
  • 2022-09-28


rest. Their experiences of the day and their youthfulness easily draw these people together in happy fellowship.滑雪者可以在这里找到食物、取暖和休息。他们的一天的经验和他们的青春很容易吸引这些人在快乐的交通。


ski helmet 滑雪头盔

ski goggles 滑雪护目镜

ski gloves 滑雪手套

ski poles 滑雪杆

ski boots 滑雪靴

skis 滑雪板



ski resort 滑雪度假村

aid station 救护站

ski lift 上山吊椅

My Virgin Skiing Experience !!I went skiing with my friends on Sunday. It was my very first time to try this super interesting sport. I really enjoyed skiing A LOT, and I think that I have potential!!!

ski field 滑雪场

piste/slope/ski trail 滑雪道

snow mobile 摩托雪橇

冬天到了,我一直就很想滑雪。我的这个愿望终于在寒假里实现了!去滑雪那天,阳光明媚。我和妈妈来到了朝阳公园的滑雪场,我们先到了雪具店 ,租了个滑雪板,我们租了一个小时的。

ski pass 滑雪票

Skiing, or traveling over snow on skis, has a history of almost five millennia. Although modern skiing has evolved from beginnings in Scandinavia。


Let’s go skiing! 我们去滑雪吧!

We’ve arrived at the ski resort. 我们到滑雪度假村了。

Here is your ski pass. 这是你的滑雪票,滑雪英语作文带翻译50字。


This is the rental place. We can rent ski gear here. 这是出租滑雪装备的地方。我们能在这儿借到滑雪装备。

Put on the ski boots and ski gloves. 穿上滑雪靴,戴上滑雪手套。

You also need a helmet to protect your head. 你还需要一个头盔来保护你的头部。

Now we can carry our skis and poles out to the snow. 现在,我们可以拿上滑雪板和滑雪杆走到外面。

I went skiing with my friends on Sunday.It was my very first time to try this super interesting sport.I really enjoyed skiing A LOT,and I think that I have potential!For the entire afternoon。

We need to find a flat area in the snow. 我们需要找一块平坦的雪地。

Here. Set the pair of skis upright and separate them. 这儿。把滑雪板正面朝上放着,然后把它们分开。

Step into your skis until you hear a click. 把靴子踏进你的滑雪板里,直到你听到“咔哒”的声音。

Slide each foot back and forth a little to check that the ski has attached. 每只脚来回晃动下,确认滑雪板固定好了。

To take off a ski,push down the lever behind the boot. 脱下滑雪板的时候,需要按下靴子后面的控制杆。

Yesterday, the weather was good, cloudless. My father and I went to the military are playing Ski Resort. We wear gloves, hats, armed to come to the ski slopes. Ski resort built on a hillside。


There are different ski trails for beginning,intermediate,and expert skiers. 这里有为初学者、中级和专业滑雪者设计的不同雪道。

skiing is healthy. It provides exercise, often very strenuous as the skiers trudge up a mountain path or work their way on skis up a slope of deep snow。

Let’s start from the beginner trail. It’s not very steep. 我们从初级雪道开始吧。它的坡比较平缓。


Let me teach you how to ski. 我来教你滑雪吧,介绍滑雪的英语作文100字。

Point the front tip of your skis together,and form a triangle like this. The wider you spread your skis,the slower you go. This method can help you stop. But never overlap the tips of your skis,or you will easily lose control. 将雪板的前端指向一起,像这样形成一个三角形。你的滑雪板展开的角度越大,你滑得越慢。这个方法可以帮助你停下来。但是永远不要让你的滑雪板的顶端重叠,要不你很容易失去控制。

Bend your knees and lean forward slightly. 弯下膝盖,身体微微往前倾。

Don’t lean back when skiing,or you will lose control. 滑的时候身体不要往后倾斜,要不你会失去控制。

Hold the poles by your sides. You don't need them to ski as a beginner,but they are useful for walking. 把滑雪杆放在身体的两侧。作为一个初学者,你应该不会用到滑雪杆,但是当你走路的时候,你会用到它们。

The Spring Festival is coming. It is myfavourite festival. During the festival, I want to play with my cousinshappily. We both grew up together since childhood, has been to primary school。

Slide down slowly at first. Keep your skis pointed together. Once you reach the bottom,point the skis toward each other and make a wide angle. This will stop you fairly quickly. 刚开始的时候,慢慢往下滑。让滑雪板的前端指向一起。当你到达坡底的时候,让滑雪板的前端靠向彼此,介绍滑雪的英语作文带翻译,形成一个更大的角度。这会让你很快停下来。

Morning, the day it was quite daylight, we drilled out from the bed, ready to pack quickly, you start with our journey. To the ski resort。

To turn,all you have to do is point your feet and your skis in the direction you want to travel. 如果想转弯的话,滑雪英文作文,你需要把你的脚和滑雪板转向你想去的方向。

It will take lots of practice to learn how to ski. 学滑雪需要多加练习。


Be careful not to run into anyone as you ski down. 注意下滑的时候不要撞到别人。

If you are about to crash into a tree or another person,and are a beginner,don't try to swerve,关于滑雪的英语作文70词,as you will probably hit something else. Instead,滑雪英语简单小短文,just fall to your side. 作为一个初学者,如果你马上要撞到一棵树或者一个人,不要尝试转弯,因为你可能会伤到其他人,一次滑雪经历英语作文。你可以侧着倒下去。

Mom bought me a pair of skating shoes at my tenth birthday. From then on, I developed the hobby of skating. It not only makes me stronger and stronger, but also helps me know many truths of life。

It is best to keep a fair amount of distance between you and the skier in front of you. 最好和你前面的滑雪者保持一定的距离。

Can you pick yourself up? Let me help you. 你能自己站起来吗?让我来帮你吧。

Watch out! 小心!

