
  • 童年
  • 2022-09-27


1.out of control 失控

2.complain about 抱怨

3.in low spirits 情绪低落

4.leave it as it is 顺其自然

5.raise awareness 提高认识

6.in face of failure 面对失败

who you?"i pointed at a black-and-white photographs yellowing asked."my son,this is the photo i was a kid,the only photographs of a child!"dad answered."ah!how such like me,ah!"i asked surprised。

7.make further efforts 继续努力

8.overcome the difficulties 克服困难

9.be optimistic about life 对生活乐观

My ChildhoodI’d like to tell you something about my childhood.I had a carefree(无忧无虑的)childhood filled with sunshine and smiles.My parents love me very much。

10.through this experience 通过这次经历

11.take part-time jobs 做兼职工作;打工

12.in favour of square dance支持广场舞

13.run into difficulties and dilemmas


14.through mutual understanding

This time I learned the same ability not only,more important is to understand the only unremitting,to succeed in truth.在寒假里,我经历了许多的事.有伤心事,有新鲜事……在我记忆中最深刻的,还是那件事了。


15.turn our dream into reality


Unlike most of the children,my childhood was free from care for my parents never and ever forced me to do something.Therefore,I had a lot of time to do what I wanted。

16.shoulder the burden of


17.thanks to her selfless devotion


18.get out of the shadow of 走出……的阴影

19.repay with practical actions


20.take a positive attitude toward life


Ⅱ. 佳句背诵

1.Life is not easy. So we should learn to be grateful.


2.As an old saying goes,&39;The early bird will catch worms&39;.


My Chilhood(我的童年)Although l am a senior high school student,my chilhood always stay in my mind for good.During my chilhood , l almost played games with my friends every day.We went fishing。

Childhood always wonderful, unfathomable; Childhood is always happy, full of humour and wit; Childhood always exciting, surprises; Childhood is always clean and pure, YuZhuo ice; But, looking back。

3.Some people regard opportunity as the most important way to success.


4.The most important thing you should do is learn the lesson from this failure.


5.With some useful talent,you will make your contributions to this society.


6.If you believe that there must be a use for my talent,you will succeed.


7.In my opinion,大一英语作文童年记忆带翻译,although study is vital,some relaxation is also necessary.


8.I&39;re interested in learning more about the healthy lifestyles of our locals.


9.The moment I see the lovely toys made by this old man,I will remember the happy childhood.


10.In short,the saying shows us the important of planning,working hard and constantly trying.


In my childhood,filled with a lot of interesting young Fun,will not help laughing sometimes question that all of us should ask.One thing that made me worry a new memory。

Ⅲ. 语段背诵

在五彩缤纷的世界里,童年是欢乐的,童年是无忌的,童年是……每个人都有一个属于自己的童年,我的童年是幼稚的,关于童年的英语作文。 我6岁时,我去外婆家玩,那是的我天真幼稚。听大人们说,坐飞机能在蓝天遨游,逍遥自在。于是。

In modern times,many people don’t live a healthy lifestyle due to different reasons. In my judgement,we should have a balanced diet and play sports regularly to keep physically healthy. Besides,we should take a positive attitude towards people around us so that we can keep mentally healthy. Furthermore,I strongly advise that we should never sit too long in front of a computer because it is bad for our health.



注意:1. 词数80左右,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2.可以适当增加细节,写自己小时候的样子英语作文,以使行文连贯,童年趣事英语作文50字带翻译。

Childhood My childhood has gone and can never come back.Yet I still cannot forget the happy clay figures when I was a little boy and was a prince in the family.My family was not rich。

Dear Amily。

Ilive with my parents and my grandmother. My grandmother is a kind elderlypeople. She likes talking and she always tells me stories of hers, my father’sand mine. She is full filled with memories。


Li Hua

Dear Amily,童年经历英语作文80词。

I&39;re interested in learning more about the healthy lifestyles of our locals. I'd like to take my grandfather and my own lifestyle as an example.

My grandfather,70 years old,still keeps the habit of getting up at 6 a.m. and doing farm work every day. As for me,I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit every day,and occasionally go out with my friends to play to relieve the pressure of study. Personally,although education is vital,some relaxation is also necessary.

I wish you good health and may you be happy every day.


Li Hua
