
  • 独立
  • 2022-09-16


父母应该培养孩子的独立性 Parents Should Help Children to Be Independent In our country。


To invite you to go to the lovely countryside for sightseeing this weekend,I make a plan well in advance that is convenient to you. This tells you about the information on six persons and two days,and about how to go there and what activity to do in weekend. The information includes persons who are you together with your father and mother,and I with my father and mother. These people go there by jeep that my father would drive.

家长要给孩子分配独立任务,可以鼓励孩子收拾玩具,或是帮助你摆放餐具。这些小小的成就有助于培养孩子的自我价值感及独立性,能够更好的帮助孩子独立。Parents should create more opportunities to get along with others。

We arrive at your home on Saturday at 7:00 morning when we meet each other,leaving your home for the countryside. It takes us 2-hour time to get there by jeep.

I arrange for fruits to be picked and eaten,初二英语作文学会独立,together with vegetables done according to farmers. They could cook 6-people tourists us such local food and traditional dishes as are popular with us. At dinner,they will ask six of us to eat meals deliciously while watching local people dance to the beautifully-music songs to sing popularly.

The next day we shall do physical exercise at ten by climbing the mountain,that will last 2-hour time,to give us a tremendous sense of achievement. Picnic is to have on the mountain where we do some sightseeing. This,we find it pleasant for us to have in Summer when the weather has become warmer.The above plan keeps us happy,helping us with health to overcome some difficulties in daily life,in my belief.




《独立思考的重要性》 英文作文如下:Imagine a stranger approaches you one day and says: “I can make you rich if you do what I say.”Would you immediately follow his instructions, or start asking questions?

正是使用“两图三表”写作上述英语作文,学生使用英语思维逻辑独立写作英语才能够彻底地避免了“英语写作背诵海量‘套句、模板、范文’花费时间多 为何得分却不多”的现象发生,独立与依赖英语作文。与此相反,表现出“层次内容易推敲;思维逻辑不漏掉;使用词类范围巧;语言结构种类好”




英语为母语的人,寻求个人独立的英语作文,都把其句子词法或句子架构都已固定为正确的了,无须我们考生再把“写作单词”重新组合了,15篇高中优秀英语作文。考生自己如把单词重新组合很有可能按中文思维句子顺序组合成英语句子,所以就出现语法错误了。由此我们使用英语为母语的人已固定为正确的“现成的句子架构即句型”——六优化=“2.66”逻辑+“5.38”句+6变形法——英文“内容·语法·逻辑”三位一体自然正确无错误了。事半功倍加分数!中考英语作文 重视英语逻辑思维写作英语之思路轻视押题,便得高分。
