
  • 自信
  • 2022-10-28

不是每个人都喜欢自己的样子。我们中的许多人可能没有安全感,或者过于关注自己不完美的外貌特征。但是,现在有很多人在鼓励大家要热爱自己的身体,接受自我,对自己有信心,对自己的外貌有信心,以自信为题的英语作文及翻译。怎样才能对自己的身体形象有信心,有更积极的看法呢?“随身英语” 给你几个好建议……

Vocabulary: Self-confidence 词汇:自信

&39;t judge a book by its cover,&39;All that glitters is not gold,&39;Fine feathers do not make fine birds,&39;s appearance should not be the most important thing when determining its value. This is what the body positivity movement is all about. Its message is that we should value ourselves for who we are warts and all – accept our flaws and stop judging ourselves against our imperfections.


But it's easier said than done. Despite this rise in positivity,many people still feel insecure about themselves and their appearance because it may not measure up to the objectified stereotype. So what can a person do to improve their own body positivity?


Not comparing your body to others&39;,is a good first step. &39;re surrounded by these idealised images of what it is to be beautiful,&39;t up to scratch.

So, never feel that you are any less than anyone else and never let others think that you are any less than them.今天我与我的朋友谈话,在整个谈话过程中,我觉得他缺少一点,那就是自信。整个过程中。


&39; recommends Thriveworks,a counselling and coaching website which promotes positive mental health. When someone says something nice,embrace it – don’t push it away or play it down. And compliment others too. If you think someone looks nice,or someone has a good idea,tell them. It can lift them up.


Appreciate your body for what it can do – walking,yoga,playing sport or otherwise. &34; says Esther Field,a body-positive social media campaigner interviewed by the BBC. After knee surgery,&34;

欣赏你的身体所能做的——散步、瑜伽、运动或其他,关于自信的英语作文带翻译。“不管你的体型或大小,你都可以成为一个了不起的人,我变得自信了英语作文,”埃丝特·菲尔德(Esther Field)在接受BBC采访时表示,她是一名身材积极的社交媒体活动家。膝盖手术后,“我去了健身房,意识到我的身体是多么强壮和有能力,尽管它很胖。”

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And finally,don&34;There aren&34; David Fadd,a plus-size male model of two years told the BBC. The social media influencer wants to remind us that body image and confidence affect men too.


Ultimately,如何做一个自信的人英语作文,the only person who can truly affect your body positivity is you. Becoming comfortable with yourself is unlikely to be accomplished overnight – but don&34;be unapologetic about who you are and what you want as a person. Love what you look like."

最终,唯一能真正影响你身体积极性的人就是你自己。让自己感到舒服不太可能在一夜之间完成,但不要放弃。记住,每个人都有没有安全感的时候。正如大卫·法德(David Fadd)所说:“不要为自己是谁、想要什么感到抱歉。喜欢你的样子。”

意思是:自信的价值。重点词汇:value value 英['vælju:]释义:n.值;价值;价格;重要性;确切涵义 vt.评价;重视;估价 [复数:values;第三人称单数:values;现在分词:valuing;过去式:valued;过去分词。


don't judge a book by its cover 不能以貌取人all that glitters is not gold 闪光的并非都是金子fine feathers do not make fine birds 人不可貌相appearance 外表,外貌body positivity 积极的身体形象warts and all 丝毫不掩饰缺点的,不遮丑的flaw 缺点,缺陷imperfection 缺点insecure 不自信的measure up 达到,满足。idealised 把……理想化aspire to 渴望,追求up to scratch 达到标准compliment 赞扬话,称赞play something down 对……作低调处理lift up 提升(某人)情绪appreciate 感激,欣赏plus-size 加大尺码的



1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What do the three popular sayings at the beginning of the article aim to teach us?

自信对于成功的重要性英语作文篇1 I am a shy girl, when there is activity in my class, I will run away from it and try to be nobody. But in my heart, I want to be noticed and show my talent。

2. What is the problem with comparing ourselves to others,according to Becky Young?

3. In what way can we improve other people's body positivity and confidence?

自信是成功的重要因素篇1:自信是成功的基石 自信是成功的源泉。现实生活中,不论困难多大、条件多差,只要充满自信,锐意进取,坚持到底,奋斗不止,希望终会变成现实。面对现实,面对自己,正确地认识自己,准确地把握自己。

4. Which event prompted Esther Field to realise how strong and capable she was?

5. What does David Fadd say you should not apologise for?

自信的英语作文范文:What is confidence? Confidence is to trust yourself. Confidence is to look upon yourself. It is not to indulge in self-admiration. It is not to get extremely arrogant。

1. This book is so rare,and therefore valuable,is the printing _______ on the cover.

appearance flaw insecure up to scratch

2. Your uncle is very sensitive so please try to _______ that he's wearing a wig.

aspire measure up play down appreciate

3. Stop being so _______,darling. You look as beautiful as the day I married you.

insecure imperfect objectified idealised

For some, this might be true. But for many others, this only shows that they have lost heart.Why do some people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing something。

4. James,I'm afraid your last report was not _______. Please redo it in more detail.

up to wound up to cut up to bleed up to scratch

5. Everyone keeps telling me how nice my hair is. It's great to have so many _______!

compliments appearances imperfections insecurities


Create an environment that supports you if your desire to have abundant self-confidence. Spend time with confident people.Remember those, self-confidence can be yours。

1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What do the three popular sayings at the beginning of the article aim to teach us?That something's appearance should not be the most important thing when determining its value.

Remember those, self-confidence can be yours. Take it!关于自信的英语作文 自信 自信就是力量——吸引人、说服人、影响人并取得成功的力量。设想一下,如果你充满自信,你的生活会是怎样一番景象!自信并非来自遗传。

2. What is the problem with comparing ourselves to others,according to Becky Young?It creates a standard we think we need to aspire to and disappointment when we can&39;t.

3. In what way can we improve other people's body positivity and confidence?We can compliment others.

4. Which event prompted Esther Field to realise how strong and capable she was?Attending the gym after having knee surgery.

5. What does David Fadd say you should not apologise for?You should not apologise for who you are and what you want as a person.

1. This book is so rare,and therefore valuable,is the printing flaw on the cover.

2. Your uncle is very sensitive so please try to play down that he's wearing a wig.

3. Stop being so insecure,学会自信的英语作文,darling. You look as beautiful as the day I married you.

4. James,提高自信的途径英语作文,I'm afraid your last report was not up to scratch. Please redo it in more detail.

5. Everyone keeps telling me how nice my hair is. It's great to have so many compliments!
