
  • 2025-01-29

Once upon a time,there was a humble rabbit who had very good manners. One day,he went to a farm to eat some vegetables. When his stomach was full he thought of leaving. Unexpectedly,he met a fox.


小白兔带给我们无限的快乐,我们每天都带它下去玩儿,看着它蹦蹦跳跳、高高兴兴地吃着青草,我们开心极了。现在,它就像我们家庭的一员,每天和我们快乐相伴!有关兔子英语作文2:In my home, with a cute little rabbit。

My favorite little animal is little white rabbit.我最喜欢的小动物那就是小白兔。It is a pure white body, a pair of sapphire like eyes, two long ears, as if listening to a little bit at home。

The fox was on his way back to the forest. In fact,he tried to steal a chicken but in vain.

move slightly.How cute it is!小白兔全身盖一层雪白的毛.两只耳朵很长,直立在头上.它长着一身柔软的毛,瞪着l双红眼睛.眼睛像1对红色的小灯泡,见到阳光时就微微眯起;耳朵长而直竖,有时还会微微转动。


我的小兔子 One day,my mother bought two little rabbits for me.I'm very happy.有一天,妈妈给我买了两只小兔子,我非常高兴!From that on,the two little rabbits became my good friends。

Rabbit is an cute kind of amimals.It has two long ears.They can make rabbits hear carefully.It also has a short tail.They make rabbits so lovely.Rabbits likes carrots.If you are lonely。


move slightly.How cute it is!小白兔全身盖一层雪白的毛.两只耳朵很长,直立在头上.它长着一身柔软的毛,瞪着l双红眼睛.眼睛像1对红色的小灯泡,见到阳光时就微微眯起;耳朵长而直竖,有时还会微微转动。

He was starving! When the rabbit saw the fox,he was very frightened. He swiftly ran to a cave. Nevertheless,介绍兔子的英语作文简单,he felt that without permission he should not enter anyone's home.

They make rabbits so lovely.Rabbits likes carrots.If you are lonely.You can keep a rabbit.It can be your friends.【摘要】描写小兔子的英语作文,最多40词,建议30词左右。

move slightly.How cute it is!小白兔全身盖一层雪白的毛.两只耳朵很长,直立在头上.它长着一身柔软的毛,瞪着l双红眼睛.眼睛像1对红色的小灯泡,见到阳光时就微微眯起;耳朵长而直竖,有时还会微微转动。

它肚子饿极了. 兔子见到狐狸,心里一惊,连忙飞快地跑向一个山洞.它知 道未经许可不能随便进入别人的地方,用英语介绍兔子的特点 简短,"

I shall greet the cave before I go in,he thought. Thus,he said politely,&34; The big snake inside was so pleased to hear the voice of the rabbit that he said,"

¨应当先跟山洞打个招呼,小白兔简短介绍英语五句话,&34; 洞里的蛇听出这是兔子的声音,真是喜出望外,关于兔子的英语作文带翻译,便回应道:

Hurry up and come in&34;Excuse me,&34;I think my mother is waiting for me at home. Farewell now " The rabbit swiftly turned and dashed off.

¨欢迎!快进来吧! 兔子一听声音就知道洞里是谁了. ¨请原谅,关于兔子的英语作文,¨兔子说,¨我想我妈妈还在家里等我呢!再见!¨ 兔子一拔腿,my favorite animal兔子作文,便跑得不见踪影.

介绍小兔子的英语作文 篇1 I have two lovely rabbits. Each of them has got a round head,round eyes,long ears, short legs and a small tail.One is white, and the other is brown。

The big snake curled himself up in the cave,feeling very frustrated He said. &39;t have answered him at all "

