
  • 端午节
  • 2022-09-27

时事热点 作文打卡7 弘扬传统文化

端午节作文 篇1 再过几天端午节就要到了,你想知道我家乡的端午节是怎么过的吗?那就跟我一起去看看吧! 在我们家,奶奶每次总是提前两天就要包粽子。她先把早就采来的粽叶放在清水里面浸泡。


1.清明节(Qingming Festival)是中国的传统节日之一,习俗甚多。请你根据图片信息介绍清明节并描述今年祭祖方式的变化,并就这些改变简单阐述你的观点(至少两点)。


1. 词数100 左右;

2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名字;

端午节 的作文200字(一) 每年农历的五月初五,这天人们都要过端午节。端午节时人们都要采艾蒿,吃粽子,来庆祝节日。早晨,我正在熟睡中,奶奶忽然叫我起床说:“大孙子,起床了,咱们一起去采艾蒿。

3. 文章应包括以上图片的所有信息,语言通顺,意思连贯;书写规范。


As a most important day of sacrifice,Qingming Festival is a day of sadness and happiness.

Qingming Festival is a festival when people worship ancestors. On each Qingming Festival,all graveyards are crowded with people who come to do tomb-sweeping and offer sacrifices in memory of their ancestors. In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweeps,people also enjoy the hope of Spring on this day. It is a time when people go on family outings,planting trees,singing and playing on the swing. Another popular thing to do is to fly kites in the shapes of animals of characters from Chinese opera.

But this year,the way of ancestor worship has changed. Network ancestor worship is welcomed by people. It saves resources and protects the environment. It also inherits civilization. At the same time,it has strong applicability and convenience.




提示:1. 时间:一月二十日下午两点。2. 地点:学校操场。3. 内容:文化展览,黄梅戏戏曲表演。

提示词:黄梅戏 Huangmei Opera;表演 performance


Li Hua


Dear Jack,端午节作文150字三年级。

I know you are interested in Chinese traditional culture,especially Huangmei Opera in our hometown. Huangmei Opera is the symbol of my hometown.

Now,端午节作文150字左右三年级,I have a piece of good news to share with you. There is an activity about Chinese traditional operas at 2:00 p.m. on January 20th. It will be held on the playground in our school and all the teachers and students will attend. On that day,a culture show and many Huangmei Opera performances will be put on. It’s a chance for you to learn more about Chinese traditional culture and Huangmei Opera. Come and join us! I think we’ll have a great time.

I’m looking forward to your early reply.



Li Hua

3.假设你是李华,端午节说明文150字,你们学校将举行“中国传统文化节”(Chinese Traditional Culture Festival)活动。届时活动会同步进行网络直播,你打算邀请你的外国朋友Peter观看。请你根据以下提示,用英文给他写一封电子邮件。(提示词语:表演performance汉服秀Hanfu show)

端午节的作文 篇1 今天是端午节,太阳公公露出了久违的笑脸。一大早,我们全家人坐在一起吃粽子,纪念爱国诗人屈原。 爸爸说:“儿子,你知道屈原是谁吗?”我说:“我只知道他是一位诗人。”爸爸说:“屈原是中国古代楚国的大夫。


1. 时间:4月30日下午2-5点;

2. 直播网址:;

3. 活动内容:京剧表演、武术表演、汉服秀等;

4. 你想告知他的其他内容。


1. 80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数内;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;

3. 可适当增加细节,以使条理清楚、行文连贯;

4. 标点正确,书面整洁。

Li Hua


端午节作文300字1 阳光如同天的炉火,燃烧起五月的天地,空气中弥漫着红枣、豆沙、蛋黄和竹叶的清香。哦!而一年一度的端午节又来临了。 夏日的上海,充满着浪漫的色彩。端午之夜,河边两岸星光点点,我们漫步在岸堤旁。

Dear Peter。

How is everything going with you? There will be a “Chinese Traditional Culture Festival” in our school on April 30th. It will last for three hours from 2: 00 pm to 5: 00 pm. There will be Beijing Opera performances. A master will be invited to play Wushu,and I expect it very much. What’s more,some students will put on a Hanfu show. You can find more details from the picture below. All the activities will be put online at the same time. You can enjoy them at . It’s a good chance for you to learn more about Chinese culture.

I hope you will enjoy it online then.


Li Hua





It is acknowledged that China is a country with a variety of traditional festivals. The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of them. It’s a day to spend with our families.

The festival is celebrated on August 15th in Chinese lunar calendar in China every year. There are many popular activities at this festival. For example,people will admire the moon together. During this festival,端午节作文大全,people also like to eat some traditional food,such as the mooncakes that are like a full moon. We also enjoy a big meal with our families. What’s more,it’s also a time to enjoy a bright and round moon with all the relatives.

Now the Mid-Autumn Festival is a legal holiday in China. On that day,everyone will rest and will be reunited with their families to celebrate the festival.

I think Chinese traditional culture is worth learning all our life. We should learn more about traditional culture. We should tell children some stories of traditional culture from childhood so that they can understand traditional culture from childhood.

