
  • 2022-09-17

What Can We Do About the Water Pollution?

Directions: For this part,保护水资源英语作文80词,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled: What Can We Do About the Water Pollution? The first sentence has been written for you: Water pollution comes from many sources. Your composition should be about 120 words (not inducing the first sentence given) and based on the following outline (given in Chinese):





What Can We Do About the Water Pollution?

Water pollution comes from many sources. One major source is water products from various industries that are piped into① nearby lakes or rivers. Another is oil or other fuels that spill into② the ocean from barges③ or ships carrying the fuels.

Polluted water is one of the biggest problems in the world 水污染是世界上最大的难题之一.we must protect the water,protect our home.我们要保护水资源,保护我们的家园。

Water pollution is harmful. Industrial wastes have already made many rivers lifeless. Oil spill in the sea is killing enormous numbers of algae④,fish and birds. What is more⑤,polluted water is an increasing danger to public health. It causes people to have diseases such as typhoid⑥ and cholera⑦.

Obviously,water pollution has become a serious problem. What can we do about it in order to survive on earth? First,we must make great efforts to clean up⑧ polluted water and limit further pollution of water. Second,we must insist that water pollution control laws be passed and strictly enforced. Third,we can personally help to prevent water pollution by not throwing trash⑨ or garbage into any stream or lake. Finally,we can also protect ourselves against polluted water. If we go on a camping trip,for instance,we must avoid drinking water that is unsafe to drink and avoid swimming in water that is found to be polluted. By doing so,英语10条保护水资源措施,we will be able to live a healthier and happier life.


①be piped into:被排进

②spill into泄入;排入



water is really important for our lives. (在学习中,水对于我们来说是非常重要的?我觉得很别扭,就不翻这个什么工作了)we would be troubled if no water left on the earth. In view of this。

⑤what is more:而且;更有甚者



⑧clean up:净化



本文是一篇关于水污染的根据汉语提纲展开的三段式议论文。全文共分三段,每段分别针对一条提纲展开,保护水资源英语作文初中。首先,作者指出水源污染的原因是多方面的,并进行了举例说明。在第二段,作者首先点明水源污染是有害的,它不仅危害水生物,保护水资源措施英语作文,而且威胁人类健康,保护水资源现状英语作文,导致疾病的发生。在第三段,作者指出解决水污染的一些切实可行的措施:如净化、立法、限制废物排放、自我保护等。在这段中,作者运用了First,Second,保护水资源的倡议书英语作文,Third,Finally等词语,使文章层次分明,脉络清晰。短文最后一句By doing so,we will be able to live a healthier and happier life指明了防治水污染的重大意义,从而对全文进行了高度总结。
