪。相信我的祖国会变得越来越繁荣、强盛! 变化的美 不知怎么了,这些天来。

From my point of view,we should change ourselves when the situation can’t be changed any more. Difficulties hide in every corner of our life so we have to face them at times. But the problem is that we sometimes are not able to change the challenging situations at all as our abilities are limited. When it comes,we’d better change our attitude towards these difficulties. Only in this way can we get rid of the tough surroundings and be happy.

Something like that happened to me once. There was a time when I was laughed at by my classmates while I was walking. I was puzzled so I asked them why they laughed at me. One of them told me that the way I walked was very strange and funny. I was sad but I just couldn’t change the way I walked. And the situation of being laughed at by those people didn’t stop. Therefore,I changed my attitude towards the incident. I ignored those comments on me and walked as I used to. The comments soon disappeared and I was so glad to have succeeded in the quiet war.

So in my opinion,we should change ourselves first and then the situation can be changed at last. It is very difficult for us to change our surroundings but much easier to change ourselves. People around us will see our change,after which they may change their attitude toward us.

篇三:互连网改变生活Internet Change Life

Globally,we have moved from a culture centered on network television,cable,AM and FM radio and telephone into a digital society with mass media,streaming information,intelligent computer. To shift to a digital economy,best demonstrated by the explosive growth of the Internet,is transforming everyday products and practices. Ideas expressed in soft wares,chips,communication systems,financial institutions and mass media have enormous leverage worldwide. Beyond emails and online shopping,the Internet promises to change dramatically huge spectrum activities. Its benefits can be well illustrated in the following aspects.


关于家乡的变化作文500字1 我老家住在楠溪江畔的一个小村庄,那儿环境优美,处处洋溢着欢声笑语。 听奶奶说,她还小的时候,这里到处是荒凉的土地,田野里杂草丛生,山坡上露出大块大块狰狞的岩石。房子全是木头和石头搭成的。

In the first place,it contributes to escape us from laborious work,save our time,facilitate our lives. Secondly,with computer’s extensive reach into every corner of the world,a perspective of human life can be shown only with a single keystroke. No matter where we are,in school,business workshops,operating rooms,labs,我的变化作文,banks of halls of government,作文《家乡的变化》,the Internet appears to reflect a perspective of human life. Furthermore,computer profits us by relaxation and entertainment it provides.


But on the other hand,20年后的我作文500字,some people debate that it is also inconvenient,waste the time,isolated us from people,and make our lives more complicated. Some people repair the most sophisticated computer but can’t mend a pair of socks. Yet in fact,computer collapse the distances and demolishes all boundaries. Whether computer is a blessing or a curse,depends on different circumstance and the way you use it.


As a new millennium approach,we look forward to constructing a new fantasy land by combination with the wealth this new age will bring and the high technology it will provide.