5.中国是一个历史悠久的国家,承载着丰富的文化。而传统节日恰恰是文化不可或缺的重要组成部分。我们有着各种各样多姿多彩的传统节日,请以Traditional Festivals in China为题,介绍中国的传统节日,要求介绍一至两个。词数120词左右,不得多于150词。(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。)


Traditional Festivals in China

There are many traditional festivals in China. The most important one is the Spring Festival. It is between January and February. Before the festival,we clean our houses and sweep away bad luck. Then we decorate the doors and windows with paper cutting. We also buy new clothes and shoes and everyone has a haircut. When the day comes,we put on new clothes and shoes. Children usually get lucky money. We visit our relatives and friends. We eat dumplings and have a big dinner together. But we don’t clean the house for a few days in order not to sweep away good luck. The Spring Festival lasts 15 days. We usually have a good time and rest during that time.


到最后我相信你已经知道这是什么了节日,不用我揭晓你也知道,在快到端午节了,我真期盼它的到来。 端午节作文400字左右2 五月初五端午节,是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原的节日。 一大早。


Do you like celebrating these festivals in a traditional way or a new way?

Share an unforgettable experience of celebrating a traditional festival.

How can you let more foreigners know about traditional Chinese festival?


1. 词数不少于 80 词。

2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名,端午节日记150字左右。

When the traditional festival comes,everyone is excited about it. The meaning of the festivals is remembered by the old generation,but some young people may not know it. I think it is also good to celebrate a traditional festival in a new way.

This Mid-autumn Day,a student in my class shot a video to ask some old people something about Mid-autumn festival. Another student shared some TV series telling about the myth of Hou Yi and his wife. I leaned many Chinese myths and legends from the shows. Not only did we enjoy the festival,but we learned the cultural background.

More and more foreigners are interested in Chinese traditional festivals. We can teach them famous great old poems related to these festivals,sharing some old stories and legends with them. At the same time,we can introduce some great movies and videos to them. They can know about Chinese festivals in more interesting ways.

端午节作文 1 “节分端午自谁言,万古传闻为屈原。堪笑楚江空渺渺,不能洗得直臣冤。”这一诗是唐代诗人文秀写的《端午》。 端午节是我们汉族的传统节日,我们学校迎端午的活动就在今天下午举行。下午,我一来到校园。

7.油纸伞(oilpaper umbrella)作为中国传统艺术形式之一,现在得到了越来越多的关注,常常被用于各种节日与庆典中。假如你是李华,端午节小片段150字, 得知英语周报就“做传统文化的守护人”为主题举行英语征文活动,你准备投稿。请简要介绍油纸伞的现状,并结合以下表格信息描述油纸伞,同时号召同学们从现在做起,加入到保护中国传统文化(Traditional Chinese Culture)的行列中来。



1、字迹工整,结构清晰, 80—100词;




Keep Oilpaper Umbrella Alive

As we all know,Oilpaper umbrellas,as one of the traditional Chinese art forms,have attracted more and more attention. They are often used in festivals and celebrations. We should keep Oilpaper Umbrella alive.

Oilpaper umbrellas have a history of 1,000 years. They are usually made of oiled paper and bamboo by hand. Oil-paper umbrellas have many kinds of colors. The patterns on it are usually flowers,birds and so on. They look very beautiful. These show people’s wishes for good luck and a good life.

From now on,we should join in protecting Traditional Chinese Culture.

8.中国各地都有自己独特的传统艺术形式。中国结是中国特有的传统艺术,请根据以下提示,以“A Special Art of China—Chinese Knots”为题写一篇短文。

用途过去用于记录事件;现在用于节日和其他庆典; 春节期间,人们在屋里悬挂;




1. 条理清楚,语言通畅。

2. 短文应包括以上要点,可适当发挥。


3. 词数不少于80词。文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

record v. 记录,hang v. 悬挂,be famous,used to,a symbol of,be made of


A Special Art of China—Chinese Knots

Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art. Chinese knots are a special traditional art of China. They are famous around the world. They are made by hand and have been formed for thousands of years. They are invented by accident. Chinese knots are colorful and beautiful. Red is used the most widely. In China,red is usually a symbol of good luck and prosperity. In the past,people used to record events with them,but now they are used at festivals and other celebrations. During the Spring Festival,people enjoy hanging the Chinese knots in rooms. In our daily life,girls like tying the Chinese knots and their phones or keys together. Nowadays,端午节作文250字,Chinese knots are here and there in China. And they are becoming more and more popular in the world.


9.假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Mike对中国传统文化很感兴趣,尤其是中国的传统节日。请你向他介绍一个你认为最有意义的中国传统节日并说说你过这节日的感受。节日介绍至少包括以下要点:When is it? How to celebrate? What do people usually do?


1. 语句通顺,时态正确;表达准确,有完整的书信格式;

2. 100词左右;

3. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。

提示词汇:重阳节Double Ninth Festival端午节Dragon Boat Festival元宵节Lantern Festival春节the Spring Festival中秋节the Mid-Autumn Festival 农历Chinese lunar calendar


Dear Mike。

I’m glad to learn that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals and I want to introduce my favorite festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival usually comes in September or October. On that day,family members usually get together and have a big meal. After that,we always admire the moon and share mooncakes with family members. I love this festival because I like eating mooncakes. More importantly,the reunion of family can make us feel love,peace and gratitude. In short,the Mid-Autumn Festival is a day of pleasure and happiness. I hope that my email will help you learn about Chinese festivals.


Li Hua





The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in our country which has about 2000 years of history.It’s celebrated to honor the great poet Qu Yuan. On that day,people often get together with family to eat zongzi and other delicious food. People in southern parts of China usually have the Dragon Boat races. It’s very exciting. Besides,we also have 3-day holiday during the festival. So we can have a short trip to relax ourselves.

How interesting the Dragon Boat Festival is and I like it a lot.
